
Fairy Tail: Starting with the Extermination of Dragons

Fairy Tail" continent X765. In this year, Erza was not born, and Natsu, who was carrying the stereo, was still in the era of 400 years ago. And after crossing into this world, Chi Yan, directly obtained the ability of the BOSS dragon to destroy the dragon in the game "Monster Hunter World". Not only that, but it seems to be able to continue to upgrade. And all of this begins when he and Irene meet.. pas mon livre

Supe3rman1234 · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

Chapitre 85

Chapter 85

By: Thriller

Chi Yan asked.

Forcefully suppressing the restlessness in her heart, Lisanna took a deep breath.

Chi Yan quickly explained what happened at Akani Beach yesterday.

"Gerald? That kid..."

After listening, Chi Yan raised his brows.

Indeed, I can barely remember that in the original book, Gerald sent someone to attack [Fairy Tail] and the plot to go to the Tower of Paradise happened during the holiday.

But Chi Yan didn't really think about it at first.

Because even though he had forgotten about the plot of the original book, he still remembered the incident of the Tower of Paradise, which happened after the incident of the [Ghost Ruler] fighting against [Fairy Tail].

Now the two old men are still fighting, so that guy from Gerald is doing it?

Recalling a series of wise actions by Joseph last night.

A thought suddenly occurred to Chi Yan's mind.

Could it be... Gerald, or that kid Chikrain...

"Really, you actually played this hand for me."

Chi Yan guessed the whole thing before and after, and Chi Yan covered his forehead and laughed to himself.

"Uncle Chiyan, what are you talking about?"

Seeing Chi Yan's expression, Lisana asked curiously.

"It's nothing, I'll take a trip, I have to deal with the dirty things."

After rubbing Lisana's little head, Chi Yan prepared to walk outside the guild.

"Yan, are you going out... uh, Lisanna! Why are you back? Where are Erza and Wendy?"

Leila, who walked out of the bedroom, was surprised when she saw Lisanna sitting in the main hall.

"Aunt Leila, it's actually..."

Just as Lisana was about to speak, she was interrupted by Chi Yan, "Let this girl explain the specific reasons to you. I should be able to catch up with dinner tonight if I go out."

After speaking, Chi Yan left the guild without looking back.

"Compared to the current [Fairy Tail], it's more fun over there."



In the Tower of Paradise.

"Okay, amazing, is this Erza's strength?"

Kagura, who is also a master of swordsmanship, looked at the three crows, Turtledove, Udarudas, and Owl who fell in front of Erza, and couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, saying in disbelief.

As an S-rank mage, she felt that she couldn't keep up with the rhythm for a while.

Although I don't want to admit it, the woman named "Turtledove".

Kagura had to admit that the opponent's swordsmanship was probably still better than his own.

If you are singled out, you don't have the confidence to win.

But even if Turtledove and the other two teamed up together, they were knocked down in two or three times!

"Elsa's strength is already comparable to that of the top ten magicians. This level is natural."

Miraj smiled.

"Holy, Holy Ten!?"

The look of astonishment in Kagura's eyes was even more intense.

Erza is... 19 years old this year, right? Remember yes.

At the age of 19, you have advanced to the ranks of the tenth-level most holy mages. What is the concept! ?

Erza didn't take the lives of any of the three, she just stunned them.

Seeing the Great Sword of Destruction retracting behind her back, Erza shouted, "Go ahead, Gerald is ahead."



The top of the Tower of Paradise.

Even if he saw the three crows being easily defeated, it did not make Gerald panic. …

To be precise, it started when, through the identity of Chikrein, he induced the council to launch the magic spirit power towards the Tower of Paradise.

Not to mention that Erza showed the strength of the tenth level, even the three kings of Ishgar, he was not afraid.

A full eight years.

I've been waiting too long!

Zeerf, the ancestor of the Black Mage whom he admires, is finally going to be resurrected!

Da da da!

Several rapid footsteps came from the steps behind.

When Erza, Miraj, Wendy, and the four Kagura girls arrive.

Gerald, who was sitting on the throne, finally got up slowly.

"I can't even buy time. The Assassination Guild's Three Crows seems to be nothing more than that, but those who still praise the council are still so stupid. I thought it would take a lot of trouble..."

While getting up, Gerald turned to look at the fourth daughter and said.

"Gerald! It's over!"

Kagura said angrily: "My brother's life, I want you to pay for it yourself!"

"Simon? It's really boring. If he stayed under my hands as a pawn, he wouldn't die, but there's nothing more boring than life."

Gerald spread his hands out with a happy smile on his face.

That face, which was the same as that of the top member of the council, Chikrain, did not cause any shock to Erza and the others.

Because Zycrein claimed a long time ago that he and Gerald, the leader of the wanted black magic order, are brothers.

"What a hopeless man!"

To make Wendy with a soft temperament say such words, it shows how distorted Gerald's character has been.

"I've heard enough of your nonsense,"

Erza took a step, "If there is anything else you want to say, go to the prison of the council and say it, but I think it is more likely that you will be killed by me here."


However, at this moment, Miraj took a step sideways, blocked in front of Erza, and said with a smile: "You are the one who took the fight to the front, this time it's me, Erza..."

Halfway through speaking, Mirajie glanced at the Armor of Extermination on Erza with a deep meaning, and said with a smile: "Just right, I also have something, I want to test it.".

Chapter 104

Hearing that Miraj had taken the initiative to fight, Erza and Wendy couldn't help but look stunned.

Think about it carefully, when was the last time you saw Miraj's battle?

Even Erza, who was once a mortal enemy, can't remember. The last time she fought Miraj, how long ago was that?

"Miraj Strauss, I have heard a little rumor about you."

Gerald, who also heard Miraj's words, turned his attention from Kagura and Erza to her.

"Although all of you have the same ending, you don't need to rush to die. You are not my opponent."

Compared with Erza, who has become more and more famous in recent years, Miraj, who has been following behind Chi Yan, as the guild's signature girl, is not more famous for her strength, but for her charm as a woman.

This naturally makes many people feel that her strength is far from being on a par with Erza.

"I'm sorry, Master forbid me to use this before, but in the face of people like you, I don't think even Master will stop me, right?"


Miraj seemed to have not heard Gerald's words, and took a few steps forward slowly, less than five meters away from Gerald.

"Because, there are no words to describe a person like you!"

The next moment, Mirajie's eyes suddenly opened, and the magical pressure that erupted from the slender chakra caused the wind to sweep across the entire floor.

For the first time in three years, after the war in Albarez, Gerard had a sense of crisis that death was so close.

The brain has no time to think, and the body reacts instinctively in the face of the death crisis of suffocation.

The right hand was raised high, and a magical turbulent flow gathered together to form six stars, and in the next instant, six beams were formed, which blasted towards Miraj.

"Six consecutive stars!"

For a moment, something seemed to rise from Miraj's body.

boom--! !

The next moment, the attack of the Six Stars had landed on Miraj's body, causing a deafening roar.

"Sister Miraj!"

Wendy cried out.


Wendy's voice just fell, and a huge black wing rushed out of the smoke.

In an instant, whether it was Gerald on the opposite side, or Erza and Wendy from behind, the expression changed drastically at the same time.

"So, is that also receiving magic?"

Kagura, who saw it for the first time, was surprised.