

The demon king and his family were killed in the carnage that took place at the demon castle, but the demon king's son "Leo moonlight" unexpectedly survived. "You awful demigods I'm going to murder you all. All of you demigods are going to be killed by me. I'm going to kill you and take away your memory from this world. And you, ######, are going to be destroyed too. Just wait for me, you bastards. I'm heading your way." This is the tale of "Leo Moonlight," a demon prince who intends to tread the blood road in order to exact revenge on his former love. He developed into a merciless being and will devour the world without mercy.

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18 Chs

Act 4

(After 3 months at night.)

Surprisingly, I lived for 3 months. I didn't think I would live this long, but everything has an expiration date, and I think today is mine. 

"Don't cry, little brother. "It's not your fault that I'm in this situation." I was the one who hid this from you. "I did not want to tell you because the only family that is left with you will leave you soon, and if you had known that, then you couldn't concentrate on your training, and I don't want to make you worry about me." I tried to console my little brother, who is crying next to me while I'm lying on the ground...on the edge of dying.

"But big brother Luther, if... if you had told me, then we could figure out together how to heal you from your internal injuries... You didn't have to hide it from me.

"Don't worry, brother, I am joyful that I spent these 3 months with you."

"And look how much you have grown now." You are a lot stronger than before. And I'm going to where mother, father, and our little sister were. So it's fine, and don't forget we will be watching over you from the other side."

"Pl., please, brother, don't say that." Don't leave me alone." "I have only you left. If you leave, what will happen to me?" "Please don't leave."

"Look, brother, I don't have a choice."

*Cough* cough* 

Big Brother Luther again vomited a mouthful of blood.

"Big Brother!?"

"Listen Leo I don't have much time left, so... list carefully and listen carefully, as you know how our family ends up this way...

"You can't let those bastards live peacefully... you have to make them suffer more than our family has suffered... because of them, our mother, father, and Luna, who didn't even see this world with her eye and who was not even a year old, died at those bastards' hands... you have to make them pay."

"But right now you are not that strong to face them, and our so-called uncle is stronger than those demigods humans, so you have to be careful and be stronger than anyone." "In this world where strong people rule and weak people have to obey them, you have to be a lot stronger and make those strong people obey you." You have to be at the top of the food chain.

"Don't let anyone look down upon you, and don't let anyone crush you." For you to do that, you have to be strong. And for you to be strong, you have to meet my teacher. He is the only person I respect most after my father and mother. He is an ex-commander of our demon army. I don't know his exact location, but I know where you can find him. Go to the North American continent and you will find a "KASTLOR" dynasty. So you can look over for him at that place."

I didn't say anything; I was just listening to my brother's words blankly. I don't know how I will live from now on... without my family by my side... and I can't send off my brother while crying like this... I have to send him away happily.

"Okay, brother I understand... I will find him, and I will be strong. I won't let anyone look down on me. I will be at the top of the food chain. "I will crush anyone who crosses my path." I won't show mercy to anyone...

"Good. Oh, and take my sword as a parting gift. "Now, my little brother, why don't you give me a hug and a sweet smile?" "I wanna feel you're warm and see your lovely smile for the last time."

When big brother said that, I gave him a tight hug and a smile while tears fell from my eyes.

"Thank ....you....little...broth...!!!!!".

After shortly, my brother closes his eyes, lying lifelessly in my arm.


"Ha..ha..ha.. I..I..I Am GONNA KILL ALL OF YOU Fuckers." Leo yelled out in the middle of the forest.


When my brother left this world, I felt like my whole world had fallen on me. The only hope I had now is gone. The only family I had left me all alone. I didn't even spend much time with him...I wanted us to live with him side by side... I wanted to know more about him, but...

"Leo, it's not the time to cry like this." "Pull yourself together." I tried to hold myself from falling apart. It hurts like hell when you see your family lying on the ground lifelessly, and you can't do anything except cry.

"I have to hold myself; I can't fall like this... I have work to do. I can't let those bastards have their peace. I have to make them suffer. "Just you fuckers wait for me."

After crying for a while, I didn't realize that I had fallen asleep next to my brother's grave.


(Next Morning)

"Brother, I'm leaving now... I hope you guys are doing fine on the other side. Brother, I'm going to find your teacher and be a lot stronger, so please watch over me. I bid farewell to my brother, bowed at his grave, and left.

Now I'm going to the northern continent... After that, I will search for the demigods. I will let you have your peace for a few years, so you'd better spend lots of time with your family, because when I come to you, you're all going to die, demigods.


When I'm about to exit the forest, I hear people talking around, so I hide in the bushes.

When I peeked out to look around from the bushes, I saw a total of ten muscular humans chattering.

"Hmm, it looks like they are wealthy." "Look how many gold and silver coins they had."

"Yeah, we're going to be filthy rich." Hahaha.

"Well, they are from a noble family, so, of course, they will be rich."


"Hmm, where is this baby crying from?" A muscular man with a big axe went to the broken carriage.

"Oh my, they hide their child inside the box." Haha, you damn nobles tried to hide your child from us.

"Hmm, so what are you going to do with this child leader, Edric?"

"I'm going to send this baby to where its parents were."

"Haha, I knew you were going to say that. You are a really merciless leader."

When the leader Edric was about to kill the baby, all of a sudden he heard his companion scream.


"What the—?" "What's going on?"

"Who are you?" "How dare you hurt my man?"

I don't want to get involved in this matter. I don't know what happened when I was hiding in the bushes, but when I saw the baby in the hand of the bandit leader, suddenly my body moved, and before I realized what happened, I had already cut off the head of the one bandit.

"I said, how are you?" "How the hell did a kid kill my man?" I can see the confusion and disbelief on the bandit leader's face, but without minding that, I dashed toward another bandit.

"Damn you, kid, don't come near." I didn't let the bandit complete his sentence because I had already cut his throat.

"Damn you, kid, you're looking down on us. Bandit, I'll kill you the way I killed this Noble's.

I did not say a word and went straight to the remaining bandits. When they saw I was coming their way, they started to attack me with magic and weapons. But I was faster than their magic and the weapons they swung at me.



"No leader save...."

I did not let anyone escape, nor did I stop Unit.

And the leader of the bandit was left.

"How dare you kill my man?" The bandit leader throws the baby on the ground. When I see that, I become more angry and go on a rampage, and I slash every part of the bandit leader.

With a thud, the bandit leader fell to the ground.

"How... can a mere kid be this strong?"

I again stabbed my sword in the bandit leader's throat.

When all the bandits died, I went to see the baby that was on the ground crying. And I pick up the baby in my arms.

"Sorry... but your family doesn't live anymore." When I checked the presents for the baby, they had already died.

"So let's give a rightful funeral to your parents."

After that, I buried the mother and father of the baby. I don't know who they were or where they came from, so I don't know what to do with this baby.

"Oh, you are a girl, huh!?" "Well, I don't know your hometown, so I don't know what to do with you." When I see these baby-red innocent eyes,... It reminds me of... my little sister.

"I can't leave you here, so why don't you come with me?" When I say..that the baby garbed my fingers and smiled sweetly... I was dazed when I saw those smiles.

"So if you are coming with me, then why don't I give you a name?" Your eyes exactly look like those of my little sister, and you remind me quite a lot of her. So why don't I call you Luna? The baby giggled when I gave her a name.

"I thought I was going to be alone in this world, but it looks like that's not the case... "Luna, did you come back to your brother's side?" I muttered... while looking at the little girl that was on my arm.