
Fall of the demon king

 It had been so long that the demons had remained imprisoned in hell as humans ruled the world above. The over world had grown ripe with sins of the humans who had long forgotten the terror of when demons roamed freely. But now the demons have broken free and rise again to claim the world as their own and there seemed to be no hope….. This is the story of how hope arose and one woman fought back

Raven_Rosegirl · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

Raven was kept in line with the others her clothing askew from the struggle that had occurred while she fought the demons that dragged her from her boring life that had no real meaning. Her long black hair was tangled and wild from where they dragged her by her hair from her home laughing as she screamed and fought.

Now she stood in line like a lamb to the slaughter with others from her small town. Children were crying as parents tried to calm them, unknowing of what was to come. Then a loud voice boomed around them.

"Humans you have ruled the surface for so long. You have destroyed the world you live in and set free monsters born of your sins. We seams shall purge this world of your filth and rule in a new age of the world"

Once the voice finished the demons around all the humans attacked. They tore children from parents swallowing them whole. Large monsters with bashing fangs bit people in half. While all this happened a large demon with huge fangs, small eyes and skin covered in wrinkles charged at Raven and sank it's fangs into her arm making her scream as her flesh tore.

Thinking quickly through the pain that tore through her Raven slammed her fist into the beast's eye. It shrieked and released her taking off in another direction. Raven dragged herself into a set of bushes panting as she slid to the ground her vision slowly fading to darkness. Fighting to stay conscious she looked at the wound.

It was oozing a black tar like substance that burned through her skin. She didn't know that the substance the demon had left was tearing through her body changing her very being into something neither demon or human but a mix of both. Her eyes had begun to change the color changing to a deep red as the whites of her eyes turned pitch black. She became stronger, faster, with a razor sharp mind and reflexes.

It wasn't long before the pain of her changing body made her black out with the pain