

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). An old path has closed and a new one takes its place with a new Player in the unknown world of Earthland a land filled with Magic. In this world were Magic is supreme and dangers of all kinds lie in every corner of this world to crazy cultist, powerful dark wizards, demons, immortal dark lords, and a overpowered Dragon that nullifies everything? How will Silva Knights handle such threats that he has come to call Earthland his new home with the experimented abilities of [THE GAMER] from the previous user.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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210 Chs

Chapter 30: Eisenwald Arc (5)

Chapter 30: Eisenwald Arc (5)

~Silva POV~

[You gain 50 XP]

I smirked after I was the one to knock Kageyama out to earn his EXP as Erza forces him up again to gather information or we gang up on him again.

He complied shortly after that.

After revealing that part of the information and allowing them to use my Judgement Field to get clean confessions out of Kageyama I began to investigate the new item I got from him going through his bag.



Item: Skill Book – Dispel

Rarity Item: B

Type: Skill Book

Description: A Skill Book can be obtained containing the spell skill <Dispel>. The user needs INT at 60 to unlock this skill.


Because of course it is.


I really need to raise my INT stats soon. Not being able to use Magic is going to be a pain but returning to the bag I saw the flute in question.

Returning my attention towards the group I see that they are finished interrogating Kageyama as I pity the man getting punched to the face after repeatedly being beaten by Erza as she gives me back my Judgement Field with a smile on her face, "Thanks Silva. Your quick thinking and spotting the enemy provided us with useful information out of the man. Along with your Magic Tool helped getting the information provided out of him."

She casted a stern glare at the swollen man face no longer conscious as she continues to explain another issue though, "While we have to temporary deal with the Eisenwald Guild we have to deal with Lullaby first. We can't allow such a dangerous demon out."

To that I can agree with.




However, before I could do anything smoke began to rise out from the bag alerting everyone immediately as we all heard a voice that had echoes with each voice, "Hahaha!! All you wizards are cowards –"

Not before too long I narrowed my eyes at the demon speaking out with Happy and Lucy panicking as I voiced out to Natsu while tossing the bag in response, "Natsu! Burn that demon now!"


Immediately getting the idea and thankfully his instincts to react with no hesitation that motivated Natsu lightning up his fighting spirit as he fists bumped his fist together, "One Fire Dragon Slayer Roar coming right up!"

Getting ready to act as the demon continues to speak as Natsu soon starts to inhale, gathering fire in his mouth, "I can't stand this anymore!! I, myself –"

Everyone's reaction with the exception of Happy and Lucy already prepared their attacks immediately to end the demon with Natsu releasing the fire in the direction of the sky, where the damn flute is directed, "FIRE DRAGON'S ROAR!!!"


Soon a large, exploding torrent of fire erupted from him by putting his hands before his mouth, in a pose resembling that of a trumpeter, before releasing the fire, prompting it to be expelled between their fingers as the damages and burns soon shows itself enough.

Although Gray and Erza weren't far behind as the demon Lullaby tries to form but is quickly overtaken by the sudden attacks from all sides.

"<Ice Make: Cannon>!"

"<Trinity Sword Slash>!"

Like that an ice cannon launched at the demon encased in fire followed by Erza flying magic slash attacks while the results released a heat steam explosion listening to the demon roar in pain, "AHHHH!!!!"

Witnessing the large-scale attack up close I felt the burning heat sensations that he produced making me actually sweat a bit being up close to his fire for the first time.


Those are my thoughts of Natsu Dragon Slayer Magic. But also, the others Magic Power firsthand, experience of Erza and Gray.

Extremely strong.

Those are what my senses told me about them for the first time actually seeing them in action that makes my senses scream at me to be wary of.

It's the first time I felt this powerless, in front of them before despite my calm exterior it gives me panic at this current stage they could be called 'weak' as they are now against future enemies that are more powerful than them combined.


Even using <Magic Sense> the gap is clear as day between them and me in an instant. That's something I should aspire to achieve and overcome in the future.

I need to be more powerful…

Witnessing the end of the Demon dying turning into a flute again with Erza taking it in her <Requip> for safe keeping as I seen the pop up screens show up.


[Quest <Eisenwald> Completed!]

[40,000 Jewels added to your person!]

[Lacrima of the Knight added to your person!]

[Which reward to choose:

-Blessed Random Item Box (Select)

-Cursed Random Item Box (Select)]

[You gained 400 EXP!]




[Add +10 Stats to Stat Points!]



Name: Silva Knight

Class: The Gamer

Race: Human

Title: Fairy Tail Wizard

Level: 15 Exp: 0/150%

HP: 1200/1500

MP: 1200/1500

STR: 31+3= 34 (+15)

AGI: 23+3= 26 (+15)

VIT: 23+3= 26 (+15)

INT: 26+3= 29

SEN: 24+3= 27

LUCK: 13 (+15)

Stat Points: 16-> 26

Cash: 51,000J


Feeling a boost in power from leveling up but then I noticed that Erza looked at me for a second with my senses slightly heighten but she seems to have let me go.


I should probably reframe from leveling up in groups but Natsu, Lucy, and Gray have no reaction at all to me?

Is it only the strong one's under S-Class that are able to sense me level up?

Really hope Mavis comes back with something to help me out but for now it seems Erza's eyes dart towards Natsu since he happens to be between me and her getting her eyes at him and not me.

Although –

Before I could continue thinking to myself Natsu gloats of their easy win with literal fire escaping his smile happily feeling the boasting of his win, "Hahaha! Take that you stupid demon! You were too weak to beat me!! I call this my win!!"

Gray however disagreed arguing back with Natsu starting up another argument in a contest between them, "Your win?!! Yeah, right fire breath! That demon clearly lost to my Ice Maker Magic then your fire!! Obviously, it's my win!"

Like that the two began to argue again sighing at this with Lucy breathing out in relief getting out of that dangerous situation, "Ahh… oh, man that could've gone really bad if we didn't react in time. Thankfully that didn't come to pass…"

Who's this we you speak of?


Ignore that thought.

As the two began to argue Erza voices out to everyone causing the two to revert back to obedient best friends…

Those poor bastards.

With everyone attention all turned towards Erza as for what to do next since we killed off Lullaby, she began to speak the next course, "With that done with all that's left to do is take care of the Eisenwald Guild. If what the man spoke is true, then that means their Guild are planning taking control of Oshibana station soon."


Laughter was heard as Kageyama laughs expressing an overconfident grin on his face, "You flies won't be able to defeat Erigor. He's our ace and won't lose to you…"


One punch from Gray shut him up as Erza motioned all of us to go into the car immediately, "Ok everyone! Time for us to finish this mess."

Natsu groaned at this as I couldn't help but see where this is going but I couldn't help but grin seeing that the damages are done along with this quest.





Listening to the murmurs of the crowd we all listened intently to the group of people along with announcements of Eisenwald Guild taking control of the Oshibana Station with Erza leading the cause of capturing them.

Me and Lucy were left with dragging Kageyama knocked out already handing him to the Rune Knights nearby and explaining right away the situation with us only going ahead with the crowd stopping us.

Oh right.

Before moving ahead, I managed to get one of the spare items I got from my rewards from this one randomly on my training.



Item: Small Mana Bottle

Rarity Item: D

Type: Small Jar

Description: Restore MP of one ally by 25%.


Holding this bottle in my hand I managed to get to Erza getting her attention handing her the bottle with confusion on her face as I explained, "Erza with your Magic Power low drinking this will help replenish it back to 25% your Magic Power. We need you at your best."

Her eyes were questioning but didn't hesitate as she drank it as her eyes widen as I used <Magic Sense> to tell her Magic Power was restored by 25% as she thanked me, "Incredible! With this I should be able to handle Erigor myself with this much. Thanks for the help Silva. Once again your help is greatly appreciated."

She was genuine about it in her voice and tone.

I can tell that much from my senses alone as we finally nearing the end of the scuffle of this mission, she had for us.

I for one can't wait to test out my skills against groups and begin the grind.

Although it would be very short considering who were up against is Eisenwald Guild members with Erigor being the main threat as these guys can just floor them.

I merely wanted to increase our chances well my chances surviving this encounter seeing that it seems like I didn't need to bring Lucy along after all.

Guess I was just being over-cautious about a few things after all. But I couldn't help myself to get another help in case things do go south.

All that concern was wasted but, in the end, though was needed if something unexpected came up.


Whatever for now though I should just help the group and plunder any Magic Weapons the Guild Members of Eisenwald have on hand that are good for me to keep. I best keep my head in the game.