
Fairy Tail: The Demon King

Two children separated when their home is attacked, two orphans who take different roads in life, one who was captured as a slave becomes one of the beacons of light, a queen of fairies, while the other one who escaped, becomes corrupt with darkness and evil, a demon king This is the story of the reunion between the beacon of light and the bringer of evil

noob_writer · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Dragon meets Demon

The island of Caelum,

A small country located off the coast of Minstrel which was located to the east of Fiore and one of the larger kingdoms on Earth land, This island was the home to some of the most powerful wind magic users in history,

It is on this island that a young man with black hair and eyes that were dressed in a casual biker jacket with a black shirt and plain black pants who looked to be 15 years of age can be seen climbing a large tower located in a hidden valley of the island,

This tower was one of the most sacred locations on the island known as the 'temple of the wind', this was due to the fact that the very first wind user on the island in history had mastered his magic by studying the many tomes of the lost magic located in the tower, it was forbidden for anyone that was not of the royal family to step foot in the tower, even the magic council was barred from ever setting foot in this tower,

this is the reason as to why the boy was surrounded on all sides with dead bodies of the guards who were supposed to be guarding the tower against invaders,

They were the elite guards put in charge of the defense of the tower by the royal family of Caelum, each and every single one of them wielded lost magic known as 'ᚨᛁᚱ ᛒᛖᚾᛞᛖᚱl' which was an ancient language which meant 'air bender',

The climbed to the top of the tower where he found many ancient tomes that contained the many lost magic guides for wind-based spells, including healing spells but this was not his goal,

he walked towards the giant lacrima that had a very complex ancient rune seals inscribed on it wit a line of text written in an ancient language at the middle,

'ᛁᛏ ᚺᛖᚱᛖ ᛏᚺᚨᛏ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛞᛖᛗᛟᚾ ᛟᚠ ᛏᚺᛖ ᚹᛁᚾᛞ ᚺᚨᛋ ᛒᛖᛖᚾ ᛋᛖᚨᛚᛖᛞ ᛁᚾᛏᛟ ᚺᛁᛋ ᛖᛏᛖᚱᚾᚨᛚ ᛈᚱᛁᛋᛟᚾ, ᚨᛋ ᛚᛟᚾᚷ ᚨᛋ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛗᚨᚷᛁᚨ ᛖᛪᛁᛋᛏ ᛏᚺᛁᛋ ᛋᛖᚨᛚ ᛋᚺᚨᛚᛚ ᚾᛖᚡᛖᚱ ᛒᛖ ᛒᚱᛟᚴᛖᚾ'

The boy took out a pair of glasses which shone with a small glow indicating the use of magic on it, the moment the boy put on those glasses, the text was realigned into something that was understandable to him, it said,

'it here that the demon of the wind has been sealed into his eternal prison, as long as the Magia exist this seal shall never be broken'

after reading the text the boy smirked as a dark purple glow covered his body, his eyes turned red with cross-shaped pupils,

"its too bad that the Magia had gone extinct over 200 years ago, if not then the seal would definitely stop me from obtaining the lacrima" the boy mumbled as he reared his fist back and stuck the giant orb, obliterating it in the process and shaking the tower itself with how strong his blow was, once the dust cleared, instead of the giant orb, there was a small fist-sized crystal that was emitting a faint purple and green light from it, but before the boy could do anything, the crystal flew to him by itself and entered his body without any warning,

"well, that is new" the boy mumbled as he felt the power flowing through him that originated from the crystal that had fused with him, just as he was about to feel elated he was forced to step aside due to his instincts, and sure enough, a lightning bolt struck the place that he had just been standing in,

"You are a hard man to track Ren Triton or should I say, Demon King," said an arrogant voice that came from behind him, Ren turned behind to find a young man that looked to be in his 20s with blond hair and grey eyes with a scar shaped in the form of a lightning bolt on his right eye, behind the man was a group of three people, two men, and one woman, just a single look at their guild marks and their team composition was enough to tell Ren of who they were,

"The Raijinshū is it?" he muttered as he watched the group that had been chasing him for the past month,

"Who else did you expect? although I guess it is only natural that you would think that someone else was coming after you, I still do not understand as to why the magic council had put a bounty on you anyway, sure you killed two of the members of your former guild Grimoire Heart but as far as I am concerned you were doing all of us a favor by getting rid of those nutcases from that guild, but its not my problem anyway, what matters is that bring you alive will score us the sweet bounty that the council had put on you, so prepare yourself demon king-" before the young man could complete his sentence a punch landed squarely on his face which sent him flying out of the tower,

"LAXUS!!!" the group of three mages ran after the flying figure of the man as Ren muttered,

"you talk too much lighting dragon"

just as Ren was about to get out of the tower, a strong punch sent him flying out of the tower, in the place where he was previously standing, Laxus was watching with his fist extended in his punching motion,

"and you should learn manners demon king," Laxus said as he followed the falling form of the boy,


in a forest near the tower, a group of Vulcans was going about their business without a care in the world when suddenly an explosion occurred near their resting point which sent them fleeing in terror,

from the crater, Ren emerged without so much as a scratch on him, soon enough, Laxus materialized in front of Ren from a bolt of lighting,

"are you feeling like using your magic now Demon?" Laxus said tauntingly as lightning danced around him, Ren said nothing as purple flames covered his form, once they were cleared Ren was now dressed in a black trench coat that covered his form and a blank white mast with horns covered his face, Laxus grinned as he said,

"Now we are talking, don't worry, aside from me no one else knows your true identity Demon King, so fight with everything you got"

"As you wish false Dragon," Ren said as both the fighters disappeared in a flash,

throughout the forest, booms echoed as their fists met mid-air, lighting seeking to destroy everything as the flames tried to burn away the lightning, all around them, the trees were either burned to dust or straight up blasted to oblivion, the forest was no more as only a hellish landscape of thunder and flame remained,

suddenly, Ren glowed with a purple glow as his fist hit Laxus in the chest, but unlike before where it would send him tumbling, this time he was sent flying as blood flowed from his mouth, he grinned like a maniac as he cleared the blood and said,

"So you are finally done holding back Demon? then so shall I!!!" he screamed as tremendous power radiated off of him, dragon-like scales materialized in his body as his canines elongated like an animal,

Ren said nothing as flames danced around his body, the earth itself trembled as he released his aura and the wind picked up speed around him,


"Just what the hell happened here??" a young man dressed in council's rune knight uniform muttered as he watched the hellish landscape being scoured by the agents of the magic council,

"Apparently, one of the S-class mages of Fairy tail had tracked down the Demon King to this location and engaged him while his team was searching the area for him after he was sent flying after the first exchange, we don't know what happened after that but it seems that his companions found him after they heard a thunderous explosion in this area, what they found was the broken form of Laxus and an injured Demon King who immediately fled the area" another man standing beside the first one said,

"How is he doing Dranbolt?" the first one asked as Dranbolt replied,

"A few broken ribs, severe internal bleeding, dangerously depleted magic reserves, concussions to the head, a broken arm and both the legs are also unusable for some time, the demon did a serious number on him Lahar" the man called Dranbolt sighed as he said,

"How are we supposed to fight a monster like this?"

"I don't know Lahar, but I do know that we must find him before he does even more damage, he had already killed Yomazu and Kawazu from the Dark Guild Grimoire Heart and it is said that he had severely injured one of the members of Oración Seis, a man called Midnight, who knows when he will stoop to killing innocent people?" Lahar said as Dranbolt stayed silent,

They sure had their work cut out for them