
Fall of the demon king

 It had been so long that the demons had remained imprisoned in hell as humans ruled the world above. The over world had grown ripe with sins of the humans who had long forgotten the terror of when demons roamed freely. But now the demons have broken free and rise again to claim the world as their own and there seemed to be no hope….. This is the story of how hope arose and one woman fought back

Raven_Rosegirl · Fantasy
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Chapter 3

   Raven looked around her at the blood soaked walls finding not a soul left alive and blood red tears fell from her eyes at the senseless carnage. Soon she climbed a flight of stairs the demons under her command following behind her fending off any attacks made at her as she pushed forward. Once she made it to the second floor Raven found several people in cages screaming as demons tormented them by stabbing at them with an array of sharp tools

   Raven growls and waved a hand ordering her demons to stop the torture.They charged and the fight that ensued filled the room with screams growls and the sound of tearing fleash as her demons attacked. Raven ran to each cage and ripped the bars open not noticing how she had done so with her bare hands. As the humans whimpered and cowered away from her she looked away and continued on ripping caged open till all of them were open.

   When the last demon fell she looked up at the carnage left behind her eyes glowing as the humans slowly crawled out of the cages whimpering. Raven looked to her small demon army and spoke

 "No human is to be harmed. If so much as one hair on a human's head is harmed by one of you I will come down with a force that you will not survive. You are to protect any human you find and secure this building as a safe place once we have cleared it of demons who have desire to harm humans"

  The demons bow to Raven heads down and answer in unison

 "Yes milady your orders are understood"

    Raven turns on her heels and heads for the next room, a single pair of her demons staying behind to protect the humans. Her intentions to end the horrors the demon king had brought to her home. At each floor demons attacked her and tried to stop her from moving forward but they were met with Raven's small demon army. Blood was spilled and flesh was torn as the battle waged on.As each room was cleared Raven collected more demons in her army. 

       Her small starting army of about a dozen quickly became a little over a hundred demons all under her command. Finally Raven reached the top floor. A single demon whom looked human except for his eyes and curling black horns sat in a chair his eyes locking on her.