
66. S-Class

Ben now stands on Varg's back who lay down because of the gravity. 5 times gravity doesn't seem to be much, but for anyone who never felt it, they will feel their body to be very heavy.

Varg tries to move his body, so Ben needs to stop him. "Oops, need to make sure that you won't move at all."

Ben makes a black purplish magic circle on his right hand and points it at Varg's right hand, "Gravity Balls!"

Ben shoots a small black purplish ball on each of Varg's limbs & head. The balls have stronger gravity than his gravity domain at 10 times gravity. But the gravity spells don't stack up, so Varg's limbs & head only get 10 times gravity, not 15.

But that's enough to stop Varg from moving his limbs & head. So now Ben can attack Varg's defenseless body easily. Ben cracks his hands and grin victoriously. Then he clenches his hands and covers them with gravity magic.

"Sun Dragon's Heavy Fists!"

Ben starts to punch Varg's body from behind many times. Varg feels the punches are very heavy and his bones start cracking. Varg wants to move away, but he can't because his limbs & head feel very heavy.

Varg who never felt this level of gravity can't move his body at all. Ben keeps punching Varg and want to defeat him before Varg gets used to the gravity. Varg is strong, so he might get used to the gravity fast enough.

Ben's heavy punches and the gravity break Varg's back ribs. Ben is focusing his attack on one spot, the ribs on the left side. It didn't take long for Ben to break them and now his hand pierces through Varg's chest from the back.

Ben opens his palm and grabs a big beating heart from Varg's chest. Ben pull it and ripped it from the veins. Blood sprayed out from the hole on Varg's back chest.

"This is revenge for everyone that you've hurt in the past. You should be grateful that I give you an easy death," says Ben before crushing the heart and making blood sprayed to his face.

Varg's eyes shake in disbelief before the light on his eyes dimmed and gone. His defeat is too fast, so he can't believe it until his end. He has dominated Ben before, but the situation changed really fast.

After Varg died, his body turn into black smoke again. Even the blood that sprayed onto Ben's face turned into smoke. The smoke then gathered and become a black book.

"This Etherious seems to be a medium-level Etherious. It is proved by his inability to take human appearance," says Roubaul.

"They can transform into humans?" asks Ben.

"Yes, usually the high-level ones. Although not all of them can do that," says Roubaul.

"Hee, I never know that," says Ben while taking the black book.

Ben doesn't sense anything from the book. It's different from the one where Mreye came from.

"Is it because the Etherious has died that I don't feel anything? When Mreye held his book and when those dark mages did the ritual, I can sense an ominous aura oozing out from the book," says Ben.

"It should be the reason. The Books of Zeref are tools that he used to make Etherious. So if the Etherious died, the magic book will just become a normal book," says Roubaul.

"Then can I learn it?" asks Ben.

"Sure, but don't try to make something like Etherious!" warns Roubaul.

"I won't, I just want to learn about curse power," says Ben.

Roubaul nod and let Ben keep the book. He knows Ben always likes to learn new things and he knows Ben has high responsibility. So it won't be a problem if Ben keeps & learn the Book of Zeref.

"Ah, I almost forget about the exam. You've passed, now you are an S-Class mage of our Guild. Congratulation," says Roubaul.

Ben also just remember that this is an S-Class exam. His mind has been drawn to the Book of Zeref. Now when he realizes that he has become an S-Class, Ben gets very happy.

"YEAH, FINALLY!" shouts Ben to the sky while raising his hands.

Roubaul smiles and dispels the barrier dome that surrounds them. Then they return to the village while talking about the S-Class mage's responsibilities & jobs.

As the only S-Class, Ben will be the face of their guild after Guild Master. He will also start to take difficult jobs that are very dangerous. The S-Class jobs are dangerous even for an S-Class team, but Ben will do it alone.

"I can allow you to take Bella on your jobs, but you need to protect her. Don't involve her in the battle if it's too dangerous," says Roubaul.

"I know, Gramps. I won't put Bella in danger. I'll prioritize our life above the jobs, that's what I always did, right?" says Ben.

"Yeah, I know. It's just a reminder because your jobs from now on will be very different from the ones that you've done," says Roubaul.

They keep talking until they arrive in the village. Everyone has been waiting for them and when Ben raises his hands in a victorious pose, they cheer loudly. Their guild finally has an S-Class mage, so everyone is happy.

The adults leave to prepare a party to celebrate Ben's promotion. While Ben is being treated by Wendy now in the Guild Building. He doesn't have many injuries, even if Varg's attacks were very painful.

"So the curse of pain only makes me feel hurt but doesn't give much damage. It's messing with someone's nerves," says Ben.

"That makes it more dangerous. Taking too much damage can break your nerves and it might damage your brain too slowly," says Roubaul.

"That's very dangerous indeed," Ben shivers when he thinks about it.

Brain damage is a lot more dangerous than body damage. It is difficult to be cured and most cases are impossible to cure. That's why Ben shivers just imagining it.

Wendy healed Ben quite fast, she has trained her healing magic a lot. She always used it on students every week after they have some sparring or hunting with Ben. She also used it on Ben after he came back from difficult jobs.

With much experience & training, Wendy's healing magic has become strong. She also keeps training her Dragon Slayer Magic to not lose to her friends. She is quite competitive now after befriending those kids.

After he gets healed completely, Ben wash his body in the lake. He got a lot of sweats and dirt because of his battle. So he washes himself to look fresh at his own celebration party.

Then at night, they have a party to celebrate Ben's promotion to S-Class. Everyone enjoy the party and play around near the campfire. Party is not unusual here, they always celebrate any happy occasion. So everyone is good at parties because of that.

They held the party for hours and many of them get wasted in the end. The wasted ones are sleeping outside near the campfire including Roubaul.

The others ignore the wasted guys and return to their house. Seeing people sleep outside after the party is a usual sight on their Guild. So no one is surprised and leaves the wasted ones.

"Sigh, these drunkards never changed," says Ben while leaving the plaza.

Ben returns to his house with Bella and they sleep immediately. The next day, Ben goes to Roubaul to ask for an S-Class job. But Roubaul still doesn't have any, so Ben needs to wait for a few days.

Ben used the days to train himself again for the first S-Class job. He trained like usual and also scans the Book of Zeref. Ben keeps getting surprised as he gets the scanning result by AI Chip.

"This book contains the details of that Etherious, even his power and how strong he can be," ponders Ben.

Ben forgets it and keeps focusing on the knowledge that he got from AI Chip's scanning.

"If every book is like this, then how long does it take for Zeref to create all the Books of Zeref? There must be thousands of these Etherious. That Zeref guy is really a super genius and hard worker," says Ben.

Ben keeps training and learning the book for a week before he finally gets an S-Class job. He is really excited now. This will be his first job as an S-Class mage.


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