

In his eyes the world was disgusting,  full of cawards with people who are wearing masks,  never doing what  they want or saying what they want or when , living a life full of lies.

Lies Lies Lies  , one of the thing he hated the most .

This is why the people who know him in the city nearby called him weird,  crazy

He had a great sense to recognise peoples Lies and if someone was trying to lie  to him or be not what he or she is and is just acting he was just severing the relationship they had small or not  without second thought  .

But these people they never really knew anything about him .

There was a small shop in the village wich was a few miles away from his house .Usually , that was one of his training sessions , to reach there for less time than the last .Without pushing to hard easily taken for 10 minutes.

Comper  to professional athletes they will need   almost three times longer to reach the same miles.

That is speaking  enough for his inhuman training that his undergoing every day,  for years . His body was already not that of a athlete it was beyond.

Standing  in front of the shop , wich was named Ren's he was buying his usual. Done with the choosing,  he went to pay , where  was waiting  , 21 years old girl named Ren , who is taking  care of the shop all the time . She was beautiful young girl , with brown hair  , green eyes  and slender body  , and white skin .

It was not like he never noticed her presence but rather he was afraid , first  for involving her in his life and second,  for distracting his mind from his objection.