

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). An old path has closed and a new one takes its place with a new Player in the unknown world of Earthland a land filled with Magic. In this world were Magic is supreme and dangers of all kinds lie in every corner of this world to crazy cultist, powerful dark wizards, demons, immortal dark lords, and a overpowered Dragon that nullifies everything? How will Silva Knights handle such threats that he has come to call Earthland his new home with the experimented abilities of [THE GAMER] from the previous user.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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210 Chs

Chapter 91: More Rewards-sama?!

Chapter 91: More Rewards-sama?!


~Silva K. POV~

Surprised that we got called to meet the King we both nodded as I was curious what the call was going on about.


I doubt it would be about Jellal though considering they won't share that info freely to grunts like the people leading us.



There must be an alternative motive for bringing the both of us. Erza I could understand but me included?

Something is afoot.


But we soon marched our way with the troops leading our way with people murmuring about the actions being taken as we remained silent about the whole ordeal.

Erza looked at the scene confused but not enough to be concerned with the King wishing to speak to the both of us. But this is very unusual for me to process the whole situation at hand.

Although I would get my answer soon enough as we enter through the gates of the castle amazed by the spiral pillars around the corners of the castle along with an open garden as I couldn't help being amazed about this place.

My old folks would kill to have a garden like this.


My attention was then directed towards the courtyard with other Rune Knights stationed nearby the area. After that, I headed towards various areas that seemed too much for me or anybody to have such spacious halls.


As we climbed some more stairs we finally reached a big door we passed through with the council members along with his majesty at the center making our appearance swallowing our spit of meeting these people.


Erza doing a knee stance as I follow fumbling a bit since I had never seen or met royalty before with the King of Fiore Toma E. Fiore raised his hand causing us to raise our heads, "You may raise your heads. I'm sure you both getting called here might of inconvenience but I had to call you both specifically before you left."

Tilting my head in confusion why the heck this short man would need to meet me?

Erza I can understand.

Me… not so much.


Erza voiced out my answer close enough when she saw me express confusion clearing her throat respecting Toma, "Ahem! I apologize for being blunt. Your Majesty and Council but why have we been summoned here? The guards weren't exactly informative of the cause."

Murmurs from the council resounded within before one of them named Org a tall, gray-haired elderly man with a considerably long beard, as well as a mustache. He has pointy ears and has a habit of keeping only one of his dark-colored eyes open at a time make the first move.

Clearing his throat keeping his indifference began to ask of us a series of questions along with the King getting our attention, "To begin with the Council and your Majesty wished to ask you a few questions."

Gazing my eyes at Erza she shrug as I reply in a calm tone, "Of course. Will answer to the best of our ability."


Nodding in agreement one of the members Michello gesturing to his name tag first spoke out regarding a previous report with weight of false power in his tone, "We have heard a report of a conflict involving the both of you and Jose Porla, a former Wizard Saint? Did Master Makarov Dreyar, didn't help you at the end of the clash?"

At this, I paused finding the right words as Erza replied for the both of us as I was too exhausted to remember clearly of the event, "No. From what I can recall we both faced him after hearing about his crimes and one of his members attacking our Guild member. When confronting Jose it took all our combined effort to best him although…"

Erza seemed to be at a loss of words trying to remember as I finished up the sentence for her in a calm tone, "It was I that dealt the last blow but… I don't seem to recall how it happened I'm afraid. I was too exhausted putting everything into my final attack at the time with Erza giving me an opening to strike full force."

Murmurs rang out between the group as another Council Member Belno a tall elderly woman spoke in a calm tone, "Moving on, during your vacation is it true you both encountered former council member Jellal Fernandes and were you aware of the plans at the time?"


The tension was felt from the words of Jellal as I replied next in a neutral tone, "Yes. And I got information from his former allies."

Erza responded next in a neutral tone to the Council Members of how she knew experiencing the Tower firsthand steadily shaking at the thoughts, "Yes. Once I saw the Tower and demanded of capturing me. I've seen the horrors of the Tower of Heaven myself."

More murmurs continued as this time the King spoke to us in a neutral tone, "Yes. And from what I heard you managed to capture Jellal willingly turn himself over? Care to elaborate on how you managed that?"

Listening to his words we explained that while Erza and I were dealing with the assassins along with Zeref Cultist our allies fought Jellal who at the time was at half fighting power than he originally was.

Our allies held on till we finally reached them and protected as well as learned the truth of what really happened to Jellal as the Council Members fell into silence contemplating the truth behind Jellal's madness.


The King on the underhand has an unreadable expression on his face before finally smiling responding to everyone present in a solemn tone, "I see… it seems like there were more foul play than previously seen in this case. To think a member of Zeref Cultist would infiltrate the Magic Council would use Etherion for the R-System was to be believed as the culprit is instead a victim through this at such a young age heavily brainwashed…"

He frowns listening to the news that Jellal wasn't the only case as he mumbles out loud pondering if there were more victims like him.


Soon he shook his head as he returned his attention to the both of us with a shocking deal that almost made me trip, "Brilliant! In that case would you both Erza Scarlet and Silva Knights be interested in the position of being one of the 10 Wizard Saints."

We were both flabbergasted by the words as I couldn't help but ask feeling my throat become dry at his words, "I'm sorry but I might be hearing things wrong but did you just offer us both one of the seats in the 10 Wizard Saints?"

Toma replied with a firm tone this time, repeating his words and reasoning why he chose between one of us in this position, "Against all odds you both show great qualities of obtaining this position. Erza Scarlet for her bravery against formidable foes bigger than her own standing her ground like the case with Jose. And young man despite facing off against foes stronger than you have prevailed against the odds stacked against you with wit and calm mind in disastrous situations that even make S-Class tremble at such situations."


He ain't wrong…

We both paused listening to his words sink in as the King continues an important factor to point out that can't be denied as well in a firm tone, "But another accomplishment would be you both handled 2 Wizard Saints. Both of them were incredible Mages, both held the title of Wizard Saint, and both became significant threats to the magical world. One using her strength and the other his mind. Such rare talents wouldn't you say?"


Now I have a feeling his sugar coating this whole ordeal but…

It didn't take us long to look at each other before nodding and smirking replying to the King's answer together, "I apologize but I decline/sorry but no way man."

Clear surprise is evident on the King's face as the Council Members were about to cause an uproar before the King raised his hand silencing them as he questioned us in a curious tone with an eyebrow raised, "Hm, can you please explain why? I would think most would be happy at the chance but I want to hear your opinions if you don't mind?"

We both nodded to the King's request as I went first why I didn't want to join the 10 Wizard Saints in a neutral tone, "I'm not joining because that would imply I need to leave the Fairy Tail Guild if I did so. But the most troubling fact for me would be I'm too weak and young to bear such responsibility but thank you for such a generous title your Majesty, however, I must decline."


The King and Council Members both nodded at my suggestion as Erza explained her reasoning why she wouldn't join, "I'm afraid not your Majesty. It would be an honor, but the responsibility would strip me of some freedom in the event something happens to my family I won't be there to protect them. Similarly, like the Phantom Lord case being such an example as such I can't accept such a generous title, my lord."

The King merely chuckled declining his offer instead of offering a reward for the both of us each stopping such a big threat to the magical world, "Hahaha!! Can't exactly blame this King to at least try if one of you were to join in helping the Magical World in the process. But since you have stopped both Wizards Saints going rogue, I'm willing to grant you both a reward for your commendable reward for stopping both threats."

We both froze at this since I didn't expect that.


The King is certainly too kind or generous.


The Council Members froze at this with us thinking about it before Erza asked her wish to the King in a kind tone, "In that case would it be possible for you to lighten Jellal's sentence? I know he caused harm to the Magical World as you can't pardon him but I wish his sentence be to lighten knowing the truth and receive help."

The King took a moment to consider it before nodding and responding to Erza's request in a firm tone, "Hmm… very well then. I'll see something about the former Wizard Saint Jellal to lighten the sentence and help. Would be a waste to not help such a talented man in need after learning of the truth. And you young man?"

Since the King is being gracious…

My eyes tilted towards the Magic Council as I began to think carefully about what I wanted from them.

There is the Sky God Slayer Magic they have in their possession but…




That was when I voiced out what I wanted from them in a calm tone wishing to save the reward in the form of a favor instead, "In that case would it be possible to save the reward in the form of a favor in the future? To be honest I really don't know what to say or pick but if possible, would I say a favor from the crown as a reward to call upon in the future when I'm ready to cash it in?"

The King took a moment to think before finally responding with a stern expression on his face, "Hmm… if it's within my power then yes. Here's this Communication Magic Card when you finally wish to call upon your favorite young man."

Thanking his majesty it was best to use this gift wisely when I really need it. I could've asked for the God Slayer Magic but hold that idea not knowing if they have it yet or would be too suspicious for asking that type of specific magic.


It was best to get a reward from the king in the form of a favor. Never know if it could come in handy in the future.

Declining the gains right now I thanked the King for the generous reward as we left to return to Akane Beach.

I didn't expect to meet the king nor get this favor card from just by helping to get Jellal but then again so many things could go differently than canon but it's what makes life such an unpredictable thing to spice up my life.

Thanks for the rewards-sama!