
So mortal's everyday lives are like this? Not bad at all...: part 2

She drove into a parking lot and we stepped out of the vehicle and headed into a hotel. In the lobby, there were a lot of people; the place  was just busy and I did not feel comfortable being there. There were thoughts flooding into my mind. Ashley must have noticed because she said "We didn't come here to have you read people's minds you know."

"But the people aren't closing their minds-" "because they don't even know that you're there" and she turned her attention to the person she was talking to before and I returned to my mind reading. Just as I was starting to enjoy it, I heard a voice say "I see you brother, preying on the weak… father would be very disappointed in his cupid." I felt fear creeping into me. I looked around for the source but I couldn't find it. I kept turning hoping to see the familiar face that is Romeo's.  I could sense his presence but I couldn't see him. When she finally turned to me, she took my hand and I felt her warmth seep into me, then it hit me; maybe he was here for her and if that was so, I wouldn't let him get to her. "We need to leave this place" I said shaking. "Why, what's wrong?"

I think someone dangerous may be after us"

"Someone dangerous like who?"

"Maybe someone from my world, people from Krodelia are not friendly"


I'm serious"

So am I" she said squeezing my hand "if someone was here for us, why would they announce their presence instead of taking us off guard?"

That kind of made sense. Romeo would want to see me in anguish, he wouldn't be trying mind games because he doesn't have a mind.

"Close your mind, trust me it's going to feel better." Without arguing, I pulled back my mental links and all the voices quieted down. All I could hear were the shuffling of people's feet and murmuring's all around me. She held my hand and looked into my eyes. I could feel her warmth seeping into me and in that moment, I felt like nothing would ever go wrong. "Come on" she said pulling me towards an elevator. I had never been in one so when it took us up I almost vomited when we got to the top. The doors opened and we walked out. I could swear I saw the hall way spinning. We arrived at a door with the number 303 on it. Before she could knock, a woman opened it and walked out.

This was not just any woman; ever heard of the elves from The Hobbit? Well I was looking at one only this one did not have the elf ears. "Wow, you know when you said you were coming to get me I figured you were just bluffing" she said without looking at us. After locking her door, she turned and I took in her beauty; long brown hair, brown eyes, a long neck and really nice and soft looking shoulders. Her waist was like that of a wasp and then followed by exquisite curves moderate thighs and tiny feet. She was wearing a red tight dress which showed her irresistible body features. Looking at her, I could understand why men would opt for pleasures of the flesh, mean who could resist that, except for me of course.

The whole time she was looking at me with the look that people give to a very mouthwatering meal. I let out an awkward cough which made her snap out of whatever trance she was in. "This is Kyle," said Ashley to the woman "The kid I told you about." "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance" she said reaching out her hand for a hand shake. I wanted to shake her hand but with my hand having an odd texture I didn't know if I should. As if she could tell I was having an inner conflict, "it's okay, you can shake her hand." Reluctantly, I did and she gasped. "His hands are really soft." was her comment. "and that's why I came to get you," said Ashley who was not slightly taken aback by the woman's comment "you're good with shopping and he will be attending your school so I figured you would want to pride yourself with making him look as presentable as possible." I looked into her mind and got her name; Barbra. I did not say it out loud, mean that would have freaked her out and she was already looking at me with her freakish eyes.

"So shall we head out?" said Ashley heading for the elevator. When we were all in the doors closed and it moved down. We got to the shops in no time. I noticed that everyone in the shop was looking at me. I didn't dare open my thoughts, I was not ready for the terrors lying in wait. Just as if the attention was not enough, two female assistants in the shop came to us and asked if we would like some help with our shopping. "Ahh," said Ashley. Knowing their intentions, I was about to tell Ashley that we did not need any help when Barbara said "Sure thing, we would love some help" and they smiled. "So are you guys looking for some lady clothes?" one of them asked on purpose. "No," said Ashley absent mindedly, "We are here for my son's shopping." She said pointing at me. "He's your son?" they both asked surprised. Ignoring them she continued, "He likes leather clothing" she said turning towards me only to find that I was no longer there. I was looking through a shelf of some leather sneakers. I touched a white pair as the assistants caught up to me. "You fancy white?" asked the shorter one of the two.

"Not really, I'm more into black" I said picking up a pair of black leather sneakers labelled All Star. I felt the rough texture. "Try them on" said Barbara.

"I can do that?"

"Of course" she smiled encouragingly.

I tried them on and they fit me perfectly. I felt the comfort in them, their weight… they just felt right. "I like them" I said with a smile. "I will take a pair I said to one of the assistants. "Make that six please" corrected Ashley. I looked at her with one eyebrow up. I dropped it when she gave me the 'what?' look. Next we went to the clothes section. I went through some Gucci t-shirts and picked three black ones, then I scourged for some black and gold Versace t-shirts and others with dragon drawings on them. The theme color was black and I was liking it. By the time we moved to the section where I was to pick some trousers one trolley was full of shoes and t-shirts. I looked at Ashley but she encouraged me to continue. I picked out some leather pants and jackets to match. "You should take some gloves too" suggested Barbara "they will help cover up your soft leathery hands." I went on picking some gloves although I didn't think I would be wearing them. When we were done with the shopping we went for some lunch at one of Barbara's favorite coffee shop. "So my first time shopping was quite interesting" I said with a mouthful of tomato sauce coated fries. I was starting to enjoy the food that humans ate although I still didn't understand why I was allergic to garlic and all colored peppers. "Wait," said Barbara with a spoon of ice cream halfway to her mouth "that was your fist time?" and I nodded as I swallowed my fries. "Wow! We will have to take you shopping even more then, right Ash?" said a smiling Barbara. "Yeah" said Ashley with a distracted tone. Barbara looked up at her from her cup with a questioning look. Without looking away from my fries I asked "Is he home yet?" which made Ashley blush and for the first time since we had entered the coffee shop, she looked away from her phone. "Yes"

"We should go then; I can't wait to meet him"

"Bryce is back?" asked Barbara who had been left out of the conversation. I nodded and she smiled. "You guys can go; I will pay for lunch." She said.