
Chapter 8_ Lisa's dream

Jin, gives a pleasant smile towards Lisa, It's make a little free! Anjana force Lisa to sit beside John, Lisa doesn't like that. She points outs her tiredness and go inside her room!

She overthink about it and slept in tired. In her dreams she could saw that rain incidents.. and realize the man helped her. When Lisa turns back Lisa could found a ring he wore at that time, It named as S.. It was look costly...

Next morning Lisa come to college to see Smith! Smith come infront of her to reach Lisa. Lisa gets fresh mind and Starts looking him weirdly. Actually she want to express her love atleast today.

Smith reach her and pull her towards him, and ask "I wanted to tell a big surprise yesterday ,but you go away from me, today I want to say it Because you are my....(Smith's phone rings)". Smith as a excuse and tell her to meet in canteen at lunch time. Lisa Smiles. Her cute face turns red. Lisa realize that his eyes curious about love. "I know you like me so much as me, I too love you Smith.., I'll wait for you at canteen "

12 o'clock

Everyone including Lisa and others presence at canteen for lunch.. Lisa flow on her dream...

Smith heads to canteen. Lisa Shattered....