
Fairy Tail: Wandering Beast

I don't own fairy tail In this story our MC is sent to the world of Fairy tail after he died of a disease and gets beast and animal magic. The story takes place mostly away from the main cast of fairy tail and major events happened during the 7 year time skip. Now available on wattpad

Indra_effect7020 · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Chapter 10: A job and repaying favors

So here I was sitting on a by an office table again made by Morpheus (just decided to call him that from now on). I was surprised to see him cause in most stories once the ROB sends a person to the new world than that's it that's the basically the last time, he/she is brought up.

"So, how's life been in Earthland treating you kid." He asked getting me to raise my eyebrow.

"Well, I was dropped in an unknown forest full of dangerous monster which most turned out to be killer birds, I had to be walking, sleeping and training on constant eggshells for close to two weeks and when I finally found a town I was jumped and got my pockets ran so yeah fantastic." I ranted sarcastically but flinched from the pain from the electricity.

"HA! Hey look on the bright side at least your still alive." He joked and I just gave me a deadpanned stare. "Here let me help you out there." His hand than glowed green and my injuries were fully healed.

"Man, that I feel great thanks Morpheus." I thanked him and he nodded. "Not that am not happy to see you Morpheus but why are you here?" I was curious why he was here am sure it wasn't a social visit. He conjured up two cups, a steaming hot teapot and sugar

"Tea?" He offered and I accepted. "Well kid you could probably guess that am not here for a social visit."


"Do you remember what I told you on why you couldn't choose your own power?" I nodded it something to do with people asking for too many hax abilities. "Well to put it simple kid those reincarnates got too powerful and most of them got so drunk with power that they started fucking up space-time in the omniverse to a high degree that they began to invade universes they weren't supposed to be in." He took a sipe of his tea and continued.

"We did manage to put those dumb punks down an establish a rule that no matter what the power a reincarnate has or how strong he/she gets their power will only match the universe they're in even if they're the strongest. But aftermaths of the damage are still present and certain anomalies are present in some worlds and one of them is this one." He spoke.

"Wait so can't you just get rid of them you?" I mean isn't he a god or something.

"I would if I could but me and the others who are in charge in patching up the holes in reality. That's where you come in kid, I want you take care of these anomalies for before some of them do same serious damage."

"Wait what do most of these anomalies look like?"

"Well, the ones who ended up in this world or keep dropping in thanks to the space time tear are mostly creatures form other worlds but there is a chances other thing might appear too."

"Wait if they're creatures from other worlds isn't there a possibility that some off them would be too strong for this world too this world." I mean what if something like fucking doomsday from dc pops up.

"Don't worry kid like I said the rule of 'only being as powerful as the universe you're in' also applies to them but then again doomsday if here where here he could be as powerful as Acnologia, Ignia and Selene." When he said those names the last two didn't ring any bells.

"Who are Ignia and Selene?" I asked him he just looked at me at with an eyebrow raised.

"You seriously don't know them?" I shook my head at that. "You never read the looked into sequel manga fairy tail 100-year quest." He asked

"Oh, the sequel manga no I haven't nor did bother with it my friend told me about it one time but to say the truth never cared about it I mean I barely even remembered it existed." I stopped after the Alvarez arc to me the story was done there so I didn't bother anymore.

"Huh well am sure you'll meet them along the lines. So, kid will you take the job?"

"Yeah, I'll do it I mean don't want monsters from other dimension as strong as Acnologia running around. There is a problem though how can I tell if something is an anomaly, I mean I'm pretty sure fairy tail or this version of the fairy tail world has creatures similar to other worlds I mean am pretty sure the forest which I was in had monsters I've seen I that game monster hunter." I mean am pretty sure this Earthland has a few tinkers to it.

"Oh, I'll give you this." He pulled a phone which looked like a Sumsang galaxy out of nowhere.

"A phone."

"Yeah, but am sure there called a communication lacrima where but yeah it's basically a Sumsang galaxy s21. Every time I detect an anomaly, I'll message you to what it is and where to find it and their threat level. There already some I put in there so when you're ready you can go after them." He explained and handed me the phone.

"How do I charge it?" I asked as I didn't see any charging port.

"It has one of those l lacrima in it so you can just use you're magic to charge it up. And don't worry destroying it in a fight it fixes itself-depending on the damage taken." Well, that's good to know.

"Any questions kid?" He asked and I thought about it and I had one in mind.

"You got music and games in this thing, how old am I and after I fund these creatures and I fight and beat them do they disappear or the stay dead here?"

"Really those are your question? The games in there are the default ones like subway surfers and the likes and as for music no get the ones available here and your eleven. Finally, after you do beat them they stay disappear after some minutes but you cand take over them If you'd like." He answered. "Anyway, kid I gotta bounce see you." With that he disappeared taking the table and chairs with him.

I looked at my new phone and began going through it.

"Huh it does work like an actual phone I gotta learn re-quip magic fast so I don't lose it. Oh, there two anomalies in the blood feather forest one in the high c-class rank in the yellow zone and the other in the red zone s-class rank." I looked at it than decided to got to sleep

Next day

I got up early morning and went outside the motel and since a kept a few crowns in my room I used it to get some breakfast from the diner. After I was done, I went into the blood feather forest for a training section keeping in the green zone for now. I did the usual, meditated, did some long meter runs, push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and recently began punching and kicking a boulder multiple time sure I wasn't able to destroy bigger more durable ones but it was a good start finally basically using boulders and large logs as weights.

I wasn't sure if this was a good form of exercise but was all I could come up with for now. Later I would use my Owl, Rabbit, Werecheetah and Ant Takeover forms to have some fights with the creature from the forest. Am getting better at controlling my Cheetah form as I can stay in it a little longer now without losing control and it sucking up too much power.

"Man, that was a nice work out." I huffed as I was on my back shirtless and drenched in sweat. I didn't know what time it was but the time I left the diner I was around 7:45 and by the position of the sun it must be around one or two right now.

"What should I Take over next." I asked myself I needed to expand my arsenal especially with the dangerous job I accepted I needed to get really strong. "The forest has a lot of strong wyverns around maybe I should go to the yellow zone to try my luck." I got up stretching and made a makeshift sack out of some leaves and headed straight for my buried treasure.

 I entered the cave containing my loot but I noticed something was off with some of the places I buried some of the gems like they were dug up and taken!  

"SOME SLIMMY PIECE OF CRAP LOOTED MY LOOT!!" I yelled in frustration as I so most of the holes all dug up. I know they weren't that well hiding but come on man he just left them there for like a day and a half.

"Fuck man one problem after another." I cursed as I transformed into my rabbit form and dug up the few very few precious materials remaining that kept I the very deep of the cave and deep underground put them in the sac and closed it up tight. "Was it those mother fuckers who jumped yesterday." I sniffed the area since rabbits also have good senses of smell. "No, it doesn't smell like those bastards from yesterday but I scent was really nice like a females mixed with perfume." I sighed at my bad luck and decided just to leave.

Sometime later

I got back to the town I planned to find that Matilda lady who brought me to the doctors yesterday. I decided not to ask random strangers on the streets this time but at least ask some who work some strangers of the streets but went back to the clinic. Once I got there it was a little empty save for the mid to late twenty-year-old woman by the table who I assume is the receptionist.

"Hello there what can I do for you young man." She asked politely.

"Hello miss is doctor Maple around?"

"Yes, he is let me go get for you. So just sit tight." She left and I just sat by the chair waiting but the doctor didn't take long to appear.

"Oh, you're the boy from yesterday I see your already recovered." He said in surprise at my fast recovery.

"Yeah, anyway doc I'll make this fast do you remember that old lady who brought me here yesterday?" He nodded. "Did she leave like anything behind after she dropped me off?" I asked him

"Funny you said that she came by this morning to check up on but after I told her you left yesterday night she left this cloth just in case you might come but for a checkup." He presented me with a really nice-looking cloth green in shape and star shaped.

"Damn thanks doctor Maple you've been a big help." I went to take the cloth but he stopped me. "What is it?"

"Well, I would like to do an actual checkup you to make sure you really are a hundred percent and I won't take no for an answer plus I've noticed some bruises and a few cuts on you." He said professionally even did that thing where anime dudes with glasses tilt them up and their lens are fully white and I guess he noticed the training injuries.

"Seriously." I gave him a deadpan stare.

"Yes, I have to make sure my patients are healed to the best of my abilities if not than I've failed as a medical professional!" He said it so passionately and the receptionist looked at him her eyes full of admiration.

"Oh, Doctor Maple." She awed at him. Now I could easily just grab the cloth and leave but I really wasn't in a hurry plus they were just minor injuries so it wasn't that much of a big deal.

"Fine doc let's get this over with." I went into his office to get the checkup which did take long he just gave me some ointment for my bruises, anti-bacterial and checked some other stuff. After that I was ready to go. "Thanks doc guess I owe you."

"No, its fine really." He said trying to be humble and I just reached into my leaf sack and tossed him a diamond. "WHAT IS THIS!!" He yelled in surprise as the lady also had widened eyes.

"A diamond and by the way ya know a place where a guy can cash those in?" I asked I know him.

"Well, yes there's a high maintenance shop called equivalent exchange but this-…"

"Just take the damn thing man I it's a way of saying thank you from me to you. Am not really this generous though." I than transformed into my werecheetah form than left before they could say anything else.

I sniffed the cloth and zoomed to the place where the scent came from and it didn't take me long to reach my destination. It looked like one of those traditional Japanese homes I've seen in anime gateway, sliding door and everything. When I knocked on the door an elderly woman slid it open.

She looked in her sixties with grey hair and purple eyes She wore a black robe with golden trimmings and rings on her finger.

"Hello miss." I greeted her.

"You're that boy how got injured yesterday!" She said in surprise guess she didn't expect to see me again.

"Yes, I am my name is Salem Shupiwe I come to thank you for helping me yesterday." I told her.

"Well please come in I can't let you remain standing there." She invited me inside and I got to say the place was nice really looked like a traditional Japanese house from anime but still had tables, chairs and whatnot. "You wait here I'll make use some green tea." She then left form the kitchen while I sat on a couch in the living room

She later came back with a tray containing two cups and a tea pot. Guess this will be a long chat.