
Fairy Tail: Magical Life

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). You know the usual cliche right folks so let me say again this story is about a reincarntor journey through the world of Fairy Tail the badass wizards and waifu galore right? Except for one problem with the MC realizing his born the same year as Mavis in the year of X673 all the way to the past does this disuade him? No he will use anything to his advantage and possibly learn the lessons of life and magic in his new... Magical Life.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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91 Chs

Chapter 55: Eclipse Gate (5)

Chapter 55: Eclipse Gate (5)

~Third POV~



Stopping at the intended train station of Crocus Rou and Mavis both departed from Jellal and Ultear for the silent trip to the capital city of Crocus as the two groups leave for their intended destinations.

Observing the outside the Crocus train station Mavis and Rou's eyes widen seeing the changes in the capital city with Rou wording out surprised, "Crocus, widely known as the Flower Blooming Capital the city and the capital of the Kingdom of Fiore… it definitely changed a lot over the years."

Mavis nods her head in agreement sightseeing around the capital city as Rou follows behind her happily seeing the city, "Amazing…! Everything here looks so different than it was before, right? At least the castle changed. Now time to go look around!"

Rou nodded as he followed Mavis sightseeing around the capital city of Crocus. Crocus is the capital of Fiore and the city where the king lives inside Mercurius.


Doing so consciously tapped the Ethernano in the air transmuting the magic particles into small spider-like insect golems as each of them have the smallest screens of Rou's Super Archive Magic giving them directions and fleeing silently acting in their environment.

Rou merely smirked casually walking around with Mavis thinking to himself about his practice with Golem Alchemy, 'By far the best idea I ever made. Endless supply of Golems from the Magic Particles and hint of controls by mental command with my Supper Archive and boom! Instant robotic army magically fueled enchants absorbing the Ethernano enough to operate. I can be a real genius when I want to.'

Crocus resides in a vast valley surrounded by the Rocky Mountains, of small-to-mid height, housing mostly mildly prominent hills, and has a small river not far from it, with some isles in its largest part, flowing in a similarly small gorge, which has woodland on both of its sides, occupying the western zone of the valley.

Being the capital of the Kingdom, Crocus is by far the largest town seen so far, with a vast number of buildings in a circular formation as far as the eye can see, with the right part of the town being placed on the edge of a small crag; such part seems to be surrounded by walls topping the crag itself.

The most distinctive trait of the town, giving it its epithet of Flower Blooming Capital, is the limitless amount of flowers adorning the streets, with flowerbeds being placed everywhere, and garlands of flowers appearing as one of the town's most prominent and popular souvenirs.

The buildings, possessing bright facades and towers with extremely pointed tiled roofs jutting upwards, are lined up the stone street's sides, some of which are pretty basic, while other, more elaborated ones consist of very large, circular mosaics made of wide, flat stones, which bear floral and natural motifs in their center; the chess-like pattern is also used, flanking simpler, stone sections of the streets.

And in the near future, it will be on the occasion of the Grand Magic Games, the streets are going to be adorned by ropes suspended high above them, their edges secured to the buildings facing the streets, which had a number of triangular flags hanging from them, alternating plain dark and light colors in the near future…

In the central part of the town lies a large, round lake; in its center, linked to the surroundings by a pair of bridges, sits Mercurius, the King of Fiore's palace.

As the two began to walk around seeing the sights Rou's eyes took the moment to look at the mountains to the west, recalling that the arena for the Great Magic Game would build there in the future.

And also recalled that while thinking to himself with a fascinated expression on his face before turning serious for a brief second, 'If I remember correctly… in the west there should be piles of Dragon Bones in the area. The Dragon Cry staff should be still there if what I remember collecting the power of the Dragons Magic energy and sorrow within and quite possibly dried-up blood samples of Acnologia as well…'

With those thoughts in his head, Rou sighed as he followed after Mavis dotting to her curiosity while continuing to search the area.

Their main objective is now within sights and yet so far as their eyes dart towards the castle where the King of Fiore resides Mercurius as well as their 88-year-long quest of destroying the Eclipse Gate within the castle.


Rou eyes widen and blushed a bit embarrassed rubbing the back of his head as Mavis gives a smug grin with him replying, "Well… guess I'm pretty hungry huh? Man, that was embarrassing if that was heard through my stomach."

Mavis laughs at Rou's stomach growling and not before too long she does as well making Rou smirk at her causing her cheeks to flush before turning around and pouting, "Well… me too. Come on we have to get something to eat from the train ride here. Hey, what about that place?"

Pointing her finger Rou's eyes followed what seems to be a bar with the name above called the Sun Bar.

The Bar Sun is an average-sized building that is two stories high, that seems to be primarily composed of wood. On the front side of the building, there are four windows on the top floor and two on the bottom floor, each one of these is very decoratively carved. The entrance to the bar is also made of wood and above it is the sign for the bar, which is also decoratively carved. On the sign is the bar's name in dark letters.

Seeing this the two decided to get something to eat in the bar after the morning trip to Crocus entering through the wooden entrance.


Upon inside they saw the interior of the Sun Bar.

The interior of the bar, like the exterior, is composed almost completely of wood. There are several wooden cafeteria tables spread across the room. There are multiple portraits hanging on the walls of the building, and in addition, there are several potted plants on the high beams.

Entering inside they saw one of the service bar maids come over to the two greeting them properly, "Hello customers to the sun bar where the sun doesn't shine! What can I help you with today?"

Smiling at this the two began to take the chance to eat before investigating the Capital City of Crocus properly with Rou already having his Alchemy Golems disguised as insects search around acting as his private recorders.


Mercurius is the palace of the King of Fiore, which is located in a lake in the center of Fiore's capital city, Crocus, sitting on an island.

Mercurius is an extremely large and tall building, appearing as one of the most visible elements in the valley where Crocus is located, and towering over all of the city's other buildings, with even the Domus Flau located outside Paling in its comparison.

As evidenced by its role as the King's residence, Mercurius is a very intricately decorated and designed castle. The place appears to consist of a number of different, yet uniform buildings fused together, with some sections protruding outwards and assuming particular forms, and the walls being mainly adorned by orders of large, rectangular windows lined up and flanked by protruding pillars.

Its main entrance seems to be a mildly small door topped by a very high decorative arc, which gets pointed near its top and has its central part adorned by a large, round flower window.

And inside the flower window reveals the princess of Fiore by the name of Hisui E. Fiore.

Hisui is a slim, petite young woman. She has wavy light green hair that reaches down to the middle of her back with two strands that frame her face as well as a set of tufts that obscures the majority of her forehead, with the prominent tuft in the middle reaching down to the top of her nose. Hisui has large dark green eyes with long eyelashes.

When in her room at Mercurius, she is seen wearing a short strapless dress that exposes her back and parts at the sides of the skirt. It also has a flower-like pattern along the breast line. She also wears long gloves that cover up to her elbows with frills at the end of them. She wears a fair amount of jewelry, mainly a tiara with seven gemstones the largest placed in the middle and the rest following on outwards, a large silver necklace with a large pendant and a pair of earrings with two large gems in both of them.

Sitting on a chair viewing the outside of the window at the distance away she sighed feeling trapped within her room confides, "Sigh… I feel at times trapped inside my own home. I just wish Father and Arcadios would let me out. Or at the very least something exciting happens around here."

Hisui merely closed her eyes feeling bored that no such events happening mumbling to herself in peace, "Sigh… Arcadios is busy with the two members of the Magic Council discussing the monthly reports going around the Legal Guilds. My father is busy keeping the kingdom in check. And the ever-growing expansion of the Alvarez Empire uniting 750 or was it 730 Guilds in one banner."

Sighing in boredom Hisui gazed at the night sky befalling her capital city commenting on the beauty of the night, "Sigh… I wonder if those legal guilds get any adventures in their lives. Maybe they know what's it like to be free as they can be without anyone restraining them or holding them back. I wonder what kind of life it will be to have that much freedom…"

Turning around away from the flower window a small spider golem enters inside unseeingly passing through inside recording everything capturing photos entering through getting the layout of the interior flooring.

Bypassing the Princess and slipping through the cracks in between the doors gathering information and finding the hallways the spider golem continued to search through the area investigating the castle properly…


~Hades POV~

Viewing the Communication Lacrima that Ultear provided my eyes narrowed sensing their Magic Power from the recording, "And that's the report, Master Hades."

It's them. Truly I would never see the day they are actually alive since they left me behind in charge with them gone.

Narrowing my eyes at the two flashes of the past passed through my head remembering where I stand today thanks to them. My path is to find the secret origin of all magic and learn of the ultimate power of Alchemy.

Returning my attention towards Ultear I give her one warning when she encounters the two again, "Ultear does me one thing. Don't cross them ever. Your opinion of weakness will be your undoing if you underestimate them."

Ultear eyes widen in surprise as I swipe the Communication Lacrima off sitting back down on my personal studies.

Underestimating my former old friends would be her undoing despite how time has changed presently but they are compared to Wizard Saints. If there was one thing, I warned her it would be to follow my words as Ultear can't beat them.

They haven't had the experience of fighting beside them and having them as an enemy would be a final mistake. I should know I've seen what their capable of… what ROU is capable of scoffing at that red gem around his neck.

To think I had years to study his art and with the guidance of my dear old friend Mavis's advice during our period of peace as the two are getting famous names. Closing my only eye, with my eyepatch twitching remembering my primal fear…

The fear that I found out about the… TRUTH.





Or whatever that being is still sends a shiver running down my spine after everything I try to obtain to learn of the secret.

With small portions of Rou's Alchemy notes for beginners to create their own for the future members and Mavis's advice during our time of peace I only scratch the surface of the true powers of Alchemy.

To think I was that eager to search for how to create the stones of legends the Philosopher Stone. The ultimate goal of every Alchemist's dream is a gem that ignores the laws of the world bypassing the laws of the very GODS can't do.

All the myths and legends… and to think it was real. And my friend has it dangling around his neck.


Coughing because of that damn GOD taking something of 'equivalent of exchange' that I hold precious I calmed myself again.

Just the memories of my travels learning from multiple masters of Alchemy and Magic alike in my search I recall meeting a certain Guild called Gold Owl and meet surprised to see Duke Barbaroa.

We compared each other's art to find out a way to create the stone of legend of every Alchemist. But at the time I still held my trust in Fairy Tail and my friends secret to not even let that Duke Barbaroa would know...

Duke Barbaroa is certainly a monster alright. An ancient one with expertise in Human Transmutation but needed as he convinced me more till he modified my body after TRUTH took his payment from me thinking he would gain my trust.


He even transplanted the Devil Heart I found in my journey into my own after TRUTH took my original as payment. Despite that, I never gave him anything as I flashed my new powers to destroy everything in that guild using the knowledge I gain.

But the cost to TRUTH wasn't enough as taking my eye and heart weren't enough…

The bloody GOD took not only my Eye and heart but also something that makes one a mage… the bloody GOD took my origins. No regeneration would heal it the bloody bastard made me cripple to never use Magic again… made to make me suffer after the knowledge I gained.



Feeling the rush of anger recalling the horrible experience as I couldn't hold my rage slamming my modified body at my desk as Cursed Energy overflowed out of my being in true anger, "THERE WAS NOTHING FAIR IN THAT EXCHANGE!!! I WILL GET YOU BACK YOU BASTARD!!! JUST YOU WAIT TRUTHHHHHHH!!!"

Destroying my desk remembering that nightmare meeting that heartless GOD was the worst thing in my life and in exchange, I asked for knowledge… my only hope to regain my Magic again is through him.


Zeref is the key to getting rid of this curse this TRUTH has done to me. And when Duke Barbaros modified my body he asked what I saw I only had a blank stare as he transplanted the Devil Heart into me releasing my Cursed Energy as I destroyed everything.



Panting tired of flashes of those memories appearing in my head of the nightmare I leaned back to my chair merely gritting my teeth and clenching my chest in pain in silent anger as my hope now relies on the oldest Wizard to help repair my Origins.

But till then… I won't stop till I find him and open the path toward Magic. By opening that path I'll find out the means to exact my revenge against TRUTH or GOD or whatever it is, but I'll make sure it pays for good.

Gazing at the mirror unveiling my eyepatch and with the knowledge I gained from that bastard I changed my own body into something no longer human with the Devil Heart fueling the ship and my body losing my Magic I gained the powers of the Demons Curse Energy.

The Curse Energy overflowing from me soon condensed back to my eye that TRUTH took revealing an Ouroboros tattoo muttering to myself, "One day… one day I'll get you back… if it's the last thing I'll do you bastard. Even if I'm no longer human I'll get my vengeance one day just wait… 'TRUTH'…"


A/N: Alright guys here's the rewritten version of Ch. 55 and also made the changes. And no worries there will be an arc taking the place of the original Fairy Tail arc instead of the Oracieon Six it would The Dark Path Arc a flashback of where Hades became who is today to better flush out the experience of what happened.

Hopefully, these would be good changes, and thanks for the advice.

Side Note would a One Piece The Gamer fic be a good idea or not? Just a side project on the side is all?