

In a world ruled by vampires, werewolves, and witches, a forbidden love is born that must overcome many obstacles to be happy, and they will have to stop ambition, greed, enmity, and the murderers of both clans and seek peace between them. Mei-Ling is a vampire, who was born into royalty. After the death of their parents and their respective wives, immediately their brothers, are part of the Council of the Elder Vampires. To maintain peace in her kingdom, Mei-Ling must find a husband, who will help her not only rule; but also, keep the peace in his clan and the clan of the werewolves. But Mei-Ling's suitors are all ambitious and greedy, and the only purpose they have for marrying the princess is to subdue the vampires and exterminate the werewolves. In a celebration of honor, that the vampires will give in honor of the family of Mei Ling and her brothers Zhou Xu, Jan'Er, and Mei-Ling must choose her husband. None of the suitors managed to attract the attention of the princess; until, in the middle of the ballroom, he sees Huan Guangzong, a strange man, who managed to attract the attention of the princess, and immediately, they will begin to feel that inexplicable connection that will guide them to true love. Who will be that strange man who managed to get Mei Ling's attention? What will your intentions be? Will Zhou Xu, Jan'Er, and Mei-Ling really find out how their parents died? Will they be able to find the murderer or murderers of their entire family before it is too late? Will they manage to discover the true intentions of Mei Ling's suitors? Will Huan Guangzong and Mei Ling be immensely happy? A forbidden love, many secrets and betrayals, and several unsolved murders.

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21 Chs


Unlike in the Kingdom of the Vampires, everything is darkness, darkness, and fear, in the Kingdom of the Werewolves, everything is clarity, peace, and harmony.

To begin, in the sky you can see how the birds enjoy flying freely, and without fear of being eaten, you can also see the sun shining throughout the Kingdom, the blue clouds, the blue sky, and you can breathe fresh air.

On the one hand, it has an exuberant and colorful flora and fauna, and like the animals, they get along well with each other, and you can also appreciate the trees, the flowers of different sizes and colors, and how the fish enjoy being in the sea.

On the other side and to one side of the castle, there is a small blue stream, where you can see a great variety of fish.

There is also peace in the Kingdom of the Werewolves, and the most important thing is that there is no fog or thunder to keep people and animals away from the place.

We cannot forget about horses, because there are horses both in the Kingdom of the Werewolves, in the country of humans, and in the middle of both worlds.

Finally, it can be seen that there are fairies of all kinds and of different occupations, who fly to go to their respective jobs.

Werewolves and human beings have always gotten along perfectly and have not had any kind of confrontation, and if they have had a problem, they have solved it by talking.

The kings, princes, and werewolves who make up the Council, live in a gigantic castle, where the Sun enters from everywhere and where there is clarity.

To enter the Kingdom of the Werewolves, one has to walk through a gigantic but safe bridge of silver and gold color and, at the end of the bridge, they will find a huge door of stainless steel and iron and four chains that hold the heavy door, to that, it does not fall and so that the access of its enemies to the Kingdom of them is difficult.

Werewolves who were not born royalty live in well-furnished houses that feel the warmth of home, with enough food, comfortable beds, and everything necessary to live peacefully and free of problems.

Werewolves are used to, and they love to help each other and help others in everything they need, and they are always through thick and thin.

They are also fascinated by going to church to hear mass, and they help the priest in everything he needs, and they do not skimp on expenses.

In the Kingdom of the Werewolves, unlike vampires who are all dead, there is life, song and everyone has their dreams and illusions.

Regarding the castle, how it is built and distributed, the vampires and the werewolves had the same idea in this and some other things.

On the other hand, the Werewolves who are born into Royalty, live in a gigantic and impenetrable, but elegant and sophisticated castle, and it has six hundred rooms, and apart, the castle has a very special place, which was once the Council of Elders of Werewolves and rebuilt it in the same place.

The castle has a huge but elegant ballroom, where many werewolves have celebrated their respective weddings in that room and for decades, werewolves who belong to royalty and the Werewolves Council of Elders, have organized the best dances.

They also have a large staff working for them and protecting them at all times, being their shadow and their protectors.

In the castle, not only do royalty live; but also, all the vampires who are part of the Council, with their respective relatives and for decades, have all lived in perfect harmony or almost all have been living that way.

On the other hand, the castle has several tunnels that all lead to different exits; either directly to the forest, to the Vampire Kingdom, or the sea.

The castle is heavily guarded by fairy godmothers, wizards, witches, sorcerers, harpies, dragons, and demons and they guard it day and night and without rest.

In the surroundings of the castle, there are flowers of all colors and in all sizes, for the werewolves to choose one of those flowers and give them to people who they are in love with.

Werewolves born into royalty have black eyes and are too attractive and both men and women sport their extremely long black hair and are white. Finally, they have a gold-colored star, in the middle of their forehead.

Both inside the castle or in the kingdom itself, the werewolves have a gigantic warehouse, full of weapons of all kinds, which they only use in an emergency.

When werewolves are just born, their respective parents teach them everything necessary so that they can survive without their protection or them at all times.

At the same time, they teach them several languages, so that they can defend themselves wherever they are. When werewolves grow up and mature enough, they teach them what to do to become werewolves without having any difficulty in doing so.

All werewolves know that it is not advisable to betray your clan, for any reason, because punishment is worse than betrayal. On the other hand, werewolves have to learn to defend themselves from all objects that could hurt or kill them and make that part of their strengths.

Finally, all werewolves have to learn to fight to defend themselves and to defend their entire clan from their enemies.