
fairy tail: tundra wolf

died while playing a guild building fan game and end up in that very games world what else to do then become number one follow Leon as he leads his guild to be number one

The_Abyssal_seer · Video Games
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7 Chs

chapter 7: salamander dungeon part 2 & FTG

I stretched my hands as I looked at my claws or rather my nails which I could see had a slightly serrated edge to them. I chuckled softly seeing that that's how the system displays the effects of my abilities but I shrugged as I started moving forward. To the third floor which as soon as I enter I need squat down to see the large sea of magma which is around 30 ft and width I slowly inhale before exhaling releasing a roar to see if I could turn the magma into rock which I could in theory since I saw a turn to rock but it soon synced into the magma. As I watch the magma refill where The Rock was after it was fully filled again I freeze it again over four times before a solid rock path was made. I squinted my eyes so it took a total of five of my roars to make a rock path for this first pond which was equivalent to about 1/5 of my reserves I shook my head lightly as I stood up and began walking back up to the second floor sadly I wouldn't be able to get the Easter egg today I begin to soak because it would have been very useful to have the bonfire but before I was halfway up the stairs I look back to see a salamander and just like I expected it was level 25 though it was much bigger than the ones before we're the ones on the first to second floor can be considered the size of a golden retriever this one was the size of about two of them though as I looked at this salamander I noticed it had black skin instead of red which applied it was a mutated monster which was a random chance encounter for a spawn of a monster in a dungeon and it would always be five levels higher than the standard monster on the floor though boss monsters and mini boss monsters could not be mutated without an item. But I ultimately decided against thinking about it and just dealing with this monster. I launched myself forward by propelling ice underneath my feet as I slammed my fist with my claw attack into its eye.

It stumbled backward as I watched the eye profusely bleed. Nodding my head I quickly used my roar to freeze its feet and place which using my strength I ran across the side of the wall nearby to land on its back to start delivering furious blows of my claw attacks after all to get that Max stack of bleed. After the max sack was applied I slammed my foot onto the salamander's head and used my roar to seal it shut to prevent it from using its fire breath. After all fire does require oxygen to persist in a salamander has to inhale air to propel the flames. When I would probably ask why and how I could cripple and defeat something around 20 levels above me it was because unlike the game world where there are strict rules of combat this was real life meaning strategy played a much bigger role than just which skills you should bring to a fight. I noticed this during the time when I raided the goblin dungeon the gallman's didn't have predictable attack patterns they were much more fluent and unpredictable they did not have set attack patterns which means I don't have to either.

I kept slashing my claws to keep the stack of bleed up until it finally died. And I received the kill notification. 

"You have received 1,500 XP for killing a mutated black salamander."

I love killing mutated monsters because they were approximately three times their standard counterparts XP value which meant a level 20 salamander worth 500 XP would be worth three times that as a mutated variant. And with this I reached level 10. Which gave me an additional upgrade point which I decided to upgrade my roar. 

"Congratulations you have upgraded your glacial roar to level two you have three upgrade options. 

Option 1: reduces Target reaction speed and speed by 25% 

Option 2: causes frostbite effect causing damage over a period of time after initial hit for 75% of the damage of the initial hit.

Option 3: cause the deep freeze effect which reduces enemy physical parameters by 25% for 10 seconds after initial hit."

I thought about it for a second as I chose option 3 simply because reducing my enemies physical parameters by 25% means they lost 1/4 of their overall strength. And 10 seconds if I hit them point blank will let me do a lot of damage. After I collected the items, I began to walk up the stairs once more, reentering the second floor and began heading up to the first floor to see exactly where this place is. And then I received a notification from the system. 

"Congratulations for defeating an enemy three times stronger than yourself. You have received a reward world map that covers the entire world early. you can place markers in the Mark area."

Nodding my head at this notification as I exited the salamander dungeon I opened up the world map and apparently I was near the fairy tail guild Home base. That is really useful information. I Mark the area of the salamander dungeon and then Mark the town as a fairy tale base. I decided to head into the town to see what's good as I had my guildMaster Crest hanging from my hip given I was not wearing a shirt, just a cloak and tour pants. And I can see mosa town folk were ignoring me simply because I had a guild Master's Crest hanging off my waist. It was a special item apparently all guild Masters had, dude doesn't eat them as leader of a mage guild. But there were some women who were staring at me with lust and some of them even had rings on so I just chose to ignore them. Now that I think about it, my character's age should be around 22. Years old so by the time of Canon I would be 32 which is not bad. But I was soon broken out of my thoughts as I saw a blast of fire heading towards me. My response to this was my own breath of ice when I heard a scream. 

"Fire dragon's roar!!!!"

After hearing that I knew it was a midget natsu dragneel it was also at this moment that I remembered a bit of lore in the game that ice and fire dragonslayers would practically fight each other on site because of their conflicting elements. And the game developers gave the example of Natsu and Gray going at each other's throats constantly even though only one of them was a dragon slayer; it was the conflicting elements that influenced their personality; it was only magnified when both parties were dragonslayers. I almost feel bad for Natsu because I was about to beat his ass because I can feel my element influencing me and my dragon nature. Am I going to feel bad about picking on a kid no not really given this guy is technically the protagonist of the world I'm not going to feel bad when I beat him Hell it may just give him more motivation to get even stronger.

I see a pink little midget charge at me with fire covering his fists. My response was the Dodge and then punch him across the face with eyes covering mine, sending him flying unconscious though I made sure the effect of the bleeding was not going to proc since I don't want him dying on me. 

"Damn hatchling you're really know not to attack strangers"

I blinked a little bit as I remembered that dragons slayers just like dragons would always refer to their younger counterparts as hatchlings when they're over a certain age close to basically childhood. I suppose my dragon slayer nature affects me a lot more than I thought. Anion constantly punched Brad again when he came flying at me again until I saw a short old man just watching me defend off this short midget. 

"Is you're really keep your brats tame"

I said bluntly as Natsu received another punch. When he was now unconscious. No, I didn't precisely know when Natsu appeared in the fairytale but I didn't really care. After all, this was real life non-anime, so the time like can't always be exact all the time in the old man responded to me with a laugh. 

"Yeah I probably should but do you know why he attacked you?"

I lazily nod my head as I stretch.

"Yep it's because we're conflicting elements and we're both dragon slayers."

I said my voice full of laziness because honestly I felt quite lazy and I could probably just use a warp stone to get back to the guild but man I decided to spend a day with a fairytale after all they should be fun. And at the moment the old man who I realize is Makarov is nodding his head sagely as I went over to Nazis unconscious body and picked him up by his hair and threw him over my shoulders. 

"So judging from your appearance I'm assuming you are the guild Master of fairy tales?"

The old midget began nodding his head and looked at my guild Master badge with a cork eyebrow. Noticing where he's looking I spoke up. 

"I'm the guild Master of tundra wolf where mage guilt is set up in the North. I came to ask for some assistance to deal with an a-rank dark guild since there's only just me and one other that qualifies A-rank"

I may have just decided that on the spur of the moment but to hell with it getting a friendship with fairy tale is always a good idea because they are quite literally the definition of 'For my homies I will ride and die for them.' So yeah it's always a good idea to have a good relationship with them. Makarov seems to get serious and nod's head and gestures for me to follow him as I follow him as he began to speak. 

"I see well most guilds do not go out their way to work with other guilds but given your dealing with an a-rank guild would only at most to a rank mages I can see the reason for wanting to play it safe I guess assistance from outside help."

I nodded my head as I began to speak. 

"I do not know how many a ranks they have or of recent time that one of their majors may have advanced and power or if they're hiding any hidden cards so I rather play it safe and get some backup after all there's nothing wrong with wanting to play it safe"

Makarov began to nod his head and understand my statement as he began to speak as we entered the guild of fairy tales. 

"Yes I have no problem with helping out with this after all the feared dark guilds in the world the better the common people will be off"

I easily tossed Nazis unconscious bodies into mirajane's flat chest. After all, at this moment she is a child. As I continued to follow Makarov. I did hear natsu basically say something suicidal. 

"God what wall did I hit?"

Then I heard that the stickly feminine voice speaking a secretly sweet tone. 

"What do you mean by a wall?"

Yep he's fuck. I began to nod my head sagely. I heard his pained whales as MlmiraJane began to beat him senseless. The young man will need to learn the growl filter on what he says otherwise a woman's going to end up beaten to death And I'm going to watch with popcorn if that happens. Man my magic is really affecting my personality it's probably nothing not like that's gonna bite me in the ass oh am I kidding it's definitely going to bite me in the ass it just I'm probably gonna laugh my ass off when it does.