
Fairy Tail: Magical Life

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). You know the usual cliche right folks so let me say again this story is about a reincarntor journey through the world of Fairy Tail the badass wizards and waifu galore right? Except for one problem with the MC realizing his born the same year as Mavis in the year of X673 all the way to the past does this disuade him? No he will use anything to his advantage and possibly learn the lessons of life and magic in his new... Magical Life.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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91 Chs

Chapter 77: The Battle of Fairy Tail! (4)

Chapter 77: The Battle of Fairy Tail! (4)

~Rou POV~

Rubbing the bridge of my nose I couldn't help myself but sigh at the situation but also understand what was going on.

Releasing a sigh of how annoying this is going to be Mavis then asked Gray the obvious question, "Since the girls are kidnapped then the best solution is by defeating Evergreen without viewing her Stone Eye Magic? But also release the others from the Letter Magic as well."

Gray nodded to confirm this with us as I began to deal with the annoyances that Fried sooner first to get rid of his Jutsu Shiki, "In that case, we have 1 of 3 options available for us. 1 defeat Laxus, 2 defeat Evergreen to free the hostages, or 3 defeat Fried to get the rest inside to participate. I'll go for the last option and free them up."

Mavis nods at this because regardless of what choice we have to do it will evitable end up good in our favor as she replied, "Very well then my love. We'll see about rescuing the girls while you take care of Fried. Just be safe ok!"

Waving right back I also told Gray where they could find Evergreen the soonest as I refresh my memories of where to find her, "Yeah, yeah sweety you know I got this. Also, if your, looking for Evergreen I think I last saw her at the Derauma Kitchen and Gray better protect my girl!"

I didn't see what they were doing but I know with those two around they could handle the situation ahead now I just need to find the little punk and put these rules to an end would suffice.

Moving away from them the number should've gone down quite a bit in members and the quickest way to get Fried is by trying to disregard one of his rules.

Like that, I see the edges of Magnolia Town as I smirked thinking of putting him down 6 feet under.


~Mavis POV~

With Rou gone me and Gray both try to rush and defeat Evergreen since it would be easier to defeat now that we know her location.

As we did so Gray asked me in some hesitation of his voice against one of the Thunder Tribe, but his expression says otherwise, "So you think the both of us are enough to handle Evergreen if what Rou said was true? She's at the Derauma Kitchen last seen right?"

Nodding my head I trust in his words and that hasn't led me astray yet.

Replying to Gray of his worries in understanding as we have much to do rushing ahead and seeing other Guild Members lying on the floor, "Yeah… me or the both of us is enough. If I seem to recall didn't she –"

"Look out! Ice Make: Dome!"


Suddenly Gray took the first action creating a dome of ice for us as it shielded us from a volley of spears coming from above stopping them in place as we move away from the spears as our eyes dart towards the person who threw them.

Gray growls seeing we found one of our targets as I analyze the dust-like substance coming off her body, "Evergreen!! You'll pay for turning our friends to stone!!"

Analyzing the substance Evergreen only made a curt expression towards us as she fans herself with a fan, "Gray Fullbuster and the newbie Mavis Vermillion? I see that boy toy of yours isn't around I guess it makes taking care of you that much easier –"

"Fairy Magic huh?"

That seem to shut Evergreen up seeing the substance radiating off her body as I Enchanted both Gray and I Anti-Status Effects one of Rou's better-known Enchants, "That substance off your body Fairy Magic correct? I can see the coloration and particles needed to produce having an interesting chemical compound that if activated by the user it could cause explosions would I assume to be correct?"

Evergreen only made a clicking tongue expression only furthering my idea of the Magic she uses giving me my answer.

Fairy Magic is a Caster Magic. A form of Magic that allows its user to produce a peculiar substance from their body: thin, light, and shiny dust. Such matter is placed under the user's control, with them being able to manipulate it to their every whim, making it float in the air in wide arcs.

Through its use, the user is capable of carrying out a variety of Magic attacks. The dust is shown to possess explosive properties, with a relatively small amount of it being capable of producing fierce explosions; in addition, larger amounts of it can be shaped into objects of various sizes, again usable for an offense.

But also have to be careful around her Eye Magic of the Stone Eyes.

Evergreen's primary Eye Magic allows her to turn anyone who looks into her eyes to stone. Evergreen has the ability to deactivate the spell placed over her victims, but otherwise, over time, those who have been turned to stone will turn to dust. However, this Magic will not work if the intended target isn't human.

If she had it would've been more powerful against other Magical Beasts or her fame and yet it hasn't led me to conclude it only works on Human based opponents.


Seeing the dust beginning to drop down on us Evergreen used that moment to speak out clearly dissatisfied with my words, "Tch. You really starting to annoy me. But no matter after all I'm greatest of fairies in the –"




I merely pointed my Dispel magic on Evergreen dust nullifying it as I gave Gray the go-ahead to beat her up, "Gray I'll dispel her magic and you have the honors of beating her up as payback you in?"

Gray smacks his fist into the palm of his hand with a smirk on his face feeling the temperature drop because of his Ice Maker Magic, "Now that's a plan I can get behind. Time to face the punishment Evergreen! Ice Make: Bazooka!"



Gathering the ethernano from the air Gray began to use the Magic Circle to create his bazooka and pointed towards Evergreen as she tries to fight back, "I don't think so Mongrel! Fairy Magic –"




Dispelling her magic again as Gray got a full shot forcing her to run jumping from the building, I began to use my Telekinesis Magic grabbing her by her ankles as she has the decency of covering her underwear with both her hands down.

Evergreen tried to use her Magic but so long as I dispel it I can leave it to Gray here to take full advantage as I give the command, "Gray take her on! Shoot her till she gets hyperthermia as a blue smurf!"

Gray looked confused but didn't hesitate as he commented on my reply just now, "Really? A smurf? I have no idea what that is, but I can understand the hyperthermia at least! Worth pleasure my lady."



Purposely missing the attack giving her the chills Gray being the merciful guy he seems to be yelled at her, "Better call it quits Evergreen! Just release the girls or else I'll actually shoot you down!!"

Gathering up more Ice Magic power into his bazooka Evergreen starts to worry trying to save her own skin with a bluff, "Ha! I wouldn't do that if I were you two!! Aren't you both being naïve? My Stone Eyes have one other magic effect. The power of remote control! Now strip off all your clothes –"

Yeah, I have enough.

Light Magic time.



Interrupting her immediately I just straight used Light Magic to create a light beam engulfing her as she fainted from the attack Gray took his eyes on me gave me a questioning look at me.

Raising an eyebrow at the young man as Evergreen falls down, I responded to him in a confused manner, "What? The girl was clearly bluffing – Gray why are you almost stripped naked?"

Before I could reply Gray looked down and replied on his own, "Damn it not again!"


Tilting my head a bit confused as he got himself together again, I couldn't help but question the man if he was into Evergreen, "Uh… I know it's not my right to say this, but did you strip to show off to her…?"

Gray immediately took my words as he defended quickly about that in a rush, "Wha—oh hell nah! It's just a habit I picked up from my teacher but that's beside the point though. With Evergreen dealt with that means the girls are safe."


The girls should be out of their petrification-like state as Laxus would be pushed into a very harsh corner now that he lost his valuable piece keeping the Battle of Fairy Tail active as it was now…

Voicing my concerns getting Gray's attention as I mention the possibility of a backup plan that Laxus might have, "As we got off lucky with Evergreen with our teamwork. This might lead Laxus into a corner and force him to pull a drastic card."

Gray listening has his eyes widen at my words before mumbling to himself not considering that a possibility, "Right… even if we get the girls back to normal. That wouldn't be the end unless we beat up the leader wouldn't it? And considering that guy he might have thought one up in case Evergreen got defeated…"


Regardless though…



We both paused to see as we turn around Erza was out and about completely fine as she approached the two of us, "Both you! I'm glad to see you both managed fine and glad to see you all safe. It seems like the both of you already dealt with Evergreen."

Gray merely pointed his thumb at me as he pointed out how I carried us both but then questioned Erza in a curious tone, "Right. But I felt more like being carried by her really but in the end, it went well. Still, how are you out already it wasn't at least till a few seconds when we defeated Evergreen."

That was when Erza gave us the uptake that her artificial eye helped her out getting out of stone because it halved the effects of Stone Eye Magic to which I was genuinely surprised to listen.

At least though everything is going smoothly now comes the issue of what to do next from here on out.

With the girls restored that only leaves Fried and Laxus remaining but then what card does he have that he could play to force us to fight?

Whatever card or trick he has it will be useless against us as we are.

And even more so Rou is on the hunt after them and if his track record is anything to go by finding his prey or unfortunate poor soul on his radar may that having peace in the next life when's he done with you.