

This is a story about few secondary students who helped the police to capture The Falcons, a gang, that police is trying to track for many years. But in the past one member of the gang is caught by the police. However, he escaped the jail and found by the student accidentally...... I hope you all like it.

LoVe_SuGaR · Action
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


The man was for some reason angry. He jumped, and caught the collar of Ace.

"How are we getting on, Ace?" he asked dangerously. "We are getting on very well indeed! VERY WELL! I am being kicked about like a stray dog. That's how I am getting on."

"Be calm, Al," said Ace softly, with an air of calmness, "be calm."

"There's little point in asking about the sorry state of our affairs, Ace, when you can see them yourself," said the other man, "but I see that that's not been your story."

"What's that supposed to mean, Buck?"

"I mean that while we have been lying low, you have been living luxuriously with all comforts of life, not only by the means of the wealth you acquired as a Falcon, but also with your new job. You must be enjoying yourself."

"Very much indeed," agreed Ace.

"That won't last for long."

The face of Ace darkened. His eyes flickered, and he said now slowly, "What do you mean, Buck?"

"I mean that we are restarting it all," said Buck calmly.

"WHAT?" stammered Ace, "surely you do not mean to suggest that we come back to the path that we once chose."