
Fallen for the kim brothers

In the world where everything in a gold plate, the only thing I couldn't have? Love the only thing that I hope to have and I'll gladly trade for a chance of love. So what happens when I found them in two complete opposite.

Ephipanians · Celebrities
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9 Chs

Fck Boy

I heard a voice speak, that familiar voice.


He smiles politely,'' I know this might sound embarrassing, but I have forgotten to bring a pen on the first day of school… is it alright if I borrow yours?''

Looking at him, I nod my head, and I opened up my pencil case and rummage inside for a spare pen for him to use.

Finding one I look back at him and see that he was staring. He was looking at me, and I couldn't help to feel my heart stop for a moment.

He was so gentle and very polite and a little bit sassy, his sarcastic laugh and his witty personality, he was the kind of person who makes jokes and then apologized if it's too weird or to mean and then think about his action afterwards.

''Uh… the pen?'' snapping myself of out it, I look at him blushing shade of red, and it crept its way to my cheeks, and I hand him the pen, he bows a little and starts using the pen. I still couldn't help to think that the laughing maniac in the convenient store was the same guy who was sitting beside you ever so calmly.

''Right the pen… make sure you give it back later.'' Telling him that it's not like it's precious or something and just because I live in a wealthy family doesn't mean that I'll buy a new one. Because money doesn't grow on trees, I intend not to waste money.

He looks at me and smirks,'; you sure you only want your pen back?''

Taken aback with what he had said, I look at him questioningly as I cross my arms.

'What's that supposed to mean, Kim?'

He scoffs at me as he sassily crosses his arms as I did.

''Well for once, I thought that we are friends enough to call each other names –'' he smiles as he wrote down something in his book before focusing on talking again –'' besides I think I might have stolen your heart on the convenience store… I was that handsome, huh?'

This guy sure had the guts, I glare at him, and he laughs, and I sigh as I found another sarcastic kid and I look at my book back not wanting to start another conversation.

As he looks at me, his smiling face started to drop, and he seems concerned he looks at the teacher checking if he could start talking again.

''I'm sorry was I too much?'' he pokes my arms, but I didn't budge, I should ignore the kid he might be one of those arrogant kids I so used to go on a date, rolling my eyes I couldn't help to feel like Seokjin will be like one of those sarcastic and annoying rich kids.

So I do what I do best, I ignore him.

''Hey? Are you mad?''

''You're not answering, huh? I'm sorry if I hurt you with words, please forgive me.''

But silence, I didn't answer him at all not wanting to give in.

''Okay… I guess you don't want to talk to me, and I must be that annoying, huh?'' After that, nothing.

All the poking and the constant pleads to stop, I almost felt so bad for not talking back, but I also didn't want a sarcastic and arrogant boy in my sleeves, I already had enough of them. The boys, father, and my 'dates' are already enough.

Soon enough, the bell had rung and cleared my stuff to the next class.

''Hey, Soojin I'm going to head to my next class first, I need to give in my letter to the competition.'' I smile at her and nod.

''Your piano competition?'' I asked as she nods her head excitingly,'' yeah! Wish me luck I can get in the tutoring.'

I hug her as she hacks back,'' you'll do great Heeyoung who could beat you? You're a musical genius!'' she laughs and takes her belongings as she walks first, not forgetting to say goodbye. I also pick up my belongings as I headed out of the room before I stopped. When someone was blocking my way, I was ready to give them a lifetime of nagging when I look up to see someone familiar.

It was Seokjin, and he was awkwardly rubbing his neck as he hands me something.

Right the pen he had borrowed, I took it, and he bowed down and went outside without a peep.

I sigh at it, was I too hard on him?

What's going on with you Soojin, mentally scolding myself, he was trying to joke around, and you got into your usual judgemental self and started to compare him with the hooligans your father use to set you up.

From the first moment, I saw him. He was never like those people; he was laughing and was being a gentleman had offered you a selection of stuff. He was kind enough to ask, as arrogant as he was he didn't sound like the people your father had to send you to date, he was sure witty, but he was trying to be careful with his words, and he even looks so sorry.

So I was quick enough to judge the guy without even thinking, gosh what would my brothers said if I had done that to a human being.

Sulking a bit, I walk to the next class, which is history.

The rest of the day went, and it was time to go home, walking outside the school, someone had to grab your arms, you look at your left to see that Sua was walking beside me.

''Soojin! Aren't you supposed to be in drama club right now?'' she asked, but I shake my head.

''Not today… my brother is picking me up for an important dinner, and I already told Hyunjin sunbae that I would not be joining today,'' I told her as she nods her head.

''Heeyoung told me… another date, huh?'' she asked sadly, as I look at her smiling and nod.

''Alright tell me if he's a dick…'' you smile to her and hugs her.

''Gosh what am I going to do to without you girls…' she laughs.

''We'll always have your back, alright?''

A sudden honk erupts the place, and I over to see my brother, who was fashionable as always as my classmates erupted in squeals, and I roll my eyes at my brother who was enjoying it.

You wave her goodbye and start to walk to your brother direction and grab him in his ears.

''Ah...AH! Yoo Soojin, not the ear! Not the ear!'' as I drag him to the car.

We went inside the car, and my brother walks to the other side, I opened the other door, and I felt a burning gaze behind my back. I shrug it off as I went inside the car. Sitting down, I couldn't help to think about the person who manages to invade my mind all day.

I'm sorry.