
Fairytales Don't Exist: Paper Hearts

Eden is a simple high schooler, with her own problems and her own life. But one day her life ends up aligning with her biggest enemy, her childhood best friend and a random guy she smoked with while skipping class. When they end up in a "middle" world after all falling into a coma at the same time after a life threatening situation, how they will they manage to get out? Is there more that they don't know about themselves? That now is up for them to figure out how to get back home, but it won't be that easy.

adrianlovescats · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

..I've Messed Up

I should have thought twice before wishing for your never ending love, if this is how things resulted.


"Mom...?" Kai's breathless voice sounded as his eyes were wide. He raised his eyes towards his father, who was chuckling mechanically, holding a knife tightly in his hand, with red stained on the blade. "Dad..what..." Kai felt like he was slowly being choked. His knees felt weak, he took a step back weakly as his dad turned around and was met with his dad's drunk expression, filled with a look of a crazy man. His body started to shake, his mind was racing, to somehow escape his dad as this wasn't the first time. Before he was able to even calm down his own breathing a hand was tightly clasped around his throat, and he was dragged over to where his mom laid. Kai got a mere glimpse of her before he was pinned against the wall, feeling that the ground was gone from his feet. He placed his shaky hands on his father's grip. He opened his mouth weakly, shutting his eyes, feeling the world starting to spin. "F..ather.." he choked out weakly, his hands on his father's hands becoming weaker, his body going numb. In seconds his vision went black, with the last thing being his choked breathing. His hands weakly fell to his side, and his head tilted to the side as he lost conscious, his dad dropped him on to the floor, and was met with a weak glance from his wife on the ground. The knife fell from his grip as it collided with the hard kitchen floor.

"Kyle...?" his mom's voice was weak. She blinked and turned her head, her eyes widened as she saw her own son, laying on the ground with his eyes shut. She sat up and winced from the wound she had on her side. "Darling, what did you do?" she asked, her voice coming off choked. Kyle, his father, ran in to a wall as he weakly shook. His mom's eyes were pleading for an answer, she turned her head back to her son, and saw a purple mark on his neck. "My phone, my phone, where is it?" her voice was panicked and weak. Kyle glanced at the table and grabbed her phone and handed it to her with a shaky hand. She grabbed it instantly and dialed the emergency number. "Hello!?" she coughed, wincing more. "Hello! Please help me, my son is unconscious, he was strangled, please come quickly!" her voice was hoarse, panicked and weak. She spoke her address in a whisper before she dropped her phone beside her, groaning from the pounding pain in her side. She scooped up Kai with her blood stained hands. The next time she looked up, Kyle was nowhere to be seen. Shortly her own vision started to blur and her features went pale. "Kai, I'm so sorry.." a sparkle shined through her eyes as a small tear slid down her pale cheek. She held him closer to her chest. "I'm sorry.." her voice was now a soft whimper.


Nixon sat curled up in a ball by the door, holding his knees to his chest, his head gently placed on his knees. The door swung open to reveal a dirty blond male, his hair dropping down around his shoulders, his blue eyes panicked. He was tall, about 6 feet, with a professional suit on his body. His eyes fell on to the brunette boy who was curled up by his feet. He kneed down, gently touching the brunette's shoulder, making him raise his head out of his arms. Nixon's eyes were bruised red from rubbing and crying. Ernest without second thought pulled the smaller male in to a hug, the other returning the surprise hug with a choked whimper escaping his lips. After a couple seconds, Ernest pulled away from the hug, his hands gripping his shoulders. "Nixon, head home now, okay? Get rest, she'll be okay," Ernest rubbed his shoulder. The brunette nodded, not ever once meeting Ernest's eyes. Both males got up and Nixon left. Ernest sat on the bed my unconscious body lay, his hand brushing my hair gently. "Oh.. Eden.. I hope you come back.." he whispered.


Nixon took a bus back to the school, since beforehand he left his car at the schools parking lot. When getting out of the bus he ran in to Ember who was standing by the bus stop. They met eyes, briefly before Nixon broke off eye contact, averting his gaze away from her and started towards the crosswalk.

"Nixon," she called out, her voice still was quiet from earlier. He paused, turning his head back at her, sending her a questioning gaze. She pursed her lips and bit down on it, looking down. "Do..you mind giving me a lift?" she asked, chuckling nervously, meeting his glance once again. He sighed heavily, glancing at the crosswalk seeing it's time to cross.

"Sure," he replied with a forced smile. She smiled back at him and hurried over to him as he went to the crosswalk. They crossed and walked around the parking lot, it was large so going to Nixon's car was taking a few minutes more then expected by the innocent blonde whose used to busing all the time. "Here," he finally spoke walking over to a black car. He took out his keys and unlocked the door, and went to the driver's seat, Ember waddled over to shotgun. They shut the doors and Nixon turned on the engine, waiting briefly and checking his mirrors if there was any cars behind him. He then started backing out, before finally turning to this right and driving out, then turning towards the main road. They were almost instantly stopped by a red light. "Where do you live?" he asked, making the female beside him perk up.

"Oh, uh, actually I recently moved in to the area you live in as well," she answered, cheerfully. He blinked, thinking how she would know where he lived, only to remember he drives home around the same time as the bus. He nodded in response, she stared at him for a while after the light turned green.

"What is it?" he asked, not breaking his eye contact with the road.

"I've heard you're a class clown, but right now you seem quite the opposite," she replied, her tone sounding more invading. They stopped at an intersection again and Nixon glanced over at her.

"I could say the same to you, I wonder why we would both be so upset, though I'm more curious about you then anything," he answered, holding a strong gaze between them before facing the road again. Ember averted her gaze and looked down at her hands instead, twisting her fingers quietly as an attempt to distract herself. Suddenly both perked up at the red light when they heard loud sirens, and tires squeaking. The light turned green and Nixon blinked and stepped on the gas. Both eyes went wide when they saw a white car coming in their direction, as the car was going against the traffic. There was traffic so Nixon couldn't back up and the other people didn't see but soon the black car they were in was squashed from both sides as the white car ran in to them and the car behind them did too. An air bag popped out, blood trailing down from both of their heads.

More loud sirens were heard as the side of the road was blocked off, the police arrested the person they were chasing down, shoving them in to the car. More sirens were heard as the ambulance came and picked up the two teens from the black car, and the driver from the car behind them. All were rushed to the hospital.

We were all now in the hospital, all of us suffering from a brain injury.


"Welcome to the World of Spark!" the voice echoed as the black haired male fluttered his eyes and was met with the same old man I met. He opened his mouth in confusion and rapidly moved his head side to side trying to find out where he was. His eyes held panic.

"Where's my mom? Where's my father!? Where am I!?" he screamed and tried to flung himself at the old man, only his balled up fist went through him.

"I'm sorry, I guess you didn't understand, you've entered the Spark universe, please choose you name, just know you can not edit it later on, this will be the name you'll be called for the rest of your life," the man spoke once again. Kai stumbled and fell to his knees.

"Kai.." he muttered weakly, whilst his body shook from confusion, fear.

"Okay, now please choose your last name from the following list," the man pointed to the list you could scroll through with names. Kai slowly stood up and walked over towards the names and scrolled through.

"Wardon," Kai spoke, his voice sounding muted.

"Hello Kai Wardon, it is nice to meet you my name is Professor Daemon, I shall be the one who will help you get started," he smiled genuinely at the black haired male. Kai felt himself calming down, and strained to remember why he was so against being here in the first place. "Next, you need to make a promise, something you will never do, and that will then be your one and only rule in this world, you have 3 chances, after breaking it the 3rd time you shall be cast out of the world," he spoke cheerfully. Kai fell silent as he needed to think of something to say.

"I promise.." he started, his eyes flickering to the side looking from the clear surface we was on where he was. "..To never let myself be controlled," he said confidentially.

"Okay, thank you, Kai Wardon, now you may choose to change your appearance, here you go," the man stepped away as a mirror appeared in front of the male, he walked up to it and saw the many scrolling options. He chose a black shirt with 'dark' written in white letters on it, along with a whine red leather jacket over top of it, with grey-blue shade jeans, and he chose white sneakers. He glanced at himself, his eyes landing on his hair, he looked through the hairstyle options before deciding to keep it almost exactly the same kind of messy. He nodded slowly and pressed 'ok' the outfit then actually changing on him. The mirror disappeared and he was met with the man's face again. "Now I shall start the process of erasing your memory completely, you will awake in your room with instructions and with options for any help," the man then bowed and closed his eyes. Kai opened his mouth to speak only to be interrupted by the flashing red screen with 'WARNING' written in bold red letters. He tried to focus his eyes on the smaller font description under the WARNING but before he was able to get past the first word everything had gone black.


"Welcome to the World of Spark! Please choose your name!"

A brunette male looked up at the old man standing before him and he blinked at him confused. "..What?" he questioned.

"I'm sorry, I guess you didn't understand, you've entered the Spark universe, please choose you name, just know you can not edit it later on, this will be the name you'll be called for the rest of your life," the man repeated once more. Nixon glanced around, his eyes flickering all around, feeling dizzy with confusion.

"..Nixon," he spoke quietly, the car crash still vivid in his memory.

"Okay, now please choose your name from the following list," the man pointed to the list, remaining like that. Nixon walked over and scrolled through the names, remaining silent. His mind was spinning still from what was going on.

"Ronin," he spoke gently, suddenly feeling lighter then he did previously.

"Hello Nixon Ronin, it is a pleasure to meet you, my name is Professor Daemon, I shall be the one who will help you get started," he spoke cheerfully, my mind started becoming hazier the more time passed, something felt off, incredibly off and wrong, but I couldn't pinpoint it. "Next, you will have to make a promise, that promise will become your one and only rule here, you will have 3 chances, after the third time you shall be kicked out of the world," the professor spoke tonelessly.

"I promise to never eat mushrooms!" Nixon said absent-minded. The professor looked shocked for a moment.

"Okay.. Thank you Nixon Ronin, you shall now get the chance to change your appearance," the man sounded taken back but continued on anyway. He stepped aside as a mirror came up and showed Nixon his reflection. His eyes went wide and he fell to his knees.

"My..." he started, staring at the mirror devastated, brushing the mirror, staring in complete devastation and disbelief.

"I thought that regardless how imperfect your black wings are, that they are still beautiful and unique in their own way, don't worry there's many other people like you, they're too unique to be bullied over," the professor answered question from the brunette. Nixon in response, swallowed a large lump in his throat and tried his best to stand up, he felt lightheaded. He selected a cloudy gray tee, along with a blue and green plaid to go over top with black jeans, with gray vans. He clicked okay, not changing his features and keeping them relatively the same. The mirror disappeared and the man came back, he smiled at Nixon gently. "I will now began deleting your memory, you will wake up in your room with instructions and any guidance you'll need," the man finished, bowing and then closed his eyes. Nixon was met with the same red blinking sign and didn't even bother to read it as he just let it all happen, closing his eyes and accepting the new change.


"Welcome to the World of Spark! Please choose your name, just know you can't change it later on,"

"Where..am I?" Ember's confused voice echoed, her ears rang from the memory of the crash. She covered her ears and shut her eyes tightly, trying to calm herself down.

"I'm sorry, I guess you didn't understand, you've entered the Spark universe, please choose you name, just know you can not edit it later on, this will be the name you'll be called for the rest of your life," the man spoke, she opened her eyes and locked with his, her hands still over top of her ears. Slowly, Ember lowered her hands and straightened herself.

"Ember," she spoke, her voice frightened and cautious.

"Okay, now please your last name from this list," the man pointed at the yellow colored list with fancy font written names.

"Ripley," she selected quietly, cringing at a few names due to references of her own.

"Hello Ember Ripley, it is very nice to meet you, my name is Professor Daemon, I shall be the one who will get you started," he introduced himself with a cheerful smile. Ember blinked slowly, her mouth slightly open, her mind running, unsure what to do, say, or think. "Now you have to make a promise, this promise will be your only rule, if get 3 chances, if you break it 3 times you will be kicked out," the man explained further. She scanned the location she was in, looking down through the clear surface at the greenery scenery and colorful houses, a place that gave off a vibe of happiness.

"I promise never again take a step back from fear," she promised with guilt in her tone.

"Thank you Ember Ripley, now you will have a chance to change your appearance to your preference," the old man pointed and stepped aside as a mirror came out of the ground and the buttons of choices came up. Ember walked over to the mirror, and gazed at her reflection for a moment before starting to go through the options. She chose a simple dress, the top of it was black with white small polka dots and the petal sakura pink skirt went from her waist to just above her knee. She added a couple hair silver hair clips to each side of her hair to keep it up, making small ponytails with the front part of her hair, keeping them in place. She changed her footwear to the same pink shade 3 inch heels. She admired herself for a moment, a small smile dancing at her lips and she pressed okay and watched her worn out clothes shift in to a delicate outfit. "Okay, now I shall start on erasing your memory, you will awake in your own room with instructions and any help you will need," the man smiled kindly, then bowed and closed his eyes before the warning sign came up. Ember's eyes flickered up and she stared at the flashing warning sign with her mouth slightly agape. Then it all went black for her, just like it did for everyone else.


Nixon and Ember were placed at the hospital, in separate rooms, both of their parents rushed in to the hospital throwing questions at the workers at the front desk. Ember's family rushed in to her hospital room and her mother rushed over to her first. "What happened? What happened to my sweet daughter??" the women asked, tears visible in her eyes, the doctor was just heading out to leave. The doctor paused and met eyes of Ember's dad, and her mother. He pursed his lips and sighed.

"She got in to a car crash, it seemed her friend was just dropping her off at home, since he seems to live in the same nieghbourhood," the doctor replied. The two grownups lowered their heads, sadness creeping over them. "She got brain trauma, she's in a coma, her condition is unstable, though we will keep watch over her," the doctor added. The dad nodded and quietly thanked the doctor and the doctor in response nodded before leaving the room. Ember's mom had her waist length blonde hair up in a bun, her hair coming out of her pins she had done it up in from the rush to the hospital from worry, she had a black dress on with black heels, her clothes spoke that she had been from the office. Her father had combed back brown hair that was sticking out from the sides, he was dressed in black pants and a cream colored dress shirt with a tie, he was the principal of the school Ember had went to.

"A coma... Nathan.. darling..." she whimpered out to her husband, her ocean eyes looking in to his chocolate ones. He pursed his lips and averted his gaze from his worried wife.

"I'm sure, she'll be okay," he walked over to his wife and pulled her in for a hug as she shook in his hold.


Nixon's parents had only managed to get to the hospital a couple hours after Nixon had been put in the hospital, both were busy people. His mom hurried in before her husband could catch up. His mom had waist long brown hair that was tucked in to a ponytail, in which her hair was coming out her band. She had normal business casual clothes on, she worked as a psychiatrist, and ditched her patient in rush to see her son. She was panting at the front desk, startling the poor worker who was working there. His father caught up, going to his wife, his black hair was a usual disaster, dressed in a white tee that was covered in dust, with jeans that too were covered i dirt, he was a construction worker who rushed out as soon as he could to see his son. The two were told the room and both speed walked to their son's room. They ran in to the doctor who was more then startled.

"Whats wrong with him??" Nixon's mother grabbed on to his arms, pants coming from her mouth.

"He's in a coma, he got brain trauma from a car crash, there was a car going opposite of the traffic direction and ran in to your son's car, his condition is unstable but we will do everything we can," the doctor replied. His mother's eyes watered and she fell to her knees, crying softly. The doctor stayed in front of her, with the door slightly opened to his room.


Kai's mother had also been taken in to urgent care, therefore she was unable to find out right away from her son's condition, but all she hoped for was that even a little bit he was alive and not gone. The wound she had wasn't deep enough to kill but she got surgery for her wound.

How ironic is this?