
Chapter 82: Dark Days (1)

Chapter 82: Dark Days (1)

~Precht POV~

[Flashback years ago…]


Feeling the wind brushing past my face everything has certainly since I left the newbie Makarov in charge of the guild a few years ago.

Alas, old age does come to me these days.


Opening up my Requip screen I glance towards the multiple of books I have collected in my search for the fabled Philosopher Stone the greatest legends for an alchemist's dream.


And I'm a Wizard by trade and nature yet here I am searching for the science behind everything about this world.

Going through my former colleague's research notes was certainly something I haven't expected to decipher out of a mere cooking book of all things keeping his secrets safe. Bah, must be the years catching up with me.

Using Telekinesis Magic, I simply levitated the old research books from Rou's former study reviewing the use of Water Magic to obtain immortality or at the very least rejuvenate these building blocks we contain called cells.

Truly his mind was the greatest of our time in science and research along with Mavis with her unique mind formulating the new Fairy Tail Magic spells.

I honestly envy the two for creating great feats for the Kingdom of Fiore where alas the rest of us are specks of the history they created.

At first, I didn't think much but those two are monstrously talented individuals to develop their skills to proper works of art like those of Rou's stories of fabled but legendary figures achieving feats beyond the mortal man.

Hercules, Sun Wukong, Son Goku, King Arthur, Merlin, and much more from his stories which I do read to this day as they have some interesting ideas that could be used.

Such unique ways to develop one's own skill and power along with Magic to achieve feats as these so-called fairy tale characters my old friend created and mass-produced to everyone calling Rou the greatest writer of our time…

Sadly the disappearance of the two Mavis and Rou caused the world in Fairy Tail to be lost and asked for me to be the next leader discussing they had to leave behind everything to me.

I was at a loss at the time but something urgent must have caught their attention for them to react the way they did not even share the possible threat that loomed or danger that needed their attention.

Regardless though I had placed my faith in them to be able to take care of such issues that were years ago by now and I accepted them they are gone.

As such the years went by as I've been busy mastering my Magic and branching out into new possible forms of combat over the years such as Enchantments and Alchemy.

Being the second master or rather former second master of Fairy Tail had left me with an experience of wisdom that could not be matched by any other. Rather arrogant for me to say or even think but the fact remains true.

I'm my own genius in my own right. And as such to prove it and to surpass Mavis and Rou's legacy left behind for Magnolia Town, I decided to search for the infamous fable that all Alchemists around the world would search their whole lives for…

The Philosopher Stone.

The legend of the Philosopher Stone has been passed down to every novice in Alchemy and the dreams of many to perfectly create the Godly Artifact is one's own greatest feat in Alchemy surpassing everyone's minds including the Gods'.

The philosopher's stone, or more properly philosophers' stone, is a mythic alchemical substance capable of turning base metals such as mercury into gold or silver. The most famous of transmuting anything ignoring the laws of the world in the process with no Gods to punish them and not even the so-called God of Life and Death can't touch.

It is also called the elixir of life, useful for rejuvenation and for achieving immortality; for many centuries, it was the most sought-after goal in alchemy. Perhaps that's why the God of Life and Death can't touch it because they held their power within the stone.

Interesting theory to be sure and yet it's the ultimate goal for every alchemist to truly achieve the impossible.

It may be a myth but for every story being told some mirth of truth no matter how small must have a story behind every tale and this legend is no different.

The philosopher's stone is the central symbol of the mystical terminology of alchemy, symbolizing perfection at its finest, enlightenment, and heavenly bliss. Efforts to discover the philosopher's stone were known as the Magnum Opus.

And that's the legacy I want to leave behind because –


I stopped thinking my thoughts as my ship ride across the sea leaving Ishgar in my search for the Philosopher Stone as one of the sailors spoke out, "Alright! Were finally arrived at the top of Grace's Port! Welcome all to the Giltena Continent folks!!"

Standing up I smirked as I reached my destination the continent of Giltena it's an unknown continent that Ishgar hasn't known much about but there is a reason I came all the way here though…

It's the meet-up with an old figure to my days I find surprising to be alive in all these years the Alchemist Guild Gold Owl Duke Barbaroa. It was only when I got an invite from the man as in my time leaving the Guild I have tried searching the Philosopher Stone all alone for some time now.

I visited various Alchemist Guilds and Wizard Guilds during that time which have helped broaden my knowledge greatly about them to a high degree. One so high that I might even have matched Rou and Mavis at their prime individually or both at once!


If that young brat were here, he would throw a fit proclaiming to me I'm 100 years too early to face him.

Shaking my head helplessly at the good times I was then saddened recalling what happened to Yuri during a job gone wrong leaving Rita a widow but keeping her smile through it all despite the loss of her husband.

The details of it were not much discussed but unfortunately, Yuri stumbled upon a Demon proclaiming itself to be an Underworld or Demon King consisting with Plant Magic at the time of his demise.

When I get my hands on the one who killed Yuri they will pay dearly when I'm done with them…

They are VERY fortunate if Rou or Mavis would've been alive then they would've gone through a war charge or manhunt to find the Demon with Rou personally torturing the figure for days on end.

Something he was taught when he was friends with the Fiore Captain Black Ops squad he calls it from a woman named Esdeath being very affectionate with him as I recall.

But he made it a point where he has one lover and the damn ice mage was insistent with him till she demanded a challenge of his lover.

That ended so one-sided with Mavis winning and I quote spamming Fairy Glitter with the multiple cards when the war was over, and she perfected her Fairy Magic. To say Esdeath got off free is an understatement.

After that Esdeath never so much as met Rou or tried to get after her again as Mavis is equally as protective as him in regards to his safety. It's ironic if a woman goes after him lustfully Mavis bites and any man that gives Mavis a lewd stare, he would send them to the cathedral to pray to get healed in the next life.


Those two were certainly something else, weren't they?

They are certainly meant for each other that much can be certain with how overprotective they are of each other.

But returning to the important matter at hand though I must see to it I meet this Duke Barbaroa again as soon as possible.

Gold Owl is an Alchemist Guild located in the continent of Guiltina that's proclaimed to be the best around the Continent of Guiltina Gold Owl is an Alchemist Guild that its members not only practice Alchemy but are also tasked with finding precious or rare items that they would use as Alchemy materials.

They also possess the ability to transmute objects into different creations, and if the Alchemist in question is skilled enough or has the assistance of other Alchemists, they can replace damaged body parts.

Although those are merely rumors, I have heard through the grapevine searching for such information about them as my nature is to always investigate them as much as I can before tackling such a grand quest as the Philosopher Stone.

There was very little info to go off on in my search about the Gold Owl when I tried to search for any information relating to them. Sadly because of Ishgar, there was very lack of information about them I could get in my homeland.

But they aren't weak is what I can get.

I only received very little about them but being cautious about them is the right move because of the lack of info I got from my sources they are a group NOT to be underestimated even by my standards.

Being an Alchemy Guild, the majority of the members don't utilize Magic, with the exception of a select few that do. Instead, they use Alchemy, which the Guild is noted to be the number one Alchemist Guild in Guiltina.

The guild appears to value the preservation of life and the recruitment of strong individuals to bolster their ranks.

From what my own sources say about their Guild Master they, stated that the Guild's master and one of its members called Athena are claimed to be stronger than the current Wizard Saint number 1. That's quite a power gap between Ishgar and the world.

But then again, those Wizard Saints are merely titles and I was given one to be their #1 at one point but ultimately, I declined seeing I rather enjoy my freedom than being bound. I mean I get to travel freely like this and can't leave my homeland if I'm stuck to my duties, right?

Still, the only place where I can locate this guild is that the location of the Gold Owl is in the southeastern region of the continent of Guiltina, north of Filan.

That's where I must go next.

Surely some sightseeing would do me some good at the very least. Nothing says traveling the world without enjoying the sights, right?


Maybe my old friend's manners rubbed off on me more than not after all. The sense of adventure into new lands is always a welcome surprise of joy.

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