
Chapter 98: Lucy’s POV

Chapter 98: Lucy's POV

~Lucy H. POV~

[September 25, X784]

Ah, man…

Slumping down on my table with Erza and Levy here inside my apartment room as they came by for a visit talking about girl stuff with people, I'm comfortable with.

For this reason, I'm slumping down on the table discussing about recent developments and complaining about a recent issue I've been dealing with in a tired tone, "Ah man… I really wish that Natsu and Happy stop barging into my room already… this is like the 10th time this month. Don't those two have better things to do."

At this Erza merely takes a sip of some tea I prepared along with some snacks as she replies in a neutral tone with a light shrug, "I don't know… I mean you have this feeling that we should barge into your apartment. At least that's what I feel like anyway."

I shot my eyes at Erza as she took a sip of the tea with some cookies while she was at it without a care in the world, "Mumm… these are certainly good."

Levy on the other hand nervously spoke out taking a sip pitting me in the dilemma I'm faced with every day with a small smile on her face, "Sorry to hear Lulu. But you really do have this aura around you that makes others want to barge in here."


Groaning at the news I was listening to I couldn't help but respond in a defeated tone changing the topic to my friends, "Ahh… you too Levy? Sigh… Let's change the subject then. From what I heard around the guild there seems to be a thing between you two with Silva my neighbor. Share to shed some light for me?"

They both seemed to freeze at this looking away.

Okay, that's a new one…

Raising an eyebrow raising my upper body leaning on my hands as support I asked the obvious in a curious tone, "Okay… didn't expect that reaction. But it clearly tells me you two seem to be interested in Silva. Care to explain?"

They both blushed causing my inner gossiping self to be curious now.

Levy and Erza are both interested in my neighbor the next door down…

Honestly, I'm more surprised they reacted this way as I couldn't help but mischievously smirk asking the right questions, "No way… are you two possibly interested in the guy?"

Levy merely blushed harder with steam coming off her face and Erza twirling her hair like a lost maiden in love!!!

What the heck?!!

How the heck did Silva manage that – no better yet why?!

Seeing genuine affection for him I first spoke to Levy about her because I don't recall her being interested in him before since she told me that he seemed too clingy asking for her but now seems like she changed her whole tune.

Clearing my throat I began to speak to Levy with shock in my tone wanting answers to her sudden change in opinion of the guy, "No way… Levy you also fell for this guy?!! When the heck did that happen!"

Acting shocked Erza seemed to be interested as well and Levy took the moment to act like a blushing maiden in a rapid tone, "Whaaa…!!! No, I mean yes okay it's not like what you think!! I mean he was a bit of a jerk at first but getting to know the guy at his home no that did not happen as you think it would in his home but –"

Taking the moment to grab my girl by the shoulder shaking her a bit and getting her to calm down I couldn't help but be thirsty for those answers now, "Relax Levy! Take a chill before you become a stuttering mess take it slowly girl!!"

She taking my advice began to slowly talk to us in a normal tone explaining how she had a change of heart getting our interest, "Right sorry about that you guys… Whew… Let me take it from the top. It began when Silva asked me over to his apartment room to talk…"


Listening to my girl's story it seems like Silva was looking out for her for her own sake judging by the story of Levy's perspective on things.

Especially shocking she would defend Gajeel from her own Teammates Jet and Droy wanting to vent their anger at him at the time.

It terrified her but also reminded her about a prior conversation with him to make her rethink things about the man who attacked her only to try and take the hit from that jerk Laxus wanting to punish him further.

To be fair I would think he would still be the same jerk that attacked our guild and I still do to this day wondering why Master would allow such an action.


I felt conflicted about him guarding Levy till the end against Laxus but then came the topic if I trusted Juvia or feared her for her prior connection with Phantom Lord.

Which made me feel conflicted as well surprisingly enough. But I do trust her as she and Gray held out long enough for reinforcement to arrive to help us out although I later soon learned she was taking and defending us from Jellal's attacks.

And if Juvia was willing to put Gajeel into the guild and Master judgment to try to fit in


It's too soon.

Despite it being months now the Phantom Lord event still left an open wound of how it was my fault I brought them this pain.

And yet Fairy Tail accepted me the way I am no matter who I was…

Perhaps I can try to trust Gajeel it's just not now. But I'll try to tolerate him or talk to the guy if he was willing to take a hit for Levy and Juvia standing up for the guy then perhaps I should try to help him fit in my own way.

My thoughts were interrupted when Levy mentioned how Silva appeared to reflect Laxus's lightning strike as the tension between them seemed to have increased glaring each other down with one of them preparing to strike if need be till he backed off.


Have to admit it takes some serious guts to stand up against Laxus since he's supposed to be one of the Fairy Tail S-Class wizards right next to Erza.

Speaking about Erza she merely nodded to Levy's explanation in an understanding tone remaining the blunt knight we all know and love, "I see. I wasn't aware of this occurring I'll go ahead and speak about this to Master later if you wish."

Levy immediately denied such a thing shaking her head nervously not wanting to cause any more trouble in a worried tone, "Oh no! I would recommend you don't Erza! I mean the conflict didn't escalate and it's a thing of the past the last thing we need is more trouble!!"

Erza reluctantly nodded at Levy's request not taking this up with the Master in a neutral tone, "I see Levy. Then I'll respect your choice of this matter."

She sighed in relief as I went to the next topic having a teasing grin towards Erza as she froze on the spot of my question, "Now then Erza… how exactly did Silva steal your heart huh? I know before you two dated but I'm curious why you guys sort of stopped?"

At this Erza seemed to have been in deep thought before giving us an answer as to why we don't see them interact often in an honest tone, "Well we never usually did because of our schedules. One of which I handle S-Class requests or busy training in our time along with taste testing his delicious dishes. But with recent changes, it's kind of been difficult to continue where we left off…"

Raising an eyebrow at that she seems to have trailed off as Erza looked to her side a bit reluctant before finally responding much to our shock, "But if I'm being honest though I guess you could say I'm somewhat distancing myself from him as of late. It's not out of dislike I assure you but it's just difficult to find the right words to say to him…"

Oh my god!!

Erza has a genuine crush on the guy!

That was when Levy spoke out equally as surprised of our resident blunt girl being vulnerable in this moment, "No way!! So, you really like the guy huh? If you like him that much why not be direct about it?"

I mean that's how Erza usually works with being blunt in most situations and yet to see her like this makes her normal in my eyes.

My words seemed to reach her as she looked conflicted before finally replying to both of us with her issue causing us to pause in place, "I mean I would but… I have no experience in romance before and I'm unsure if it's the right move. He's the only one to treat me as a normal woman before instead of the usual fear I put into my guild members by being strict…. I'm not like that at all right and please be honest with here."


I couldn't really tell as Levy found herself in the same spot as me not sure if agreeing would be wise.

But that was enough for Erza as she sighed out loud continuing her explanation with us proving her issues, "See like that. Damn, guess he was right on about me. And that only furthers my point having no relationship to take a step forward or waiting for him to make the move… and what's worse Juvia is also aiming for the same thing as me fighting for his heart along with Mira and Levy now."

Wait what…?!!

My eyes widen at this complicated love life situation that is transpiring?!!

What kind of rabbit hole did I just jump into!!

Levy's eyes widen at that blushing at the idea with Erza expressing a stern gaze at her with a tone determined to win, "Despite another love rival appearing don't think I would stand down Levy McGarden! You may have won the battle getting close, but you haven't won the war yet…!"


Levy merely tried to defuse the situation but only seemed to make Erza even more determined to win after his heart and when the hell did Mira get into his love mess that Silva brought to himself?!!

Is he a womanizer by chance?


I mean we did take on a small date at Crocus after taking care of a pervert slave trader. And he does match my criteria being a humorous but kind guy helping me out having fun but mostly for no property damage.

And he was helpful to me when we first met when he recommended this place with Mira agreeing it's good for what I want.

I just think his possibly too nice of a guy but a good choice as boyfriend material goes but his personality is to be questioned…

Guess it just helps knowing his personality better would also work out and he does look out for his friends even after he explained to us his clone whom he calls a replica taking the hit for us would be the same as the real him taking the hit.

Wonder if there are guys like him around – no wait a damn second?!!

What the heck was I even thinking!!!

Bad Lucy!


You must help your friends out first and ask about love life later!!

At the very least his better than Natsu when I thought he liked me only to be tricked when he wanted Virgo to dig for some stupid treasure of the Guild's embarrassing stunts or phases instead of showing me a good time!!!


And all of a sudden Natsu's childish personality compared to Silva's common sense kind of makes it easy between the two of whom I would date - hold it!!!!

Get your mind out of the gutter Lucy!!!

I think I just feel mixed about this now!!

Curse you Silva for playing with the heart of a fair maiden!!!

Next chapter