
The 9th World Champion Tournament

The tournament proceeded throughout the day, with both Shirou and Warrior Takemikazuchi fighting formidable Players one after the next as they progressed through the tournament. Some were undeniably powerful, and others were incredibly skilled, and as they advanced through the rankings, the challenge only grew. Yet the magus met and surpassed each and every last one of his opponents.

However, it would be in the semi-finals that Shirou would face his greatest and closest match to date within the entire World Champion Tournament.

Standing in the hallway for the umpteenth time, he waited for the two shoutcasters to finish their commentary and start the next round.

"Ladies and gentlemen, after several long and intense rounds of matches, we have nearly arrived at the end. Welcome to the semi-finals! And what a journey it has been!"



The audience followed his advice, albeit against him. The air rippled as the commentators were showered with spurring boos and angry comments from the spectators. Shirou had to plug his ears just to stop them from ringing. If he somehow makes it through the tournament without any permanent hearing loss, that'll be a miracle in itself.

"Speaking of your grandmother, how has she been?"


"Thanks. She's a sweetheart... Where were we again? Oh! Right, ahem! Starting us off as always is Emiya." Sam began, "In the first round, he wowed the crowd with his skills with both the bow and sword, and it only continued as he unveiled more and more of his tricks throughout the matches. With what we've seen so far, one must wonder just how many more he has up his sleeves. Whatever the case may be, there's no doubt that it'll be a match worth remembering! Welcome, Emiya, to the field!"

Taking it as his que, he stepped out of the entrance to the roar of the crowd. Unlike in the beginning and early on, Shirou noticed the change in tune. Before, much of the voices were vitriolic towards him, but as he racked up victory after victory, the consensus seemed to be more split. Half still booed him on principle and called him a cheater, while the others were more neutral and enthusiastic.



Shirou nearly missed a step upon hearing the commentary, sharing the co-commentator's absolute incredulousness at what he just heard. He wasn't the only one, as a few in the crowd – Ainz Ooal Gown included, were surprised, or in Ulbert's case, wheezing with laughter.

A single quirked brow rose. Guess opinions traveled faster than he'd thought.


"Just like Emiya, she's been making waves throughout the tournament, beating back veteran Players left, right, and center! No one can seemingly stop her as she claws her way towards the crown. Will she break through the obstacle before her, or will she fall to Emiya's blade like so many others before her?"


A blazing display of pyrotechnics and special effects heralded the arrival of his next opponent.

Volcánica – Lvl: 100 — [The Blazing Lioness]

Volcánica was a Demi-Human, denoted by the furry, feline ears peeking out of the corner of her hair and her cat-like tail, swaying with every step. Her character race was a Catfolk, a Granat, to be more specific, a subrace known for their proficiency when it comes to fire magic and fire-based skills. Her healthy, tan skin, which was lighter than his own bronzed skin, made her stand out even more.

Her attire consisted of chest wrapping that wrapped around her modest chest, which left her midriff bare, showcasing her toned abs and stomach. On top of this, she wore an open, long, royal blue blazer with golden trims along the side, complete with long sleeves and a high collar. Dark trousers, with straps running down her legs, were connected to black metal-plated shoes. A red sash was wrapped around the waist, helping to tie it together, fashioned by a metallic ring buckle in the design of the Ouroboros. A brilliant vermillion coat, draped like a cape, hung from her shoulders, flowing with every step she took. Fur dominated the high collar of the coat, designed to resemble bright, wavy flames, adding to the overall fiery appearance of her outfit. Lastly, she wore a simple, black collar with a bell around her neck and a ruby-encrusted ring on her tail, near the tip, completing her look with a touch of glamor.

Her entire right arm was sleeveless, granting another glimpse at her physique through her well-toned muscles. A fierce tiger tattoo dominated her right shoulder and snaked down her arm, adding to her fierce and untamed appearance. She donned a pair of vambraces and greaves, adorned with intricate crimson designs that were accented with a golden orange hue.

Despite her youthful and strikingly beautiful features, there was more to her than just a pretty face. She possessed the trappings of a beast in human skin. Her periwinkle eyes shone with a predatory gleam, hinting at the wildness that lay beneath her exterior. Her avatar wore a sharp and confident grin, with a fanged, pronounced tooth sticking out from the corner of her mouth. Her short, wavy, orange-vermillion hair completed the look of a fierce warrior.

The atmosphere was positively electrifying, as the audience was eager to see the two front runners duke it out and see who would come out on top.

Shirou eyed the feline Player as she strode confidently forward.

"So, is it true?" She asked, standing in the arena, facing him.

"Is what true?" He returned.

"Is it true that you never once died in game?" She questioned with a note of eagerness.

Shirou's confusion only grew. Why would she be interested in a detail like that?

He must've taken too long deliberating her question, for she was quick to follow up.

"It's a yes-or-no question. Ain't no reason to complicate it." Volcánica grunted, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms.

"No." He shook his head. "Far from it, in fact. I've died plenty of times." He answered honestly.

"Really? -Tsk - Damn…" The firebrand clicked her tongue.

What caught his attention was the genuine sense of disappointment in her voice.

"You sound disappointed."

"Damn right, I am! I wanted to be the one to pop that cherry of yours."

Shirou blinked.

"I beg your pardon?"

Volcánica let out an unladylike snort.

"Don't be a prude. You heard exactly what I said."

She stared him down.

"I wanted to be the first to beat you. To break the legend. It would've made my win all the sweeter knowing I handed the infamous Player Killer's first ever death!"

Her hand shot forward, her fingers flexing to clench a victory she could all but see and grasp.

There was no shortage of confidence in her. Too much, one could say, bordering on sheer arrogance. It was no different from how some of his previous opponents acted, as if they would be the ones to lay him low. However, there was something subtle about her that was different from the others.

"You sound quite sure of yourself. I'd suggest you don't make the same mistakes that came before you did and underestimate me." The virtual magus warned.

"Please, don't compare me to those chumps." The lioness scoffed, offended at the comparison.

"They were arrogant."

"Oh? What does that make you, then?"

"Confidant as hell, of course!"

Shirou's lips twitched. Again, she was unabashed in her attitude. There was almost an endearing charm to it.

"Is that so? Would you be so kind as to clarify the difference?"


With a hand on her hip and her head up high, she looked like a teacher, ready to educate her pupil.

"There's a big difference between arrogance and confidence, and that boils down to attitude. Arrogance is looking down on your opponent and underestimating them when you ain't hot shit, like those chucklefucks you fought."

"And confidence?" Shirou asked, playing along.

"Confidence is knowing exactly who you're going up against is capable of and that they can stomp your ass like anyone else. But it's also knowing that no matter what comes your way, you'll beat the odds!"

She gave him an appraising look.

"Everyone can bitch and moan about your build or bullshit abilities all they want, but the facts are facts. You're the real deal, and you've shown everyone why you're the best of the best. But so what?! There ain't nothing I can't beat! And I'm going to prove that to the world, right here, right now!" Volcánica declared for all to hear.

The audience roared right behind her.

Ignoring the rising heat of the crowd, Shirou took a mental step back and looked at her once more.

She sounded eager. More than eager to prove her mettle.

She was like a great bonfire, burning bright and full, and after hearing her words, Shirou couldn't help but feel a bit fired up himself.

"You really are confident as hell."

"Damn right, I am! That's pride! Pride in my strength. Pride in my skills. Pride in knowing that I'm the best around! And you know what?" She took a step forward, flashing a wide, challenging grin. "No one's proven me wrong yet."

"So bring out all the fancy little tricks you've got up your sleeve. I can handle anything you throw at me and more. Especially those big ol' swords of yours~"

Shirou couldn't help but grin alongside her. With a step forward, he met her challenge.

"You are without a doubt a great Player, Volcánica-san." He complimented. "But I can assure you, you haven't faced anything like my swords before."

"Men and their swords. All talk, no action." She harrumphed. "But with you, you actually have some bite to you. But it's like I said, there ain't nothing I can handle."

She took another step forward.

"Believe me, you haven't seen anything yet." He coolly returned.

Another step forward.

"Ohh~? Got something special tucked away for little ol' me? Don't promise a girl a good time, or else I'll take ya' up on that offer, bad boy ~" She rumbled - a mixture of an aggressive, sensual purr and an excited growl.

The two met at the center of the stage, locked in an intensive stare-down.

Volcánica stood a fraction taller than Shirou, allowing her to leer down at him. The magus was far from intimidated, challenging the lioness right to her face. They stood right in each other's faces, Volcánica with her smoldering stare and Shirou with his stoic confidence, both refusing to back down. So close were they that they could feel the others' breath against their skin.

"IS IT GETTING HOT IN HERE OR IS IT JUST ME?" The commentary of Bob interjected, the holographic screens showing a close-up of the tension between the two combatants.

The noise coming from the audience rose, egging the two Players on with whistles and catcalls. While the majority of the watchers wanted the fight to begin, there were those that were enjoying the back and forth between them. And for Ainz Ooal Gown, a few were certainly enjoying the show in front of them.

"Oh my, who knew Emiya-san could be so bold?" Ankoro Mocchi Mochi whispered, fanning herself with her hand.

"I know, right?!" Yamiko gossiped right beside her. "Flirting so openly, and in the middle of a big tournament, no less. I didn't know he had it in him."

"They're not flirting! The-they're just trash talking! Yeah, trash talking…" Bukubukuchagama grumbled, her cutesy voice torn between indignation and jealousy.

"If that's trash talking, then I'm curious about how he flirts if he's as smooth with his words. Maybe I should try luck…" Considered the sweet-toothed Player.

"Down girl." Said the Nephilim Spiritualist. "And last time I checked, you've got a boyfriend already."

"That doesn't mean a girl can't do some window shopping."

"I hate both of you." The pink slime huffed, melting into a puddle in her seat.

The two other female members only giggled, seeing her pout.

"I believe we've waited long enough. Let the first match of the semi-finals begin!"

The two didn't break eye contact even as the stage lit up in the familiar white glow, and in a flash, the two fighters were transported to their battleground.


The flash of white receded, and he was greeted with an ocean of greenery.

Towering trees of varying species and sizes stretched across the field and beyond the horizon. The sheer size of them was staggering, their towering form standing tall with an almost palpable sense of pride. Each tree easily eclipsed tens of dozens of meters in height, touching the skies like skyscrapers. Their trunks were thick and massive, gnarled and weathered, their bark rough to the touch, and imbued with the stories of countless years. Scores of equally large outstretching branches, thick with leaves and covered in a tapestry of vibrant colors, reached outwards in all directions. The uppermost leaves brushed among the clouds above and rustled softly in the gentle breeze, their whispers carrying across the field like a symphony of nature.

Beneath the canopy was a field awash with a sea of green, dotted here and there with colorful wildflowers that swayed gently in the wind. Rays of sunlight danced and weaved their way through the blanket of leaves, casting a gentle and inviting glow upon the luscious grassland.

Shirou stood upon one of the hundreds of branches that made up the vast networks around him.

As the duel timer appeared and counted down, he scoped out the area.

The location reminded Shirou greatly of an area known as Tall Hollow, located within Niðavellir. The zone was a forest, one that was unlike anything anyone had seen before, at least impossible to exist on Earth. In fact, it was practically identical.

'If so…' Shirou thought, his eyes looking off in the distance, beyond the sea of trees, and remembering another landmark that shared the land with the great forest.

The timer buzzed, and Shirou immediately braced himself. His magic circuits glowed as Reinforcement spread across his body. Kanshou and Baukya graced his hands as he took a stance, his heterochromatic eyes sweeping the area for his opponent.

He wouldn't have to wait long, as a pillar of flames erupted in the distance, announcing her presence and giving away her location.

Volcánica was down below, walking through the tall grassland as the nearby grass, ferns, and bushes wilted and burned from the wave of heat shimmering off of her. A coat of brilliant crimson-orange flames enveloped her, making her stand out all the more.

Upon spotting one another, Volcánica flashed a grin, while Shirou sported a frown.

Her passiveness immediately stood out to him.

In all of her matches, she crushed her opponents fully and head-on. Never once retreating or halting. This hyper-aggressive playstyle laid many of her opponents low, including those that seemingly held the advantage over her. It was why the faker was immediately on guard as he waited for Volcánica to come screaming toward him, as she'd done with all her previous opponents.

Instead, she purposely announced her presence and walked as if she were going for a casual stroll.

For her to break the norm like this...

Their gazes remained locked on one another, and despite no words passing between the two fighters, Shirou immediately understood Volcánica's intentions.

If she wants it, then he'll happily oblige.

The married blades gave way to his black bow as he notched back several arrows and loosed them, firing a barrage of a dozen arrows. Mana cloaked their forms, resembling Grandr Shots.

Volcánica's grin stretched. She spread her arms, her fingers flexing and her bones popping in anticipation. Fire sparked, coating her forearm in luminescent flames.

"[Burning Knuckle]!"

Her fists were a blur, punching each of his arrows in rapid succession. Flames consumed them, burning away even the mana that cloaked them.

"Next!" She demanded.

Shirou answered her challenge by loosing another round of arrows alongside [Trace Bullet]. The half-dozen arrows flew straight, supported by artillery. Halfway towards their target, his projections altered their course, arcing to attack from the sides.

Faced with an attack from three different directions, any ordinary Player would find themselves in quite a predicament. For Volcánica, she resolved the issue as she'd always had, with overwhelming force.

"[Blazing Torque]!"

The flames burned brightly as the skill overlaid on her previous skill, spreading from her arms to her legs as well.

It didn't matter where they came from - her left, her right, or even from above - each projectile was met with her flaming fist. Shirou's swords shattered, their explosion consumed by flames, while his arrows burned to cinders. Her speed and reaction time were nothing short of incredible, as she swung and pivoted to meet each projectile with lightning-fast reflexes within an instant of the other.

A few of his arrows and projections remained, lagging behind the rest that were destroyed by Volcánica's rush.

A blast of flames ignited from her feet, vaulting her into the air, her body pivoting and flipping upside down as her legs lashed out in a spinning kick, catching the others.

Two swords survived, with each coming in quickly from opposite directions. The one on her right was faster, closing in on her.

Swift as a cat, she deftly avoided the attack by a hair's breadth even while upside down, tilting her head ever so slightly to the side. And in that very same moment, her hand shot out like a snake striking its prey, plucking the sword out of the air with precision as it whizzed past her. With the sword's momentum still carrying it forward, she brought it around with fluid grace, using it to strike the second sword.

Steel rang as Shirou's projections broke against one another, detonating.

From above, he saw it all happen.

'Incredible…' He couldn't help but praise.

He'd known that she possessed incredible reflexes and dexterity, having closely observed all of her matches. However, it was one thing to observe it; it was another to see it happen in front of him.

Volcánica stepped out of the smoke with hardly a scratch on her, her fiery aura burning bright as ever.

"NEXT!" She roared.

Shirou's eyes narrowed. Prana surged from the palm of his hand, forming Hrunting in its arrow form. Swords filled the air around him, a storm of steel ready to be unleashed.

Her eyes brightened, and her fist clenched in anticipation.

Half of them fired forward, slicing through the web of branches, while the other flew towards her.

A rain of falling tree branches and sharpened steel descended upon her.

Volcánica stood her ground and met every one of them. And for those that she couldn't smash with her fists, she used her legs, supplementing her punches with blazing kicks. She laughed all the while, an excited and merry laughter.

A heavy boom drew her attention as she pummeled the last of Shirou's projections. Looking up, a massive and thick branch the size of a small building fell towards her.

"[Double Up]!"

The flames coating her fists intensified. With a jump, she reared her arm back for a powerful punch.

Her fist buried itself deep into the massive branch, cracks spreading across its bark as fire and light shone through the cracks from the inside. It exploded in a shower of flames and burning splinters.

Landing on her feet, she spun around to face him, her mouth open to demand more. However, her eyes caught something strange - or rather, the absence of something.

'Where'd that arrow go?!' Volcánica's eyes widened.

A flash of crimson from the corner of her eyes was her only warning.

Blood spurted forth, coloring the ocean of grass around her red. Droplets of crimson clung to the blades of grass like morning dew.

Volcánica's shadow, which stretched across the grass field, stilled, showing the silhouette of herself and Hrunting. The modified arrow struck the right side of her face in what looked like a clean and deadly hit.

Hrunting found its mark.

However, that was all it did.

Shirou's arms slowly lowered in disbelief at the sight before him.

Hrunting pierced through her right cheek, with the blackened, sharpened tip of the arrow exiting out her left cheek, but that was all it managed to do.

Volcánica stopped Hrunting with nothing but her teeth and sheer grit.

Her teeth pressed down on the Noble Phantasm, metal crunching and creaking under the pressure, and with a powerful chomp, she broke the modified arrow between them. The tip and the rest of the Hrunting tumbled to the ground.

Her body swayed, reeling from the attack, but she remained standing all the same.

Volcánica's head whipped around as she spat out a massive glob of blood, filled with fragments of Hrunting and broken teeth.

Slowly, she turned to face him.

The right side of her face was an absolute mess. Her cheek was fully exposed, revealing bloody, cracked teeth, ripped muscles, and mangled flesh. The inside of her mouth fared little better, with the sharpened edges of the Noble Phantasms leaving deep gashes and bloody cuts within the oral cavity. Her left cheek was only slightly better, with a bloody exit wound. Rivulets of blood trickled down from the open wound and her mouth steadily, dying her in sanguine red with her own life nectar.

She grinned. A wide and bloody grin that split her face literally from ear to ear.


At the sight of Volcánica's twisted visage, a shuddering pressure pressed down on him, with the magus taking half a step back.

He'd face his fair share of maniacs and bloodthirsty opponents, but the battle lust displayed by her was almost on another level. It was reminiscent of when he first encountered the Servant of Madness all those decades ago and bore the brunt of the Servant's crushing aura.

But where Berserker's radiated madness and rage, the woman before him exuded a pure and unbridled fervor for battle.

Despite everything he'd thrown at her and the grievous damage dealt, she was eager for more…

Shirou's lips curled into a wry smile. The magus thought he had a good grasp of her personality from her matches, but it seemed that he slightly underestimated just how voracious she truly was.

Turning on his heel, he took off, running deeper into the forest.

"That's it?"

She watched him run away, her face flushed with a warm, orange-red glow. The bloody wound on her face healed rapidly courtesy of her spell, [Healing Warmth].

Volcánica was almost disappointed that Shirou didn't bust out the other weapons that he'd shown throughout the tournament. She was especially curious about those special spiral arrows of his - Caladbolg II - and how she would fare against them head-on.

However, the feeling passed as her grin returned.

"My turn~!" She gave a throaty growl, flames igniting from her feet like jet propulsion.

In an instant, she took to the air after Shirou.

The lioness began her hunt.

It didn't take her long to reach him, his ears catching the roar of flames as she rocketed towards him like a screaming missile.

Shirou leaped to the side, dodging her as she slammed her fist into a tree, the tree itself bursting into flames from the punch.

A burst of flames from her fist allowed her to change direction instantly, rocketing towards him without delay with another punch at the ready.

The two fought: swords versus fists, fire versus steel.

Volcánica punched and parried his swings, the flaming aura coating her limbs and providing her with protection and strength.

Shirou blocked a punch with his swords, jumping back at the same time.

His eyes fell to the married blades, finding the edge of the blades to be cracked and warped from the intense heat of her flames through their brief clash.

He threw them at her as she rushed forward, a fresh pair taking their place. She ignored the spinning blades, the Noble Phantasms flying past her.

The first pair curved around, spinning towards Volcánica's unprotected back as Shirou kept her occupied.

"[Blaze Kick]!"

In another showing of dexterity, Volcánica's legs ignited, and with a jump, she performed a tornado kick, catching the thrown married blades. Simultaneously, she blocked Shirou's swing with Kanshou, who sought to capitalize on the opening, with her right arm and vambrace.

"I've already seen that little trick!" She shouted. "You're going to have to try better than that, little magician!"

"How about this, then." He returned.

He stomped with his right leg, arcs of prana flowing from the limb down into the branch.

Volcánica leaned back in the nick of time, avoiding a long blade that shot off from beneath. She backflipped away, dodging the attack and more like it as swords emerged from the branch to skewer her.

"[Trace Bullet]!"

Shirou fired a volley of projections at her mid-flip.

"[Bright Roar]!"

A fiery apparition of a fierce lion head appeared behind her as she righted herself and released a thundering roar. The burning shockwave stopped the attack, with the projections exploding at a safe distance.

From the cloud of smoke, she charged headlong. However, the swords that sprouted from the branch glowed and detonated.

The branch fell, taking Volcánica with her, while Shirou remained.

The prospect of falling from such a great height and splattering against the harsh ground below would've been quite the predicament for any normal Player. For the tanned-skinned Catfolk, it didn't register as an inconvenience.

A jettison of flames from her feet kept her afloat, propelling her back up to the branches.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd think you'd be playing hard to get." Volcánica quipped, turning to face Shirou.

Only to find that he'd already left her behind, his form slowly getting smaller and smaller in the distance.

"Then again…"

Her smile stretched.

"I do love it when they run~"

The flames beneath her feet intensified as she gave chase.



Momonga watched the match play out, his crimson orbs focusing on the feline Player.

While many of the contestants had a reputation or were well known, her background was unknown. She was a complete newcomer, and many held doubts and skepticism regarding her qualifications in this tournament of champions.

However, Volcánica quickly proved her naysayers wrong in her first match, where she handily wiped the floor with her opponent. She quickly became a crowd favorite through her explosive play style and dominating victories.

Which made it all the more interesting to parse her build.

"She's got to have a [Monk] class or something. Perhaps something like [Martial Lord]?" Coup De Grâce said.

"Or, she could be using enchanter support classes like [Enchantress] or [Fire Forge]. I can think of a couple of job classes that can do what she does." Shizyuutensuzaku added.

"But she'd shown some utility and attack spells, rather than strictly enchantment spells." Variable Talisman pointed out.

"Yeah, but if she were a mage, then how come she hasn't used any high tier spells or meta magic yet? It would've come in handy in her earlier matches." Blue Planet contended.

"There's also the alternative of it coming from her racial classes. Her fire magic and skills come from her being a [Granat]. One shouldn't discount the possibility of a potential specialized racial or job class that would allow her to do this." Punitto Moe proposed.

"It would explain how she's able to use both spells and skills in tandem." Bellriver nodded along with Punitto Moe.

"In addition, there are a few racial and job classes that allow the user to use magic but restrict them from using meta magic." Said Tabula, throwing in his support.

"There are?" Peroroncino's head perked up at this tidbit. "Damn. That's news to me."

The discussion grew as nearly all of Ainz Ooal Gown gave their thoughts and opinions.

"What do you think, Destana-san?" Momonga asked.

His angelic girlfriend shrugged her shoulders.

"No offense, babe; how the heck would I know if you don't? Remind me again, who's the hardcore gamer in this relationship?" She teased.

Momonga tilted his head, conceding.

Volcánica possesses a hybrid build, no doubt about that, and a unique one at that.

Rather than just being a mage who knew how to throw a punch, it was more accurate to call her a fighter who just so happened to use magic. Instead of using spells as her main form of damage, she weaves them into her full-contact combat style, empowering her physical strength and strikes.

She was a fighter-mage.

'...Nothing Emiya-san can't handle.' The Overlord thought.

Momonga held the utmost confidence in his best friend. He'd made it this far; he wouldn't lose now.

And yet, a nugget of doubt persisted. Something was telling him that there was more to her than what she'd shown so far.

Next chapter