
Fake "I Do"

Catherine, Kyla, Gregory and Ryan are four friends from the same college. Matched by love's thread, Gregory vows to marry Kyla and Ryan, Catherine. Everything was going well till the four friends decided to make it known to their families how they felt about each other. There's a huge confusion as their parents want a different partner from who they had been introduced to. Pretending to accept their parents' wishes, Catherine and Gregory, Kyla and Ryan decides to get wedded accordingly but in the guise of a fake wedding, elope with their true lovers. The plan was almost a perfect one until Gregory developes true feelings for Catherine, causing a break in their friendship, and complications in their once simple life.

Elettariahelix · Urban
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9 Chs

Step by Step

Ryan itched his head in disgust. He couldn't stop thinking about Greg's words the previous night.

"How could he say something so serious in a casual way?"

"How am I supposed to deal with this? She's pretty, no doubt but I really can't go into any sort of relationship now" he thought to himself.

Meanwhile, in the hostel, Kyla kept trying to persuade Cathy to get into a relationship with Ryan.

"Listen, Ryan is handsome, wealthy and very smart. I mean you can't find anyone better than him, so why are you refusing to accept this fact?" Kyla asked.

"I am not ready for this kyla, and moreover, didn't you see the way he walked out yesterday? It's obvious the both of you set us up!" Catherine complained.

"Look Cathy I believe so much in this ship, and I will do anything to make it sail mark my words" kyla said with a stern look, but cathy left without a word.

Like destiny finally assumed it's place in their lives, Catherine and Ryan kept bumping into each other more often, and Ryan began to notice Catherine's beauty. Everyday in class, he looked out for her, admiring everything she did or touched. When he couldn't take it anymore, he opened up to Greg.

"I don't know what you've done to me but I'm suddenly developing deep feelings for that girl...what's her name again? Catherine."

Greg smiled gazing intently at Ryan.

"I told you didn't I?" He asked with a knowing look on his face

"Shall I help you get her" he asked again

Ryan nodded in agreement and Greg nudged him.

"Tonight, we meet at your club house, dress to kill, and don't be late"

"Again?!" Catherine exclaimed when Kyla invited her to the clubhouse.

"I'm sorry but no can do Kyla I've got loads of things to do and I'm not ready to watch a live romance all in the name of trying to fit in!" She complained

"C'mon Cathy, I promise, you won't regret it this time." Kyla pleaded, but Cathy was adamant

"I'm sorry Kyla but you know exactly what happened to me the last time. I was almost molested and yet you still have the guts to invite me to such a place, are you this heartless?" Catherine yelled.

"I'm not Cathy, I'm only trying to help you socialize! Trust me just this once please!" Kyla begged.

Catherine watched her without a word, and as tears rolled down her cheeks, Kyla drew her into a warm embrace.

"I'm sorry about last time, I know you were terrified, but I promise I won't let you out of my sight again ok?"

That settled it. Catherine decided to give the clubhouse a second chance and right there, she met her saviour, Ryan Smith. As soon as she sat on the table opposite Ryan, both Greg and Kyla excused themselves.

Ryan stared at the pretty damsel before him. He allowed his eyes capture every bit of Catherine's nudity. From her cleavages, to her waist, down to her thighs that were laced up in a netty leggings. Catherine possessed a lovely and sexy physique, with a pretty face that could confuse any man, so it wasn't difficult for Ryan to fall in love with her.

"Will you keep staring at me like that?" She asked impatiently as she sipped her alcohol.

"I'm sorry." Ryan quickly apologized trying to distract himself.

"I apologise for the way I walked out the last time, I was really taken unawares and...and I.."

"It's ok... there's no need to apologise" Catherine replied trying not to get too excited. Ryan saw his opportunity, and quickly, he held her hand from across the table.

"You really are very beautiful tonight" he said, but Catherine wasn't sure how to react. Ryan was a guy every girl at Truth College loved and it was natural for him to pass such compliments at any girl that caught his fancy.

"Do you think I will appreciate those words when they come from you?" Catherine asked with a smirk. Ryan was taken aback.

"What do you mean?" He asked

"You're a playboy Ryan, you can never be serious when it comes to women, I'm sure of it."

Ryan sipped his martini trying to recover from this shock. And like something suddenly struck him, he stood up, pulling Catherine up as well.

"What are you doing?" She asked alarmed, but he picked up a bottle from their table and threw it at the wall. The sound of the bottle breaking on the wall, drew everyone's attention and seeing that it was Ryan, the DJ stopped the music. Kyla stood up to stop Ryan, but Greg held her.

"Allow him" he whispered in her ear.

Ryan drew Catherine so close to him that their lips almost touched.

"Listen..." He whispered in her ears.

"Almost everyone at school come here to relax including those girls you worry about, but I'm going to prove something to you and everyone else present here"

Catherine was visibly shivering. She didn't know what Ryan had in mind but she was too proud to ask him..

Ryan placed his arms around her waist, and gently but steadily, he pressed his lips on hers.

"Wow!!!" Everyone exclaimed, some took pictures, others clapped in excitement, and Kyla hugged Greg in fulfilment.

For some reason, Catherine didn't try to wriggle out of Ryan's grip. She felt his warm breadth on her face and his soft lips as he kissed her. Only then did she realize that she was in love with him, if that was wrong, then, she was sexually attracted to him. Ryan had always been a good kisser, tonight was his moment and he was going to make good use of it. He licked and sucked Catherine's lips, digging his tongue into her mouth. Like that wasn't enough, he ran his fingers underneath her top, playing with the buckles of Catherine's brassiere, she was already aroused, but Ryan stopped.

"Everyone's watching!" He whispered into Catherine's ears, smiling slyly like he ever cared about smooching in public.

Catherine couldn't even utter a word, she was incredibly shy. The last time she came, she had been disgusted about the couples that smooched there but now she was one of them, but the most amazing thing was that, she was with the clubhouse's owner, a big shot, and the charmer of Truth College.

"Does this prove my love for you Catherine?" Ryan asked still whispering in her ears.

"You call me a play boy, but you're my first kiss." He said caressing Catherine's face. She was shocked to hear his confession, but that was only the beginning. Ryan, still holding on to her hands, went down on his right knee.

"I'm in love with you Catherine, please be mine" he said.

Another round of cheers from the crowd filled the air. Some took photos while others shot videos. Catherine stood dumbstruck, everything happened in such a rush that she had no time to think of the perfect reply.

"Say yes!"

"Say yes!"

"Say yes!"

The crowd chanted, while Kyla and Greg watched in admiration. Catherine had to tell herself the truth, she had been single for so long and this opportunity was a rare one.

"Yes" she said with a calm voice as she raised Ryan to his feet.

She stood on her toes, throwing her arms around his neck as she kissed him. They smooched, oblivious of where they were, all they knew was they had left single hood and had entered this amazing ship.

"I will go through with this, and step by step I'm sure this love will grow stronger and stronger" Catherine thought to herself as they kissed.