
The Ally From The Very Beginning

The core energy had faded from its boost, and the muscles stopped tensing. I needed to travel to another planet to call upon somebody, JOHNY. I didn't make him, he was a product, made by two of my most vigorous creations, Has and Past. These two creatures once destroyed planets and had the power to 'create' with their core energy. Terrifying creatures indeed, terrifying, but beautiful. The two of them created what they would soon name Johny. Their power was lost through the genes but they still made a powerful being, Johny, who was my ally, was an elemental. Elementals are horrific types of humans, they have the power to control every element in the Universe that they had discovered, and power it to their control 3x times the strength. Elementals are so petrifying, in fact, that the kings of the Seven Rai Countries decided to cast them out of society, and slowly, drifting through time, the tribe eventually died, disappeared through the ashes of the Universe. Well, except one, the one who was born from two very god-like beings, Johny. I am going to call up Johny now, he and me are the only ones powerful enough to wipe this 'Dark Creator' out of existence.