
Fallen Deep

College is all fun and games until life hits Witchit like a brick wall.

Lylith31 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 2

 Most of the time I've spent with Mo and Jerry started to die down when Jerry finally 'announced his relationship with Tee' (I saw that coming) Mo seemed to have a new girl every day too.

As for me well, I finally got that tattoo I've been wanting a mini storm trooper on my inner thigh, I love it and yes it hurt like hell but totally worth it.

Dave is the best! I've gone to him for all my work over the past ten years, still remembering his words.

"So, who hurt you now," he smiled, he knows more about me than Jerry and Mo when it came to inner family, Dave is my uncle and I got my first piercing at twelve.

It was my way to vent my Bi-Polar and Depression.

Just my weird way to cope.

"No one!"

"You only get work done when you're heart hurts so tell me, this tattoo will take a good hour let it out," he nod listening hard to my words, and to tell my uncle that I believed I was gay was a big step for me. I let out a sigh when he didn't look me in the eyes and say I hate you.

"Dude that's some deep shit." he looked me in the eyes after I finished speaking, he knew about my promise and it hit us both hard to think about it.

This hippie man was so amazing. Knowing I won't have to hide from him.

"Yea, well at least everyone can get off my back about being a virgin though," I tempered, he smiled nodding

"Yea, but dude it hurt hearing about it, do you talk to him?"

"He tries to talk to me, but I've pushed him away,"

"Maybe he had a legit reason to cheat, or maybe he's not with her and it's a rumor, you know people make stuff up all day, every day." Sadly, enough he had a point I didn't really hear Bash out completely and I'm not really sure his girlfriend is the real deal or just for show.

I read that a lot of closet gays hide behind a false relationship.

"Okay all done, and my next client should be here soon," he huffed wiping and wrapping my leg.

"Okay, thanks" I turned to leave only to run into the giant I've been avoiding.

I turned back to Dave, who now had a cheesy grin, with and arched eyebrow.


I began walking to the door, stopping at Bash's voice, that stern tome made my pants go HI!

"Stay!" Bash said as he sat in the chair, part of me wanted to run out the door, but another part of me wanted to see him again.

I'm currently confusingly dizzy at the turn of events in the pace of a few weeks.

Dave pulled another stool out for me.

"What are we doing today?" Dave asked Bash while he began setting up.

"I want what he got in the same place," there were no emotions in his voice, as for me I was stunned by his voice.

"What? No Bash don't do that," rushing to say as I waved my arms side to side, before Dave began drawing it up.

"My body, my choice." I swallowed my pride and sat watching intently, he didn't move or flinch, me, on the other hand, I was crying and begging for mercy.

I kept my head down even though Bash tried several times to talk to me, he ran his fingers through my hair, he was doing everything in his power to get my attention, but the only thing going through my mind was why was I still sitting here, what makes me so drawn to him.

"You know what this stare down is getting on my nerves, you two need to talk and I mean actually talk things out,"

"By the way Wit if you stare and harder, you'll end up eye pregnant." Dave smiled leaving us sitting there, I looked around seeing that he had indeed left us there alone.

I felt my face burning as Bash and Dave laughed, this is harder than I thought

"Wit, I think it's time I told you the truth and I can only hope you will be okay with it," His face the same cold and emotionless. No matter how hard he pleaded I didn't want the truth to come out of his mouth.

"It's your business, I need to go," standing to leave, now I knew how women felt when guys used them aside.

"Wit wait, please," of course I stood there like an idiot, my boiling point hit.

"No! You cheated on your girlfriend..."I turned to face him again, his eyes were glossy and sad.

"Yes, I admit I was drunk and stupid, but you were sober and you choose to do that even after you heard me say, my first will be my Only." His hand reached for my face, those strong yet soft hands.

"I'm sorry, I really do want to have something with you..."


Stepping back looking him in the eyes, he really just said that. What the hell did I look like to him?

"Are you kidding me?" I raved

"I'm not going to be your side bitch," I headed to the front, as my hand hit the knob he stopped me.

"I'm only with Tracy for my son," Like a wall was dropped on me.

My heart sunk, no words could describe how I felt to know the vow I made to my parents had been broken by him, I blame myself completely.

Pushing the door open to leave.

"Tracy was my first," he rushed, I don't what stopped me from leaving, but I stopped keeping my back facing him, if I looked at him right now, I'd probably punch him.

"I didn't know what I was doing with her, I have no feelings for her and I haven't touched her in over two years, I want you Wit," feeling tears coming to the surface, I left welcoming the cold air, but it was a welcoming feeling after nearly losing what little bit of dignity I had left.

Why did I make such a bad choice? Was what he said true? How am I different from her? He has a child to think about.

"Wit, is that you?" Amber came into view, she's a classmate, I've known her since we started school, she tutored me a few times we're not exactly close, but I'll say she a good friend.

Giving a gentle smile as I walked.

"Hey wait, Are you okay?" She said holding onto my jacket to stop me, her blue eyes looked glossy from the cold air, her nose and cheeks were red too. I found her attractive if I didn't have all Bash bull going on.

"I'm fine thanks," keeping my answer short and sweet, just until I got home.

"Hey, I'll walk you home you look a little out of sorts," he face showed concern, I would never confide in a girl for help with my problems.

"K" with that she walked with me, she wasn't nosy, not once did she ask what was wrong or why was I crying like a damn girl again.

"Wit, can I ask you something?" I was already prepared for any question out there.

Why am I so short? Am I transgender? Where do I get my hair cut? Who does my piercings?

"Sure," faking a smile.

"Are you gay?" stopping mid-step lowering my head further.


"Shit, I'm sorry I didn't mean to intrude, it's just everyone is saying it, so..." she rushed the words I barely caught half of what she said.

Looking at her dumbfounded!

"Everyone is saying what?"

"Well, it's just that since school started all the guys say you're gay cause you never have sex and Tommy said he saw Bash leaving your room early one morning," Rolling my eyes as I walked.

I knew this would come back in bite me in the ass!

"All because I vowed to not have sex until I was in a committed relationship doesn't make me gay," I jerked my head to the side then looked up to the night sky sighing deeply.

"Bash spent the night to make sure I didn't choke on my own puke; doesn't anyone know Bash has a girlfriend?" People will say anything, I'm no different I just don't want people to know Bash cheat on his girlfriend.

If that means I have to lie about it then i would.

"Yea, everyone knows about her, but they were never been seen together, I heard she came to the school making a fuss a couple of months ago and Bash had her band from coming, now the only time he sees her is when he goes to his parent's house."

How does she know this information? Why is she telling me?

"Oh, well thanks for walking me, I'll see you around class,"

"Uh, Wit..." she smiled, and blushed I barely saw it under the redness from the air.

"Errr. Do you want to come up?" I said smiling, she nods rushing to my side.

"Want some tea or coffee?" saying as i opened my door, her sweet rose perfume filled my nose as she brushed by me to enter the apartment.

"Tea in fine, Wow! this place is cozy looking," I watched her spin around taking in the room.

"Here you go."

"Yum, it's so good, where did you get this?"

"I made it." she face lite up in shock.

"No way, that's awesome, I turned to the TV, watching two movies and talking she's a great person to talk to.

"Wit?" I said, as I brushed my fingers through her hair, mid-way through the first movie she leaned over laying her head on my shoulder.


"Can I kiss you?" I didn't answer just slowly closing the gap between us.

Starting off slowly, feeling a rush of heat through my body, grabbing the back of her head kissing her deeper. I hesitated only for a second sliding my hand down rubbing her back then bringing it to the front to her not small sized tits.

"Wit... Are you sure you want me?" she stopped staring into my eyes, I know what I'm suggesting, and I want it, not sure why, but I want her.

Minutes later between kissing and striping we ended up in my bedroom, she showed me where to lick her, I tried my best to mimic what I did to Bash. While she mastered my dick, her soft and breathless moans filled the air as she came with me.

Looking at her seeing if she wanting to go all the way. She spread her legs, panting hard with tears in her eyes.

"100% sure?" I asked again while rolling on a condom.

"Please Wit," before she could finish her statement, I thrust hard into her.

"Ahhh," she let out a sharp grunt wrapping her legs around my waist.

"Does it hurt?" I questioned if I was to harsh cause her eyes filled with tears.

"No? Feels good," she smiled, I slowly rocked in and out feeling her fingers squeeze my back, kissing me again. It felt weird, but good at the same time, I'm sure I'll do this again, but right now I was lost.

"Can I go faster?" she vigorously shook her head yes, picking up my pace, I muffled her screams with my mouth and then pushing three fingers into her mouth, the sensation of her tongue flipping around my fingers made me squeeze the pillow with the other hand.

"I'm close," she gaped

"Wit, Oh... I'm there... Oh...God..." her cave gripping my shaft hurt forcing my seed to release. I could feel her legs were shaking like mine, this was definitely going on my Oh Shit! list.

Dropping my head on her should letting both our pulses to level out and for her to stop trying to rip my dick off. Sliding out she hissed looking down...


"What?" she leaned up on her arms looking down.

"The condom broke,"

"Amber, I'm so sorry." I saw her face go from happy to scare and she wasn't the only one.

"I'll get the plan B on my way home, uh thanks, see you around school." she huffed rushing to dress and leave.

I sat on the bed trying to gain my burins that just happened, I had sex with a girl.

I few hours later Mo and Jerry stopped by and I just couldn't hide that fact I was lost. My brain was going explode any minute. I just had to talk to someone.

"So let me get this straight, Bash has a kid and a girlfriend that he cheated on with you, you are having all these weird feelings and urges, and you had sex with Amber, Did I miss anything?" Jerry said sarcastically pacing the floor with Mo, I just laid on the bed staring at the ceiling hiding my tears.

It wasn't a bad experience I just don't know where to turn two things are currently running through my head and that is Did, she get the pill? Is it going to work?

After she left, I looked it up, one out of every one-hundred thousand pills are defective and won't work.

"One more thing I didn't tell you guys..." dropping my head into my hands.

"The condom broke" I said it so low if I had barely heard it.


"Are you fucking insane?"

"What the hell? Did you feel it pop?"

"Did you two realize I've only had sex with one guy and I was the receiver, I had absolutely NO idea what I was doing?" I snapped, cause it was true and I should've done it, No I don't regret it like I did with Bash after I found out he had a girlfriend.

"Fuck man, I need a drink after that, shit!" They've had some shitty experience but to be honest I think mine is worse.

"Wit why don't you see where things go between you and Bash?" shooting upward glaring at Jerry of all people saying this, he snapped stopping me from speaking.

"Hear me out first, you said, he said he hasn't been with her for over two years, maybe their relationship is over and he's only financially caring for his son." Arching my eyebrow.

"What exactly do you want from Bash?" Jerry said as if he was seeking more information, that was a good question, I've never had anything nearly as close to this feeling I have when I think of him.

It's like being in the same room sends me into a frenzy, not just for sex, but to feel complete. 

"I think he completes me!" This is all so new I huffed standing there scratching the back of my head. 

Jerry and Mo stared at one another then back me, as if I said something wrong.

"What did I say?" hunching my shoulders.

"Oh, nothing umm Jerry I'm going to go get some beer, by back in ten." Mo rushed as he ran out the door before I could speak.

"Well damn," I looked up at Jerry who huffed and sat next to me.

"Man, this is deep." he shook his head, I just sighed walking over to my dresser, might as well get dress.

"Dude!" Jerry shouted wide eyed.

"What?" my dumb self looking around thinking it was a spider of something.

His hands shot to his eyes covering them.

"You have you dick pierced, dam I think you'd go that far, you must love pain." 

"Yea, I thought you knew that, it's a good two or three years old now" I looked down admiring it.

"Fuck no I didn't know, did it hurt?" he folded hie eyebrows up his nose making me smile.

"Why you want it done too?" smiling as I jumped into my pants.

"Fuck no, oh shit, mine's hurting seeing it did bash see it?" he held his bugle making me laugh.

"Well, yeah we had sex of course he saw it he even sucked it too," the face he made had me dying I wished I could have recorded. 

"Does it hurt? You know when you get hard doesn't it hurt?"

"It works the same as yours," I arched my eyebrow laughing.

"Can I ask you a serious question?"


"How do you feel right now?"

I don't know really it's all so new and weird at the same time I wouldn't change it." I hoped he understood my answer. 

"I don't know how to explain it, it's just I feel full of life when he's around me, I know it sounds stupid, Amber is a good girl and don't know the outcome between us, but I really want to be with Bash."

"It's not stupid just surprising My Witty's in love" he grabbed my shoulders rocking side to side.

I held my head in my hands this wasn't good, only my friends know me this way, they know me inside and out.

Even when my grandmother and my uncle died, they knew before everyone else they could sense my mood change.

"Okay let's change the subject, I want to play cards." Jerry jumped up pulling out the folding table setting it up, with cards, chips, and dips now just waiting for Mo to return with beer and smokes.

Jerry and I played two games of rummy until Mo came back.

"I got the drinks man, let's play cards," Mo shouts holding the bags in the air.

"Why is he here?" I snapped seeing Bash the giant standing behind him.

"He's here to play cards," Mo smiled sitting everything down on the counter, snapping out beers for all of us.

"Is that a good idea," Jerry said Mo just smiled as we all sat down to the table.

The first two hands of spades were awkward cause Mo was my partner, but after switching from Mo to Bash things eased up and oddly enough, we laughed and loosen up a bit.

"We're going 6 what about guys?" Mo sets the scoreboard, I hit another drink.

"We're going 7," Bash said looking at me, this eerie shiver runs through my spine, he has a way with those brown eyes.

We played three games in of course Bash and I won two games after Mo tried to cheat once. Laughs and jokes flew by with time I was actually having fun and remembering how fun it is with my friends.

"Time for a movie, let's watched Knocked up" Mo held up the DVD smiling.

"No" Jerry, Bash and I snapped, laughing.

"Terminator," Bash says, Mo and Jerry look at me, I look at them.

"What? It's a great movie, one of my favorites," I nearly choked to death my eyes shot up to Mo and Jerry.

"Uh that's Wit's favorite movie dude," Jerry looked dumbfounded, none the less we sat and watched them.

Bash sat next to me, Jerry and Mo took the armchair, I knew they were up to something and making sure we were side by side didn't help either.

"Wit, Wit, wake up," groaning because I didn't want to get up and I didn't want to go to school pouting as I opened my eyes following the dark outline until my eyes meant with brown soulful, dreamy orbs, Bash!

"Shit! Sorry," I rushed to get up only to be stopped by his hand squeezing my shoulder gently.

"Stay," no idea why I listened to him and stayed there just lying on his chest listening to his heart, the soothing sound kept me from falling asleep again and I also couldn't concentrate on the movie not that I had seen it a million times.