

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). An old path has closed and a new one takes its place with a new Player in the unknown world of Earthland a land filled with Magic. In this world were Magic is supreme and dangers of all kinds lie in every corner of this world to crazy cultist, powerful dark wizards, demons, immortal dark lords, and a overpowered Dragon that nullifies everything? How will Silva Knights handle such threats that he has come to call Earthland his new home with the experimented abilities of [THE GAMER] from the previous user.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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210 Chs

Chapter 86: Tower of Heaven (8)

Chapter 86: Tower of Heaven (8)


~Third POV~

Reaching to the next floor ahead the group continued to move forward as they come to the next room ahead finally seeing Vidalus Taka in his rock'n'roll form finishing up his spell as the group arrived.

When he did so Silva's eyes widened in concern seeing his group clench their ears seeing an issue as Vidalus responded using his Magic, "YEAH!!! Seeing how Fukuro is down time to take this up a notch!!! <Rock of the Sub –"< p>

"<Dispel >!"

Suddenly the built-up magic that Vidalus was about to use dispelled itself leaving him to blink in surprise as his spell was undone glaring at Silva not affected by his spell.

Glaring hatefully at him he began to use his hair to attack the group witnessing that his spell <Rock of the Succubus> won't succeed unless he takes care of Silva immediately if he can dispel it.



Using his Hair Magic to tray and whip them Natsu reacted first with his fist ignited getting out of the spell Vidalus produced with anger in his voice, "<FIRE DRAGON'S IRON FIST>!!!!"


Despite training his hair to be well against the elements the fire of a Fire Dragon proved too much as his hair was ignited with Vidalus tried using <Sound Magic> immediately, "Shit! Shit!!! SHIT!!!!! <Voice – "< p>

"<Dispel >!!"

Noticing his spell had been canceled Vidalus could only grunt with his magic being canceled out like that glare at Silva's bemused smile stopping him at every point.

That made him a much easier target than Fukuro with the group struggling with his speed but Vidalus didn't have much strength without his <Rock of the Succubus> to turn enemies into slaves but with <Dispel > in play…

It made him an easy target of the group's frustration and disgust once Silva explained about them to turn into a punk pale rock band slave to his will.

That alone made them use their strongest output attacks at the man.



"Summon Gate of the Golden Lion, <LEO >!!"






It was safe to say Vidalus would be out of commission like some Jojo character about now…




~Jellal F. POV~

I could only growl in silence seeing my proclaimed Knights lose this badly against Erza and her companions to this extent.


When Fukuro took out Simon he was only relying on his <Jet Magic> to swiftly deal with the children but then was stopped in place by him again…

Then came Vidaldus Taka with his infamous <Rock of the Succubus> spell that guaranteed a complete change in the tides of battle forcing Erza to face off against her friends.

Would she sacrifice them in order to get to me or let herself be beaten for her friends?

I was quite excited to see what she would do but that went down the drain when he interfered again unaffected by Vidaldus's own Magic spell where all were affected but that damn Fairy resistance.


The Trinity Ravens fabled for their work are being defeated left and right like children bullied by these Fairy scum and the Water Lady in the process.


Leaning back in my chair I couldn't help but grin as their luck would soon come crashing down soon enough heading towards the final enemy they had to pass.


The only Knight I have remained is the most powerful one I have…


Ikaruga the leader of the Trinity Raven, a group of Assassins from the Death's Head Caucus should be able to cut down the other pieces that Erza has left.


Not even Silva would be able to handle her although I should prepare myself in advance for the upcoming remainder of the group left.


Standing up preparing for battle I wonder how long – oh?

Seems like the Council members have already decided with only 30 minutes remaining. I wonder how they are going to stop me now…



In the end, no matter how many flies you send after me my plan and goal will come to fruition no matter what!!




~Silva K. POV~


Rushing forward and observing everything thus far all seems pretty good with the Trinity Raven has been handled except for one enemy the group can't handle.


Out of all of us present here I'm the only one capable of defeating her with one item I have in my possession giving me a fighting chance without worry of her swordsmanship.

Already holding the Grand Chariot key in my hand with its built-in skill of <Absolute Defense> it would be valuable or possibly only counter against her since she broke through Ezra's Magic Armor.

And I can personally attest to them being extremely durable. If she can break her armor the best chance would be a weapon that can never be broken like Grand Chariot skills or a Teigu but it's best for Grand Chariot Key to be used in this case.








The sounds of footsteps could be heard as we all went ahead and rushed to the top of the tower when we were stopped by a woman who raised more or less a few alarms in my head of her presence.


The leader of the Trinity Raven Ikaruga and a swordswoman of the Mugetsu-Style the same one I use along with Style of the Undrawn Long Sword.


Ikaruga has long, bright pink hair which is tied on top of her head in two large buns. She has a curvy figure, peach skin, green eyes, a beauty mark underneath each eye, and sports red lipstick.


She wears a long, slightly loose white kimono with a red stripe in between two black stripes around the waist as well as a red triangle at the bottom of her dress, decorated by flames and skulls motifs, open at the top to reveal her shoulders and a fair amount of cleavage; it's closed around the waist by a large black belt adorned with a horned skull. Her guild insignia is incorporated into her kimono and seen at the end of both of its sleeves. Sakura petals can often be seen floating around her.


<Observe >.


[Ikaruga Lv.250 Assassin]


We paused at the scene before taking out my Grand Chariot Key telling everyone to go ahead and getting their attention, "Everyone goes on ahead to deal with Jellal! I'll keep her busy till Erza arrives to assist!!"

Natsu the one to intervene voices out getting ready to fight with his fire ablaze, "No way man we can't – "






Moving in front of the unsuspecting Happy and Gray I blocked one sword slash with Grand Chariot with Spectator and <Perfect Vision> assisting in following her attack patterns along with raising my own skill to gain EXP to boot.


[<Parrying Master> LEVEL UP!]


[<Sword Mastery> +85 EXP!]


[<Sword Mastery> LEVEL UP!]


[<Mugetsu-Style > +75 EXP]


[<Mugetsu-Style > +75 EXP]


[<Mugetsu-Style > LEVEL UP!]


I grin seeing just by looking at her movements I can get stronger sparing with her as a flash of surprise flickered across her eyes complimenting me, "It seems to me that someone noticed almost being beheaded. And someone who uses the same sword style to notice… who are you, young man?"



After finishing her words a noticeable cut could be seen on the walls behind Gray and Happy as Lucy yells out in shock what happened, "What the heck?!! Silva blocked the slash, but it still went through leaving a cut mark!"

Juvia then pointed out the noticeable fact her eyes narrowing down at Ikaruga with a hint of worry in her eyes, "No she managed to cut the space itself! If my Silva-sama didn't block that attack just now…"

Happy voices out shock like the comedic action, "We would've been fished sticks!"

Gray paled lightly as I rubs his neck worriedly about what happen if I didn't block the blow replying, "Damn… thanks for the save, man."

Replying to Gray with a nod I yelled at the group to move ahead leaving her to me getting ready to fight her while Erza came, "Guys you all go ahead and leave her to me!! We need Jellal to be stopped unless you feel like having Etherion over our heads!! Trust me to handle this. Juvia go and follow them where they would need your help. I trust you to do your best!!"

The group hesitated, but Natsu gave a curt nod trusting me as his eyes darted towards the stairs ahead, "Alright man will take care of Jellal!! I let you handle Phantom Lord but I'll trust you to handle her and meet up!!"


Juvia merely gushed that I trusted her for an important task like a lovesick maiden, "Ah! My beloved trust me to help defeat this foul man!! Anything for my love!!"

Lucy just eyed Juvia weirdly but disregarded it focusing on the task at hand wishing me luck in this fight, "Eh… How about focusing on something else? But you better kick her butt Silva and come help us when you can!!"

Trusting me I couldn't help but feel glad.

Glad to be of use to help them deal with Jellal while I take care of Ikagruga.

Time to put my effort in training to the test.

Keeping my stance at Ikagruga's attention ready to defend the group moved ahead as she began to move with me tracing her every move and speaking out, "How very rude to assume I would let you. Know these intruders… I'm called Ikagruga the Dove. Appropriate don't you think lost souls…"


Her eyes remained focused as I followed her movements with <Perfect Vision> as she began to move her blade while me doing the same. I surprised her with this move seeing how she cut space with the Mugetsu-Style firsthand.




[<Sword Mastery> LEVEL UP!]


[<Mugetsu-Style > +75 EXP]


[<Mugetsu-Style > +75 EXP]


[<Mugetsu-Style > LEVEL UP!]


[Technique copied!]


"<Yasha's Empty Slash>/<Yasha's Empty Slash>!!!"





Blocking another one of her swords her eyes widened in surprise as the group finally managed to leave the woman's grasp leaving a shockwave from the clash backing away from each other.


The more I learn from her the more I can add those skills added to my own.

[Skill: <Yasha's Empty Slash> copied!]


Carefully taking some distance and stances Ikagruga narrowed her eyes witnessing me copying her technique right in front of her.

She merely took a few seconds before she finally responded with some words of surprise and amusement, "Interesting… You are certainly not weak by what Jellal-sama portrayed you to be. Even stealing my own sword technique that I developed after years of practice of the <Mugetsu-Style > that all it took was seeing it to perform it…"

She glared at me but a sense of pride she had for herself was clearly evident on her licking her lips in anticipation, "Jellal-sama proclaimed you to be weak… he had everything planned out for victory and prior info about your group… but no matter for how much he planned you were deemed too unimportant to be worth his attention. A weak bird caught in the winds of fate doomed to fail to fall to the earth and crumble into dust."


"<Garuda Flame>/<Garuda Flame>!!!"




[<Sword Mastery> LEVEL UP!]


[<Mugetsu-Style > +75 EXP]


[<Mugetsu-Style > +75 EXP]


[<Mugetsu-Style > LEVEL UP!]


[Skill: <Garuda Flame> is copied!]


Ikagruga then released another of her sword techniques I copied following her movements like an open book for me to read and replicate with my own body matching her sword style and skills as my own.


After that what happened next was a series of sword slashes directed at each other with the intent to kill not bothered by anything else but cutting each other down for good feeling my breathing getting rapid and my heart pumping with adrenalin coursing through me.




[<Mugetsu-Style > LEVEL UP!]


[<Yasha's Empty Slash> LEVEL UP!]




[<Mugetsu-Style > LEVEL UP!]


[<Garuda Flame> LEVEL UP!]


What occurred next in the series of minutes to me was seconds focusing on copying down all Ikagruga skills for my own increasing my them by witnessing them intently copying her own skills.

Each clash of our blades rang out causing a brief shockwave with each one's strike meant to cut me down but only to be blocked thanks to Grand Chariot skills making it near impossible to cut it down my normal means.

Even in its key form, it's durable enough to take on slashes meant to cut through space with ease, and the fire mimics the severing properties of the sword.

Sparks flew each strike intended to cut me only to be blocked by my blade but – 


I noticed slash marks on my body that the blade of hers managed to cut the surface level of my skin with my <Mana Reinforcement> acting like a boosted shield for my skin but regardless my skills of swordsmanship are increasing with every passing second.


And each strike fills me with a sense of joy, but I do need to deal with Jellal soon enough with everyone waiting…


Skill List.



<Yasha's Empty Slash> (Active) Lv.25/100 Exp: 50%


Description: A technique that allows the user to slash with extreme precision whatever their is attacking without touching it with the blade, shattering even Magic Armor or weapons with one attack. It is also able to cut any organ inside the victim's body without severing clothes and/or skin.


<Garuda Flame> (Active) Lv.25/100 Exp: 50%


Description: A technique that creates fire from a blade and attacks the opponent. It has the same severing properties as <Yasha's Empty Flash>.



I need to end this now. But gathering more time for Erza to arrive is also crucial thus I need to keep biding time or end this quickly.

Such a shame really. Just as much as I would like to fight and gain EXP for my skills time is cutting short best to get it over with.

Lives are on the line, and I can't play level up here. It's time to release my Teigu full power along with that Spear Technique for just such an occasion like this to demonstrate.

Grand Chariot it's time to show your real power!