
Chapter 1

"Hey! Get off!!!!", shouted Icelyn because Est is sitting above her. Icelyn's friend trying to pull Est but Est's friend come to help.

Both gang flight violently. They grabbing, slapping, kicking and pull each other hair.

" I want you to teach you some lesson!!", shout Est in a high pitch tone.

They both pulling each other hair. Rolling..

"It's hurt, dummy!!", says Icelyn.

" What did you say?!"

Then Est slap her in the face. Est then grab Ice's collar and push her against the wall.

"Stop it both of you!", ordered principal. Then, Ice run towards principal.

" Principal she start it first. You should expell her!".

"What did you said? You start it first stupid!". Est looked at Ice's face with a look that full with hate.

" All of you come to my office. I'll call your parents. "

All of them go to principal's office quietly. They walk distantly.

"Aishhh!! Principal spoiled the mood. I almost win against that stupid people ", says Stella angrily.

" Calm down girl. Relax. This is my fight. Both of you shouldn't interfere in my problem. I don't want both of you get scolded because of me"

" We are friends. Thats what friend do when their friends are in trouble. Right Stella", says Amanda.

"Yes!! We can turn blinded saw you being punched by that bitches.!! Ewww!! I hate them so much!!!", Stella continued

" Awwww..... Guys. Thank you so much. I'm very happy to have such a good friends like both of you. I love both of you.", said Est with emotional.

" Oh stop it! We're not lesbian!!", Stella replied.

Three of them laughing. Tr.

*At principal office*

"Why did you guys always fight? You embarrassing school's name. Did you know that? People will talk about our school discipline matter. I'm the one that always be blamed by the government because I can't educated all of you. You, Ester, why did you always pick a fight against Icelyn.? I know that you envy her academic grade but its your fault that you're not good in the academic. You always playing around. You embarrassing your family's name.", says Miss Taylor angrily.

Est looked at Miss Taylor like she don't care about all of this. She get used to this.

" Principal don't blamed her. It's me that should be blame. She envied my grade. I should be blamed. Est, I'm sorry because I'm great at academic. But this is the only thing that I can master. My family is not as rich as your family. That's why I should study hard to make a lot of money in the future.",

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