
Fairy Tail: Madness Mage

Our MC was a CIA whistleblower (Read the Prolouge) P.S No harem actually just no romance at all, Weak to strong MC, Bill Cipher Appearance & Powers

InfinitePotential · Anime & Comics
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Zetsu Cipher, A man who was secretly insane but a genius and of course an otaku and cartoon lover, one day in his lab his expirement went haywire and exploded, this expirement was his final expirement before he retired as he was slowly losing control of his sanity.

Zetsu 'woke' up in a black room and was stuck for what felt like hours, after a few 'hours' a voice said "Ummmm, how to explain this, basically you died because your microsoldiers would end up destroying the universe because a universal war and I forgot about for about 3... billion millenia and as compensation you get 3 wishes and a world to go to as either transmigation or reincarnation, I hope this makes up for it." I slightly laugh then it bursts into full blown laughter "3 wishes is more than enough! I want Bill Ciphers powers, Aces Fire Fruit, 2 billion system points, and I want to look like those fan concept Bill Ciphers because why not!" the god sighed and said "Granted. Now transmigration or reincarnation?" I say pretty quickly "Transmigration. 5 years old as an orphan" "Done. Goodbye." I then vanish

I wake up in a bed and memories flood my head and I quickly ask 'Can I remove my insanity with Madness Manipulation?' [Yes] 'Perfect. Can you do it because I don't trust myself.' I then feel alot calmer and say, out loud on accident, "Let's train!"