
Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads

Alfonzo Marcus and Elicia Taylor, a pair of lovers who were preparing to marry in the near future, tragically lost their lives in a car accident. However, this was not the end of the road for either of them. When they next opened their eyes, they found themselves in a small orphanage in the port town of Hargeon. After connecting with the memories of their previous lives, they realized that they were in the world of one of their favorite anime, Fairy Tail. Now, how will Alfonzo and Elicia change not only their own fates, but also the fates of those around them? ============================================================================== At present, this novel is not my main focus. My other book, High School DxD: Scattered Cherry Blossoms is what I will be focusing on until it is finished. Updates for this story will mainly happen on Saturdays and Sundays, unless inspiration hits me out of nowhere. Also, my drawing talent is abysmal. So, if anyone draws any of the characters, I'd love to see them.

SixthSense1029 · Anime & Comics
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518 Chs

Going Home

Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Karakura.

November, x784.

Early in the morning of the next day, all seven alliance wizards met outside the hotel's front entrance after breakfast.

"Looks like it's about that time." Alfonzo said. "I can't say it was fun… I mean, quests like this never are. But it was good seeing most of you. Maybe it will be all of you next time if a certain someone has given up on my fiancée."

As he spoke the last part, Alfonzo glared at Bacchus. And although Bacchus wanted to say something in return, he thought he should have an actual conversation about this with Elicia. Because for some reason, although it didn't make any sense to him, he doesn't remember ever hearing Elicia say that she was in love with him.

"Hmph!" Instead of arguing, Bacchus simply snorted before taking a swig of his wine.

"Wow. He actually stayed quiet." Marin said in an astonished tone.

"Like Momma used to always say, there's no better way to get someone to act right than a good ol' fashioned ass kicking." Alfonzo replied with a shrug. "And counting Laxus and Bacchus, I'm really starting to believe her."

"She sounds like the kind of woman I would get along with." Yoruichi said with a smile.

"Yeah, she probably would have liked you, too." Alfonzo replied with a fond, reminiscent smile.

Understanding Alfonzo's meaning, the mood outside of the hotel fell slightly. But considering the smile on Alfonzo's face, everyone present knew there was nothing to worry about.

"Your mother sounds like she was full of youth." Guy said, breaking the slightly awkward atmosphere.

While everyone looked at Guy weirdly for his ability to mention youth in every sentence, Alfonzo nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, she was quite youthful." Alfonzo replied. "She was a bit of a prankster with a short temper who wasn't above solving a problem with her fists, after she made sure that you couldn't do the same with your magic."

"What does that mean?" Kagura asked curiously. "How could she make sure that someone couldn't solve a problem with their magic?"

"Once you hear her name, you'd understand immediately." Mirajane said with a smile.

"Oh, now I'm even more curious." Yoruichi said, clinging onto Alfonzo before continuing. "Come on now, Alfonzo, don't keep us in suspense. Who was your mother?"

"Back in the day, they called her the Mage Killer, Bianca Rollen." Alfonzo replied casually. "but after she retired and got married, she went by the name of Bianca Marcus."

Hearing that, Yoruichi, Kagura, and Bacchus wore shocked expressions while Guy looked at Alfonzo with a flame burning in his eyes. And judging from his character, it did not take a rocket scientist to guess that he wanted to spar with Alfonzo because of who his mother was.

"Anyway, we're burning daylight." Alfonzo said, breaking the others out of their dazes. "And we've got a pretty long ride back to Magnolia. So, I think it's time we got on the road."

"Then go." Bacchus said, taking another swig from his gourd. "It's not like you're a train station. There's no need to announce your departure."

"Let's just ignore this idiot." Yoruichi replied. "Mirajane, Marin, it was nice to meet the two of you."

"Indeed." Kagura said with a nod. "It was nice to meet the two of you. And you should both consider joining Mermaid Heel. You would definitely be appreciated there. "

"Oh, we get all the appreciation we could ever hope for already." Mirajane replied with her usual pleasant smile.

"Yeah, I appreciate the offer, but I'm happy where I am." Marin added with a smile of her own.

"I see." Kagura replied before stealing a glance at Alfonzo as she fell silent.

"You know, I'm actually more surprised that I wasn't insulted during that poaching attempt." Alfonzo said with a slightly surprised expression on his face. "I mean, you are Simon's little sister, right? And I know he really doesn't like me all that much."

"That's right, he really doesn't care for you very much." Kagura replied with a nod. "He said you were quite the womanizer and playboy. He also told me I shouldn't get too close to you or you'll---"

"Okay, I get it." Alfonzo replied, holding up a hand to stop Kagura. "So, because I got engaged to Erza, he's jealous and decided to slander me, huh?"

"What do you mean, slander?" kagura asked with an eyebrow raised. "Is it not true that you're a playboy who tricks women into his harem?"

"Oh yeah, I trick them by telling them up front that I have a harem." Alfonzo replied while rolling his eyes. Then, in an overdramatic tone he continued. "Those are truly the most despicable and dastardly of deceptions that would put any playboy to shame."

While Mirajane, Marin, and Yoruichi giggled in response to Alfonzo's words, Kagura furrowed her eyebrows slightly. At the same time, they could hear guy muttering something about youth while Bachus ignored the conversation entirely to focus on drinking from his gourd.

"Besides, other than Elicia, who has been with Alfonzo for as long as either of them can remember, as well as Erza and Sun, who's circumstances were a bit special, the rest of us actually confessed to him first, knowing full well that he already had other lovers." Mirajane clarified for Kagura.

"I see." Kagura said while nodding slowly. "So, it would seem my brother tried to influence my opinion based on his own narrow-minded thoughts. It would seem I'll have to have a long conversation with him the next time we meet."

At that moment, Simon, who was on the other side of Fiore, shivered after feeling a chill go up his spine. Though, he had no idea what could have caused that feeling in the first place.

"Anyway, it really is time for us to get going." Alfonzo said with a smile. "I'll look forward to the next time we meet."

"That might be sooner than you think." Yoruichi said with a smile. "After hearing about your training facilities, I'll be trying to convince our guild master to take a trip to Magnolia to see them for ourselves. And if they're really as good as advertised, we might even be looking to buy some of our own."

"Indeed." Guy chimed in after hearing Yoruichi's statement. "I'll be doing the same with our guild master as well. And if everything is as good as I believe it will be, I'll even pitch the idea to the Village Hidden in the Leaves. You may end up being the first outsider to be invited to the village in centuries."

Hearing the possibility to make money, Alfonzo's eyes lit up.

"Well, I'm sure Gramps would be happy to have you all visit." Alfonzo replied with a business smile. "And if you like what you see in our guild hall, I'm sure we could work out a deal that would satisfy both parties if you'd like to purchase some gravity chambers. Hell, building a new guild hall for your guild isn't outside the realm of possibility ether, if that's what you want."

"Oh great, he's in his money making mode." Marin muttered. "If we don't stop him, we could be here for hours."

"Alfonzo, it really is time for us to go." Mirajane said, agreeing fully with Marin. "If we want to get back to Magnolia today, anyway."

"Okay, okay, I get it." Alfonzo said, snapping back to himself. "Let's get going."

With that, Alfonzo turned around and started walking towards the Escalade with Mirajane and Marin following after him after waving at their allies for this quest.

"I'll let Gramps know to expect a visit from your guild masters when I get back." Alfonzo said without turning around. "Until then, stay safe and have a safe trip home."

With that, Alfonzo, Mirajane, and Marin put their luggage in the trunk space of the Escalade before boarding themselves. A moment later, the Escalade's engine roared to life before it pulled away from its parking space and the three wizards from Fairy Tail drove away.

"Well, I guess we'll get going, too." Yoruichi said, stretching her back as she spoke while watching the Escalade disappear on the streets of Karakura Town. Then, in a voice that only she could hear, she whispered. "And the next time I see you, I'll make sure to convince you to let me have some fun with you and Elicia."

Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Magnolia.

"They are coming back today, right?" Cana asked after putting down an empty mug of ale.

Nearly twelve hours had passed since Alfonzo, Mirajane, and Marin left Karakura Town and all their friends were gathered on the guild hall's first floor, waiting for their return.

"For the tenth time, yes." Ultear replied. "Didn't Lici tell us so this morning?"

"I know. But why are they taking so long to get here, then?" Cana asked with a pout. "I really miss Fonzie."

"From what Alfonzo said before they left, Karakura is about a twelve hour drive from here." Erza said as she scooped up a spoonful from a slice of strawberry shortcake. "But I know what you mean, I really hope Alfonzo gets back soon, this is the last slice of the strawberry shortcake he made before he left."

"So, the only reason you want him to come back is for the strawberry shortcake, huh?" Lucy asked, finding Erza's reasoning a bit off.

"Of course not." Erza replied calmly. "I miss having him around. He's a great training partner, he makes the best strawberry shortcake, it feels nice when he holds me, and I'm looking forward to spending a passionate night of love making with him."

Hearing that, all the girls without boyfriends blushed, Bisca's blush being the most pronounced as she stole glances at Alzack. Meanwhile, the boys could only shake their heads. Other than Jet and Droy, who were vying for Levy's attention, the rest of the boys seemed to be not so interested in girls.

At the same time, the rest of Alfonzo's girlfriends/fiancées could only look at Erza awkwardly. Even though they had gotten used to Erza's shameless speech, it never really got any easier to hear her talk about her sex life in public.

"I'm more interested in hearing about the people they got to fight on their quest!" Natsu shouted excitedly, breaking the awkward atmosphere. "I wonder if Alfonzo got any stronger. I really wanna fight him again."

"Hmph!" Laxus, from the next table over snorted. "Why? So you can get beat up again, like you always do?"

"What did you say, Laxus?" Natsu asked, his head snapping in Laxus' direction. "You wanna fight?"

"Why?" Laxus asked, raising an eyebrow in a provoking manner. "Did you wanna get beat up by me before Alfonzo does it?"

"Argh!" Let's go, Laxus!" Natsu bellowed as he stood up from his seat. "You and me! Right here! Right now!"

With that, and without waiting for Laxus to respond, Natsu leapt from his seat towards Laxus with his right fist reeled back and wreathed in flames.


Unfortunately for Natsu, as soon as he was within arm's reach, Laxus slammed his open palm on the top of his head. As a result, he was slammed face first into the floor, knocked unconscious, just to the right of Laxus.

"Someone come get this idiot." Laxus said, turning back to his meal. "He's ruining my appetite."

"*Sigh* Doesn't he ever get tired of this?" Lisanna asked in an exasperated tone with a fond smile on her face.

"If he did, he wouldn't be Natsu." Happy said while eating a raw fish from his seat atop the table.

"Yeah, he faces challenges head on, like a real man!" Elfman shouted energetically.

"*Sigh*" Everyone sighed collectively after hearing Elfman's declaration.

"Um… will he be okay" Wendy asked, looking at Natsu with concern. "Should I heal him?"

"Don't bother." Gray replied without even looking up at Natsu. "It will be quieter while he's asleep."

"yeah, but…" Wendy replied unsurely.

"Just let him be, Child." Carla said. "he brought this on himself. Maybe next time he will think before jumping into a fight he can't win."

'I seriously doubt that.' Everyone who heard Carla thought to themselves simultaneously.

"By the way, has anyone seen Gajeel?" Ultear asked curiously. "As soon as we finished training, he just disappeared."

"Oh, Gajee is out searching for a cat." Juvia replied. "I think he's jealous of Natsu and Wendy."

Just as Juvia said, Gajeel was out searching the streets of Magnolia for a talking cat of his own.

"I'm a Dragon slayer, too." Gajeel said as he pulled a stray cat out of a trash can. Then, after inspecting it for a while, he put the cat down and continued in an aggrieved tone. "So, why am I the only one without a talking cat? It's so unfair!"

"That's actually kind of cute." Levy said with a smile.

Hearing that, Jet and Droy stared at her with hurt, disbelieving expressions on their faces.

"*Cough* Anyway, you're awfully quiet tonight, Lici." Levy said while blushing heavily as she tried her best to change the subject. "Is everything all right?"

"Oh, I'm fine." Elicia replied with a smile. "I'm just looking forward to when Fonzie---"

Before Elicia finished what she was saying, her head snapped in the direction of the guild hall's front doors. Then, with a massive, happy smile on her face, she shot threads from the tips of her fingers, sticking them to the walls on either side of the doors.

"Lici, what are you doing?" Sun asked, a curious expression on her face.

At that moment, the doors of the guild hall slid open, revealing Alfonzo, Mirajane, and Marin who had returned from their quest. At the same time, Elicia quickly retracted her threads, catapulting herself directly at Alfonzo.

"Fonzie~~~~~!" Elicia shouted happily as she flew through the air. "Welcome home!"

Hearing Elicia's shout and seeing her approaching quickly, Alfonzo smiled widely as he spread his arms.

A moment later, Elicia slammed into Alfonzo, wrapping her arms and legs around his torso on impact. Then, before he could respond, she pulled him into a deep and passionate kiss.

Meanwhile, everyone who saw the spectacle could only look on in amazement.

"How did she even know they were here?" Macao asked in wonder. "Did she have her [Magic Power Detection active the whole time?"

"I doubt it." Wakaba replied while taking a puff from his pipe. "But that's the only explanation that makes any sense."

"You shouldn't think about it too hard." Ur said, setting a glass of wine down on the bar top. "She's got this weird sixth sense when it comes to Alfonzo that can't be explained with logic."

In response, Macao, Wakaba, and Makarov, who was also sitting with the trio, nodded in agreement.

"Either way, now that they are back safe and sound, we can get the full details of their quest." Makarov said with a smile. "Although we heard from the kingdom that they completed the quest successfully, it would be nice to know what they went through."

"Yeah." Ur replied with a nod while smiling at the returning group of young wizards.

Around that time, Alfonzo and Elicia finally broke their kiss.

"It's good to be back, Lici." Alfonzo said, finally responding to Elicia's welcome with a smile.


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