
Fallen Conqueror

Gods were slain… Devils were vanquished... Worlds clashed into oblivion! Bilim Vladir was the hope of humanity, the great Flaming Conqueror. Finally, after years of war and battle, Bil created an empire and could start a family. Unfortunately, Bil was betrayed and his family was assassinated. However, Bil secretly survived along with his newborn children, a brazen, ambitious boy named Jash and a calm, collected daughter named Nelphy. After eighteen years of secrets and hiding, Bil settles down by the city. Finally, Bil can retire and enjoy life as best as he can while living in the shadow of society. But the journeys of Bil’s two children, now official citizens and adults, have only just begun. They no longer have to wander and travel aimlessly. Finally, they get to live life as they’ve always dreamed of! Jash rushes into the world of veita and training! With a grin on his face, Jash has the determination to leave his mark on the world, no matter what he has to do. He’ll train with experts, decimate the battlefield, and… secretly destroy the empire?! Nelphy, however, accidentally learned Bil’s identity and now seeks to learn EVERYTHING that Bil has kept secret. She scours books and legends for every hint available. She’ll search for the aunt she never knew she had. She’ll… be hunted by her own brother!? And Bil… may be forced out of "retirement" to try and clean up the mess. ---Book 3 of 10 in the Quillverse--- ** PAUSED (till the end of DBA, at the latest) ** Discord: https://discord.gg/akzn9SM5k9 Art by @itsjustfroggy, found on Youtube, Twitter, or Twitch! **Note: You do NOT need to read my "Quillverse" series in order, but some books will have tie-ins or shared characters further back or further forward on the cosmic timeline.

TheSilverQuill · Fantasy
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424 Chs

This Fight's Over

Laughing his head off, Golbert turned about and walked toward his knife in the dirt. "But sadly, this fight's over."

"WHAT!?" Jash shouted, reading his blade for another round of attacks.

"It's over, Jash," Bil stated, letting Nelphy run to help her injured brother. "You did better than I thought. You actually landed a blow."

Still breathing heavily, Jash struggled to accept Nelphy's supporting arm and shoulder. "What… What do you mean?"

Picking up his knife, Golbert stated, "You can no longer fight, so the match is over."

"Crux that!"

"Jash!" Nelphy shouted, astonished to hear her brother say that.

Jash yelled again, "I'm still standing… so let's fight!"

But Golbert shook his head and stored his knives. "Sorry, but fighting a broken opponent isn't any fun. Nice punch though. The last person to land a blow on me was Hathon years ago. A few more years of training, and that left hook might've jarred me a little."

"So, how'd he do?" Bil questioned with a teasing grin.