
Fallen Fate Online

Fate has long been something magical, almost non-existent, but praised by many as the greatest power capable of anything. Zayne has always lived hard, in poverty, and seemingly innumerable problems following him. However, with the launch of the first virtual reality game - Fallen Fate Online - his life began to change beyond recognition. It was a shock to the whole world. For many, the seemingly normal game became almost a second life, causing massive changes for everyone. Zayne had never been on good terms with luck, let alone fate, and he had no experience in games, but somehow he became the one for whom fate was an ally as he rose to heights, unavailable to anyone before. Fate is in our hands.

Arlemit · Games
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265 Chs

Unequal Combat

Fighting against large and strong opponents was difficult, as all attacks against them were not as effective as before. However, the large opponents had one significant disadvantage, they were rather sluggish.

This was exactly what Toruf was facing right now. He saw what Zayne was doing, but since he realized it too late, he simply didn't have enough time to react.

'No, if he freezes me, even for a second, he'll definitely win! I can't lose like this!" Toruf inwardly exclaimed, looking at his back being covered in a thin layer of ice.

Then, Toruf took a deep breath, and exhaled sharply, filling his body with power. Waves of energy traveled through his thick hide, red threads covering the entire area.

At the same moment, a flaming cross collided with Toruf, smashing into his massive body and allowing the blue fire to engulf him.