
Fairytales Don't Exist: Paper Hearts

Eden is a simple high schooler, with her own problems and her own life. But one day her life ends up aligning with her biggest enemy, her childhood best friend and a random guy she smoked with while skipping class. When they end up in a "middle" world after all falling into a coma at the same time after a life threatening situation, how they will they manage to get out? Is there more that they don't know about themselves? That now is up for them to figure out how to get back home, but it won't be that easy.

adrianlovescats · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

And I Would Meet You All Over Again

You were a flower that bloomed so beautiful, a gorgeous flower with yellow petals and chocolate colored spots. But your eyes held more sorrow then one could see, you were like shallow water, but at the same time a flower that only opened up in the daytime that was full of secrets.


I roamed the dark gray alleys aimlessly. Kicking rocks that met my feet against the brick walls as they would fly, roll, land by the wall. I stopped after walking for a while, a group of gangsters were on each others shoulders, their hands covered in paint of different colors. I smiled to myself and took steps towards the group of teenagers, seemingly from another school. "Need some help?" I asked, my voice startling them. One of the boys fell off one of the guys shoulders from anxiety. Fear filled their eyes, knowing that I had every right to call the police on them right then, and there. I dropped my bag on the ground, as it landed against the cold, messy cement ground. I opened the bag and glanced around looking at each of their hands, searching for what color they didn't have.

"What are you doing?" one of the boys finally spoke up, it seemed they were newbies for the entire thing, probably grade niners. I took out a blue spray paint bottle out of my bag, it was a smaller size then people would usually have.

"Sorry, I'm known for these things so they're small so I can hide these in my bag rather then my locker, want one?" I asked, a smirk going to my lips. The boys face calmed down and then lit up from relief that they weren't going to be sent to the police.

"Miss! What would you like to draw!? We owe you!" the pink colored haired boy asked, he had a nose piercing and he was smiling.

"Just call me X," I reached down for my bag and zipped it and tossed it over my shoulder. I walked over to them and dropped my bag and lifted my eyes to their art they were in the process of making.

"We've never done anything so..we.." one of the smaller boys started up, his voice trembling as my voice held no emotion they could grasp.

"Can one of you lift me up?" I asked, my eyes searching for someone who'd be willing.

"I can," this guy had his hair dyed in purple, his hair poofy and curly, a piercing in his left ear and an eyebrow piercing too. I walked over to him as he ducked down and I hopped on to his back and the others helped me get on to his shoulders. I opened the spray can and dropped the lid and heard it loudly hit the ground, the boys were startled by the lid, how cute. I took the can heavily and the boy below me seemed displeased, but I didn't care. I finally started drawing, I write a word on the wall, and asked them to give me another color. Soon there was a rainbow themed wall, the boys eyes glowed as the purple haired boy let me down from his shoulders. He stretched his head, before glancing up at the wall too. My hands were colored in different colors and a gentle smile etched on my lips.

"What school do you go to!?" the pink haired boy asked, I glanced back at him whilst tucking the can in to my bag.

"Cloverfield High School, if you guys are like this, don't come to my school," I answered, picking my bag off the ground and throwing it with a thump against my shoulder. I put my arm through the second arm strap as the boys exchanged looks with one another.

"Like this?" the brunette questioned, a curious look spread upon his innocent features. The purple haired boy nudged him.

"She means lgbt+ dummy," he huffed, annoyed. The brunette made an 'o' shape with his mouth but didn't reply or ask any further. "Then why are you there?" the male asked further. His blue eyes suddenly meeting mine, giving me anxiety. I exhaled a long breath and looked once again at the wall and gave it a small smile, glancing down at my rainbow sprayed hands. A long silence stretched between us, the space between us growing more lonely and farther. I pursed my lips and finally shrugged.

"Because not everyone is as bright as middle schoolers," I finally responded, giving them each a small smile, watching their faces soften and a couple of the boys look down and frown. The other two held stern faces of understanding and pity. I narrowed my eyes, turned my heel and started on my way back to the school. A soft sound stopped me in my tracks. I glanced down at my feet, that too were covered in paint and a small creature brushed against my foot. I kneed down to the ground and scooped up the black fur colored creature who let out a small mewl upon getting scooped up. I let a smile come to my lips as the little ball of fur and loneliness curled up against my palms, yawned sticking out their tongue. I lifted up the small ball, getting a glare of displeasure. "You're a girl," I whispered before placing the black ball of fur safely on my palm. She mewled again, sadder this time. I noticed she didn't have a collar around her neck, a frown came to my lips at the sight. I placed the small creature in to the pocket of my hoodie, she peeked out in confusion. "Sleep there, I can't bring you to school," I whispered, as if she understood she propped her head back inside and I started walking once again, with the pressure of her in my pocket.

After some time, I finally approached my school, and met with two pairs of eyes holding a very disappointed look at me. I pursed my lips and huffed, stopped walking for a moment before continuing on. I pretended I didn't see the two boys on the grass, as the brunette got up his fast footsteps rustled against the grass. He grasped my arm.

"Where the fuck were you?" he asked, I pulled away from his grasp, meeting him with a glare. I didn't respond, it wasn't his business. I felt Kai's eyes on me, and I felt his eyes travel down. Nixon noticed too. "Why are your clothes and hands covered in paint, what did you do? Go roll in paint? Huh?" Nixon's old part of him showed through his worry. I flinched as he grabbed me again. I turned towards him and threw my hand away from his grip.

"Leave me alone," I hissed at him, my voice low. He inhaled as I walked away and looked away, biting his tongue in annoyance.

"Fine," he simply stated, I felt something in side me turn and I saw the white light for the crosswalk flicker on for me to cross. He met my eye and started walking ahead of me, I inhaled and started crossing as well behind him. I stopped by another patch of grass and pulled out my cigarette, taking out my lighter as the white colored object was between my lips. Before I could come to realization the cigarette was grasped out of my mouth and tossed before I could light it.

"Hey!" I stood up, me coming to my senses upon how tall he was. He met my eye, glancing down at me, and stomped on the cigarette without even looking at it. I stepped away, my breath getting caught from him standing so close. "What do you want?" I asked, sending him an irritated look.

"What do I want?" he asked, laughing at the very end, as if mocking me. "I want my best friend back," he answered, his eyes meeting mine again, as he looked away previously. I narrowed my eyes, I felt sudden shifting movement in my hoodie.

"You lost your friend," I didn't meet his eyes and grabbed my bag and tossed it over my shoulder and speed walked towards a bus stop. Luck was in my luck for that one moment and a bus came just as I approached the bus stop. I showed the elderly man my bus pass, he leaned a bit to look at it briefly before nodding his head. I found a seat in the back, and instantly dug out my headphones.

Nixon stood by the same grass patch area where he was left previously, his eyes flickering up and down, in different directions, unreadable expression. Soft steps surprised the brunette male, making him turn around. "I wonder," Kai started, his eyes instantly meeting Nixon's guilty ones. "Why she's avoiding you so much, and I truly wonder, why she's like that," Kai said, a particular tone sounding from his lips. Nixon bravely never once broke the stare they held.

"Are you accusing me of something?" Nixon asked, sounding offended. Kai smirked, and chuckled.

"Perhaps so, why? Does it make you anxious?" Kai walked closer towards the male and whispered. Nixon grabbed his wrist and pinned him against the grass, fury forming across his features.

"I never once, ever, hurt her!" Nixon yelled. Kai shoved him off him, laying down on the grass he was pinned against. Nixon and him exchanged last few glances, Kai receiving one will of hatred. Nixon turned his back to him, the crosswalk beeping, perfect timing for Nixon to cross and go back to class.

Soon, the bus approached my usual stop, I thanked the bus driver before getting off. I walked home and took out my keys once approaching my home, I unlocked the door, instantly peeking in to see if anyone was home. I closed the door behind myself, kicked off my shoes and headed around my house making sure no one was home. I walked in to the kitchen and grabbed a jar of milk, along with a small bowl and poured the milk in to the bowl. I then carried the small white, with red designs bowl up the stairs. I placed the bowl down, kneeling down and then scooping out the small kitten from my pocket. I received a big yawn, and a small mewl of disapproval for her nap being interrupted so soon. The kitten saw the milk and happily wandered towards it and started drinking the white liquid. I smiled to myself, watching the kitten with a feeling of peace. "You'll be my only friend," I pet the black furred kitten. The kitten finished drinking and turned to me, licking up her paws and then washing herself. I watched her white mitten paws as she washed herself. After some short time I put the kitten under my bed and left back to school, hoping that the small kitten I found would stay safe.

I got back just in time for the second period, I tossed my bag down beside the chair I plopped myself in to. I had English, one of the only classes I somewhat appreciated since it helped it was the only class we had to shut up and read a book. I loved books with all my heart, they made me at peace, happy, light, it was my escape from the world, from the never-ending fear that the world pulled me into. We got an assignment on the chapters we read of the new book we were assigned on the first day, I filled out the sheet entirely efficiently and took a nap for the rest of class.

One the lunch bell rang, I zoomed out of the class and rushed over to my storage room, making sure no one saw me, I walked in to the storage room and found a pillow and laid down, shutting my eyes. I heard the door open, I contemplated whether I should just pretend to to be asleep so whoever entered would leave or if I should just kick their butt out of my area. I heard the door, I assumed they left so I relaxed and continued my attempt to drift in to sleep. I felt hair against my arm, suddenly realizing my assumption was wrong, so wrong. I felt a fingers against my hair, as they brushed my hair gently, but their hands were shaking. I reached up and grabbed their hand, receiving a gasp of surprise from whoever invaded my space. I sat up, opening my eyes, meeting eyes with no other but Ember, her blue eyes shaking from anxiety as they met mine. "What are you doing here?" I asked her, my voice going harsher then intended.

"Eden-" her voice was shaking.

"Who do you think you are?" I asked her, disgust sharply sounding through my words. Her eyes fell, she couldn't look up at me any longer, an exhale of defeat. She lifted her head up after a few seconds, I didn't realize when my grip on her weakened, as her hands were on my cheeks making me look at her.

"I'm sorry," her words were filled with sorrow, such sorrow that I swear made me feel disgusted.

"No apology you give me, will ever make me forgive what you've done," I snapped at her, my chest aching from her sincere broken eyes. I pulled her hands away from my cheeks, and let them land in her lap weakly. "Leave, leave and continue lying, lie all you want, just get out of my life," my words were more quiet, pained, before she could make me waver anymore I got up and opened the door for her to leave, not once looking up to meet her eye.

"Eden.. I-" she tried once more.

"You disgust me with your presence," I spat out the words. I heard her get up, and saw her leave. I didn't meet her eye once when she left and closed the door.

I lied.