
Goldilocks wins

Once upon a time there was a little girl called Goldilocks. She was wandering through the woods when she saw a hut. It was a little bigger than the average human's. Hungry as a wolf, she entered the house. In it there were three bears fast asleep but there were three plates of food on a table. Beef jerky and raw chicken. Goldilocks carelessly ate all the food in one giant bite.

Upon the waking up of the bears they were broken with rage when they saw their food had been eaten. Papa bear snatched Goldilocks up and swallowed her whole. Goldilocks had found a knife on the floor and had picked it up. Using the knife she cut the bears tummy open and walked out. The baby bear and mamma bear sadly met the same fate. Now Goldilocks is a famous for killing bears if they trouble people.