
Faithful Devil

Rina, a small child, was caught and sacrificed by the desperate villagers to their god to end the eternal winter that plagued their village. Saved by a man called 'Devil' his eyes slowly opened up to the world he knew so little about. "You shouldn't do something just because you were told, who told you that you need to breathe to live?, that you need to open your eyes to see?, you never know, maybe it's all in your head and you never needed to do such things in the first place but was believed to do so"

Vinegar · Fantasy
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7 Chs

A ray of hope

The stormy wind tried to stop them from going forward but the death of the others was just too much of a sacrifice for them to just go back to the village empty handed.

The five villagers that managed to survive the avalanche were guided by Dreg the one who stopped them from approaching the pit.

And those who listened to him are now following from behind as they March towards the top

Behind their tracks, was land covered by snow the only difference it has compared to the rest of the icy mountain was the rusty sword it has standing tall even in the harshest of weather, it could be seen even from a distance reflecting a shining radiance.

Under the sword lies the body of the villagers that was buried alive by the avalanche, unable to dig their body this was all their companions could do.

Pathetic but as a brother it was all Dreg could do.

Their body is shaking from cold, icicles forming on the hanging hair on their face, a villager asked his breath could be seen forming to the air as mist.

"How much further?"

"Just a little more" Dreg said huffing for air, he noticed that as they got higher the harder it was to breath and to move.

As if the mountain itself doesn't want them to go further

His feet sunken in deep snow he looked at the people behind him, he sighed when he saw that only two managed to follow up, the others were at a distance that he didn't know if they're still following, Dreg wonders if they're even still alive.

"We will not go back empty handed" Dreg said to the two people that managed to follow.

"For our family!" He said and the two nodded to him trying to save energy by not talking.

Their effort paid off and the three arrived at the top mesmerized by the small hut that was in front of them.

The window was foggy so they were unable to see what waited for them inside all they know is that they need to reach it.

Their leader Greg who was one of the people that were buried when the avalanche struck knows of the reason why the hut is so important.

'Foolish brother of mine what do I need to do?' Dreg thought looking at the hut in front of them

"We reached it" A villager muttered as he quickly went to knock on the door but no matter how long he waited there was no response. "Open the door!, the village needs help!"

His words were met with the crackling of the unstable hut.

"We can open it ourselves" Dreg said going towards the door "Pardon us"


Dreg kicked on the door and the house shake in response he tried again and again but he was not strong enough to open its lock

"Wait, you'll destroy the house at this rate, let me" A villager said with a proud look, he step back and made a running start before kicking the door with both feet separating it from the frame, As the door hit the ground a stench penetrated his nose, down on the ground his proud expression immediately turn into disgust

The villager near the house without even looking inside back away almost immediately, he rushed to the nearest tree as he puked on the ground.

While the second villager ignored the unbearable smell coming from inside and proceeded to enter the hut.

"I smell death" He muttered, as a grave keeper the smell of dead bodies is something he can recognize and is resistant to.

His eyes grew wide at what he witnessed.

"How cruel" He muttered

Three corpses lay on the bed. A mother embracing two of her children.

"Can you see what causes this stench?" Dreg asked and the villager answered quickly "Corpses"

Surprised by the answer Dreg mustered his strength and head inside the hut.

Looking at the corpses his eyes turn dull

"It can't be true" Dreg muttered, "...an item, that must be it, we are not here for this family but an item they possess"

"I do not know what you want to do, but we should respect the dead" the grave keeper said

"Endure the smell, we will search this place" Dreg said pushing the grave keeper aside as he pounced on the small cabinet beside the bed made of hay.

He dug inside the bed desperate for result, his face turned sour as he found nothing he opened the small cabinet by the side of the bed and only saw clothes that resemble a stained rag.

"This damn house!" He kicked away the cabinet in frustration and headed to the stove shoving his hand at its hole to remove the still warm charcoal inside with no hesitation.

"Dreg, I think you've done enough" The grave keeper said

"Your anger will not solve anything, our objective is gone, face it"

Dreg surrounded by the destruction he had caused looked at the grave keeper

"It's time to stop" The grave keeper said and at his word Dreg felt shame, he looked away as he cursed under his breath.

"Fine, let us return" Dreg said and the grave keeper sighed relief by his word

'So my brother died for nothing and what about father my wife who are pregnant with our first child' He pondered as he was on the door looking at the distance burdened by the death of his people and the problems that awaits him at the village

Going back now will make them an outcast, some cowards who wasted the sacrifice of the others by returning tails behind their back and empty handed.

"Come now, we had no choice" The grave keeper said trembling from the cold.

"Are you not afraid of going back like this?" Dreg asked and the grave keeper laugh at his word

"Of course I am!" He answered with a smile

"It must be that our God abandoned us"

"Stop the nonsen-


Overlapping with the voice of the dreg was a quite sound coming from inside.

Without wasting breath Dreg followed the sound inside the hut and watch as a small child push away his mother's arm as he cough blood.

"Dreg, did something happened inside?" The grave keeper asked

Dreg his lips trembling he answered

"A child, a child survived"

Dreg carried the child to his arms and could only feel pity for the small creature.

The child is so light that Dreg can lift him with one hand and so small that he is arms length.

"How can a frail child still live, its a miracle" The grave keeper voice out.

"This must be it then, this child is what we need to bring back" Dreg said carrying the child towards the man beside the tree.

"Get up!, were going back " Dreg said

"d-did the warrior agreed on helping us" The villager replied using all his strength to stand up.

Dreg sighed at the sight of him "No, the warrior wasn't there..but this child is" He said