
Creator’s Charge Of Memory

He sounded like me, as if he was a replica of me, except his tone is much, much more deeper. He shot a glowing light into me, this strength, this speed, it was very, very scary and frightening. A charge went through my body, eventually reaching my head with a screeching memory. I remember now. He was one of my creations, one of the strongest ones. I made him so he could help me with making Universes, but he was extremely baleful, torturing his creations like they were toys. In order to fight him, I weakened him to slumber, but a hit back caused my strength to reduce by 99.9% and added a memory loss too. But ... but I realised something, there- there was more Universes?

"Do you remember now? Weakling?"

"You sack of living waste!"

"After so long, I finally woke up, and that was stupid of you to forget who I was, otherwise you could have killed me in my sleep."

"You tormented everything you saw, you don't deserve the title as The Editor Of Rai at all!"

"Since I have taken your form, why don't you call me 'Dark Creator'? That sounds way more grand and almighty, doesn't it?"

"I will rip you apart!"