
Fallen Chronicles

Renji, a devoted player of a post-apocalyptic game, had numerous exes who were all fictional characters within the game. As a firm believer in strength, Renji would strip useless characters of their equipment and resources, relegating them to the background as caretakers while giving the best to new, powerful characters. He insisted this was temporary, all for the sake of advancing in the game and saving the precarious post-apocalyptic world. However, these "fictional characters" didn't seem to agree with Renji's perspective. When Renji, with his emphasis on strength and meticulous planning, fulfilled his mission as the "savior" by putting an end to the source of Tainted Miasma in the wasteland and becoming the first to achieve a "perfect clearance," he unexpectedly found himself transported to the game's second stage. Renji had thought he would soar directly into a carefree life, but he soon realized that things were not quite as he had imagined. ---------------------------- The important characters he encounters, their illustrations will be posted in Characters Chapter 00.

Hail_The_loli · Fantasy
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423 Chs

Chapter 67 - Nourishment (Part 2)

The Tainted Miasma mist showed Suthia trying to comfort Pire, wanting to say something encouraging to him.

However, Suthia realized she couldn't do it because she knew that although Her Lord was fond of her, none of her suggestions would ever be heard by him.

She could only watch as Her Lord, shrouded in his cloak and trench coat, with a face expressionless or rather completely obscured, walked in. He took away the contract amidst Pire's cries, not uttering a single unnecessary word before leaving.

The scene in the Tainted Miasma shifted again.

The focus was now on Hina, a young girl filled with romantic dreams. Her restless night, spent in the same cabin as Suthia, was marked by her incessant inquiries about her Emperor.


She was a love-struck girl because, during the night, she was awake in the same cabin as Suthia, incessantly asking Suthia to tell her more about Her Beloved Lord.