
Fairy Tail : The Strongest Creature

Kyros traversed the realm of Fairy Tail and acquired the Template System. This system dutifully rewards daily signk-ins with complimentary attribute points, empowering Kyros to grow stronger with each allocation. Kyros opted for a character template modeled after Kaido, the infamous beast hailed as "the strongest creature in the world" within the One Piece universe. As Kyros assumed the form of a resplendent blue dragon, a fierce aerial clash ensued with Acnologia, the notorious black dragon. Acnologia bellowed, "I am the supreme Dragon King!" Boom! A resounding strike from a mace sent Acnologia hurtling to the earth. Cocking an ear, Kyros retorted, "What kind of king did you just proclaim yourself to be?" ******** I will upload a chapter every other day. ********** Support me on my patreon and read upto 25 early chapters. patreon.com/AniScout ********* *THIS IS A TRANSLATION* https://www.wuxiabee.com/novel/the-strongest-creature-in-fairy-tail.html The Strongest Creature In Fairy Tail 妖精公会里的最强生物 This is a translation of Chinese Novel.

Ani_Scout · Anime & Comics
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81 Chs

Chapter 47 : Waiting for the Moonlight!!

"They aren't just island villagers; their scent is different," Natsu remarked.

Natsu possessed a nose as keen as a dog's, able to detect scents from over 20 meters away.

Yuka's brow furrowed. "Are there intruders?"

Even the sizable mouse named Angelica, raised by Sherry, possessed a certain strength. It wouldn't cower in its hole unless faced with a genuine threat.

Upon pondering the recent noises, I deduced that outsiders might have infiltrated this place.

Sherry lamented, "The Moon Lord's light is on the verge of being gathered. What a sorrowful circumstance. Before Lord Zero becomes aware, let's drive them out."



"Since they've seen Deliora, we can't let them leave here alive."

"Let the invaders slumber eternally in peace; that's 'love'~!"

"To slay them is 'death'!!"

With those words exchanged, the trio departed, leaving the underground cavern.

Kyros and several others emerged from hiding.

"Why do we hide? Let's capture them and interrogate," Natsu grumbled. Hiding wasn't his style; confronting matters head-on was.

"It's not the right time yet. Let's observe the situation," Lucy advised. Her cautious nature forbade rash action without understanding the circumstances.

"Kyros, do you agree with their arrest and interrogation?" Natsu inquired, fixing his gaze on Kyros.

"Sure! I don't mind," Kyros replied.

For him, recalling this episode marked the conclusion of the mission. Nonetheless, he intended to gather experience here and thus saw no rush.

"Why did those individuals bring Deliora here, and how did they discover the seal holding him?" Natsu questioned in frustration.

"The sealed location?" Gray tightened his fists. "This guy was originally sealed in the iceberg of the Northern Road. Ten years ago, he wreaked havoc in Ispang, remaining immortal. My magic mentor, Ur, sacrificed himself to seal him."

Natsu turned to Gray. "So, this is the demon your mentor sealed?"

"Yes, without a doubt. This is the demon my mentor, Ur, sealed away."

"Though I'm uncertain of its connection to this island's curse, it's inconceivable for it to manifest in this realm."

Gray began recounting his encounter with Deliora.

Deliora razed Gray's home and claimed the lives of his parents. 

He was rescued by Master Ur, under whose tutelage he honed his skills in ice-molding magic.

One day, overhearing travelers speak of Deliora's malevolent deeds in a distant locale, fueled by his loathing for Deliora, Gray resolved to confront him against Master Ur's counsel.

Ultimately, he failed, and tragically, he also inadvertently took his master's life.

He persevered, finding refuge in Fairy Tail.

"I'm despicable, aren't I?" Gray muttered, wracked with anguish.

Kyros offered solace, placing a consoling hand on Gray's shoulder. "Gray, don't burden yourself excessively. Your master wouldn't wish for you to drown in self-reproach and remorse indefinitely."

"Your master made the ultimate sacrifice to quell the darkness in your soul, demonstrating your significance to her, transcending her own life. Do you truly wish to resurrect her only to endure that agony once more, perpetuating your self-blame and guilt?"

Kyros's words stirred Gray's heart, prompting him to wipe away his tears slowly.

Observing Gray regain composure, a faint smile tugged at the corner of Kyros's lips.

Many within Fairy Tail regarded each other as family; Laxus and Kyros viewed Gray as a younger brother.

An elder sibling wouldn't stand by while their younger sibling wallowed in perpetual self-reproach and guilt.

"What's our next move? Should we pursue those individuals we just encountered?" Natsu, unfamiliar with Gray's current demeanor, felt a surge of discomfort seeing Gray in such distress. While he often provoked Gray on ordinary days, the sight of Gray in such anguish stirred a deeper unease within him, an urge to seek out conflict dissipating.

"No, we shall wait until the moon rises," Gray's countenance reverted to its customary stoicism.

Natsu recoiled in surprise, "The moon... it's still daytime! This is torture!!"

"Be it the curse of the Moon or Deliora's machinations, all seem entwined with the moon. Those individuals spoke of harvesting moonlight. I wish to witness their intentions upon summoning Deliora here."

"Whoever this Emperor Zero is, if he aims to besmirch Master Ur's legacy, I'll never let him evade justice!!"

Gray declared, turning to Kyros. Though they lacked formal hierarchies, Kyros was their de facto leader. This was an S-rank mission, and among them, Kyros stood as the sole S-rank mage.

"Alright, let's wait then." Wherever he waited, he did so patiently. Through the passing years, Kyros had grown accustomed to the routine of waiting for the system to clock in automatically.

As time flowed on, the initial boredom gradually settled in. Soon enough, as he closed his eyes, one by one, everyone drifted off to sleep.

Suddenly, a low rumble echoed, jolting several individuals awake.

"What was that noise?" Lucy yawned, rubbing her sleepy eyes.

"Is it nighttime already?" Natsu bolted upright, realizing that the surroundings had darkened considerably.

At that moment, directly above Gray, a fissure began to form in the ceiling, allowing a beam of purple light to cascade down upon him.

"Purple light? Moonlight?"

"What's happening?!"

"The moon's light is shining upon Gray! This can't be a mere coincidence! Let's go, let's trace the origin of this light."



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