
fall in love with my secretary (taekook)

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What is fall in love with my secretary (taekook)

Read ‘fall in love with my secretary (taekook)’ Online for Free, written by the author Arianne_Ranga, This book is a Teen Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is:


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Virago Titania Mahusay is an intelligent, brave Filipina woman who accidentally found a vaccine for the virus that killed millions of people. Vira and her best friend, Drake, sacrifice their lives to secure the vaccine until it is distributed to people. Unfortunately, they were hunted one by one along with their family, slowly got killed by the US soldiers. Her best friend was killed while saving her from death. Vira gets abducted but was saved by the prominent scientist Daniel Gagarin. For years, she was recognized as a hero, but nightmares always hunted her down at night for what happened to her loved ones. The resentment kept her alive while waiting for the right moment to raze hell, not until the astronaut she fell in love with before, tempting to ruin her plans. Will love conquer everything? Will she be able to survive a life that is full of suffering? Will she be able to face her new life that still needs to unfold? The life that disputes her knowledge, strength, faith, and love. Will be the man that she loves in secret could reach out for her and grasp her hands to lift her high? "Would you come back to me?" Commander Hadfield whispers in my ear. I step back and lift my head to stare at him. His eyes were full of emotions as if I was the center of his world. I tried to maintain my face looked grim and cold, while he could be compared to an open book. "If I could just turn back the time, I would. If I just had listened to you and stopped, I would." My words halt at the moment as I felt the tears roll down my cheeks. "If I could just touch you, perhaps I would. Let the time heal, and when it returned to its rightful place, then maybe we could." I step back and turn away from him as my feet hoofing out of that place. My heartache so much as my whispers tell the tale. 'If I could just hug you for one last time.'

Gorgias_Gayle · Sci-fi
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作为大齐第一女侍卫,温子凉外能打趴皇宫刺客,内能干倒宅院恶狗。但是她没想到,最后自己竟然死在了自己效忠的公主手上。 一睁眼,她发现自己穿到了一个神奇的世界。这个世界很美好,有高楼大厦,有飞机轮船,有游戏小说过山车,有快乐肥宅三件套。 最神奇的是,母胎solo多年的温子凉终于有了对象。 虽然对象和摄政王长了一张一模一样的脸,但是……有八块腹肌。 然而,就在温子凉准备戳穿窗户纸,来一场惊天地泣鬼神让对象终身难忘的告白时,对象失忆了。 温子凉:??? 最狗血的是,这个时候,驸马爷也跟着穿来了。 温子凉默默收拾好小包袱,还谈啥恋爱啊,驸马爷我能要么? 这一躲就是五年,直到温子凉混进了剧组当演员。 “一个专业课都没上过的小助理还想混娱乐圈?” “一个替身也想着抢镜头?” “就凭她个武替还想巴结影帝?” “啪。”某导演一拍即合,非她不可。 某大佬一掷千金,嗯,就她了,他的小侍卫演的戏,真刀真枪的功夫怎么会不好? 只是……如何把她拐回家还是个问题。 本文别名:万万没想到驸马爷竟然暗恋我、听说迟总十九岁就有八块腹肌?? 排雷:叙述从五年后展开、1v1。 如果你要问我驸马爷是肿么回事,不好意思,来跳坑吧。

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