

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). An old path has closed and a new one takes its place with a new Player in the unknown world of Earthland a land filled with Magic. In this world were Magic is supreme and dangers of all kinds lie in every corner of this world to crazy cultist, powerful dark wizards, demons, immortal dark lords, and a overpowered Dragon that nullifies everything? How will Silva Knights handle such threats that he has come to call Earthland his new home with the experimented abilities of [THE GAMER] from the previous user.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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210 Chs

Chapter 165: Tenrou Island (9)

Chapter 165: Tenrou Island (9)

~Third POV~

Listening to Hades' extreme ideas Silva sighed responding to his crazy extreme idea of the Ultimate Magic World he seeks, "Sigh… figured as much. But to be honest, to exterminate anyone who doesn't have the ability to use magic seems extreme misuse of your power old man... oh, my god I just realized your Magic Hitler."

Hearing Silva's response Hades concludes his idea that Silva's POV is filled with the path of Light responding in a curious tone yet confused by his last remark, "You sound like a man filled with too much light. I walk the path of darkness to obtain the Ultimate Magic World. There is too much light in the world of magic and that needs to be changed.... and who the heck is Hitler?"

Silva countered his words choosing to ignore Hades curiosity with his own replying to Hades' indifference to such concepts of light and dark in a neutral tone, "Perhaps but then again, such concepts of light and dark don't matter. There's really no such thing as good or evil in the world. Darkness and light really don't represent them all it really matters in the end how one uses their powers that define them."

Hades stroked his beard somewhat surprised by such a response sighing not wishing to kill such an interesting individual but responded in a determined tone, "You are an interesting one, aren't you? It's quite a shame we couldn't come to an agreement on what the Ultimate Magic World is. Regardless though…"


Releasing his Magic Power trying to intimidate Silva to leave responded Hades' voice echoing throughout the room they're currently cracking from his power, "…I am willing to throw away everything for the sake of accomplishing my dream! If you continue to stand in my way I'm sure you knew what it meant. It will be a shame to kill such a fellow with a mind like yours before the way to the Ultimate Magic World is finally upon us Mages."

Undeterred by Hades' words taking a fighting stance responding confidently at him with no fear in his voice responding, "Maybe… or perhaps I get to kick your ass so badly you'll give up on your pipe dream old man. I'm not letting you go away with facing the consequences for harming my friends!!"

Hades eyes narrowed seeing Silva used <Bloodlust > at him but is unaffected responding to him in an arrogant tone, "Do Fairies have tails? Or they don't? An eternal mystery and an eternal adventure. But your adventure ends now."



Rushing towards Hades with no hesitation threw a punch full power in the air surprising Hades causing a shockwave and destroying everything in his path launching him to the back of the room with sheer physical power.



Causing some destruction to the room smokescreen filled the room till it was cleared as Hades stood up healing completely commenting on the power shown, "I see… you certainly are like a brute like Makarov's children. Do you plan to only fight me physically without relying on Magic Boy?"

Clenching his fist as his response Hades began to chastise Silva scolding him in a disappointed tone, "The mistakes people make are eventually labeled as experience. But with a true mistake, there will be no experience to be gained. Because the mistake you made taking me as your opponent will leave you with no future."

Scoffing at Hade's words Silva rushed forward with a jab to the gut but then stopped as Hades caught his fist easily mocking him, "You think just having Magic made me strong? No boy, you are about to see how this 'old man' is going to kick your ass."




In a quick swift motion twirling his leg empowered by his magic Hades gave Silva a roundhouse kick forcing him to move away as Silva responded skidding across the room, "Not bad for an old fart. But I didn't –"

Suddenly Hades positions his hand to mimic the appearance of a gun, something which allows him to fire magical bullets from his stretched-out index and middle finger, "Bang."




Interrupting him as he spoke Hades shot a Magic bullet with his <Bullet Magic> getting Silva annoyed and complaining, "Oi!! Don't use that move when you're not a hot sexy Control Devil you old bastard!"

The Magic Bullet merely reflected off the armor unaffected amusing Hades with the durability of Incursio's Armor impressed by the rumors, "Interesting armor boy. A literal Dragon bound to a blade sealed unleashing its power when combined with their host. Quite the fascinating Magic Tool considering Dragon Scales resist magic."


Rushing forward again to launch another powerful punch Hades prepared himself seeing the boy in front of him pointing his two fingers forward and launching a Magic Chain…



Launching the chains while avoiding Silva's flurry of punches he dodges them as the chains tighten around him trying to stop him in place as Hades eyes focused on him.




The chains only further moved around Silva's body attempting to restrain him as Hades' eyes narrowed thinking to himself cautiously against the man in front of him, 'Contrary to what most expect boy out of everyone in Fairy Tail besides Makarov and Gildarts… you are by far the most dangerous. It wasn't your power, Magic, nor your Magic Power that gave you the title of Trickster of Fairy Tail but rather –'




Activating <Mana Chainsaw> around his body coating over the chains began to tear apart as Hades believed in Silva to get out forming a Quadruple Magic Core around him finishing his thoughts, '– you remind of Mavis Vermillion in using her wits and cunning to win. If I were to say you are probably this generation Fairy Tail Tactician hence… I won't underestimate or fall for your tricks boy.'


Activating his <Amaterasu > using <Formula 28> as the Magic Circles kept Silva in place with Hades using seals engulfs an area in a massive spherical shockwave.



Skidding across from the explosion suffering from the shockwave that Hades produced caused internal damage as he responded examining the pain labor breaths, "Interesting… with a strong enough shockwave attack you could be harmed internally. I suppose every armor whatever they proclaimed to be invincible or full proof has their weak points."

Swiping off the smokescreen as the armor revealed to be unharmed but inside was a different story suffering a little bit of HP loss Silva remained defiant as Hades responded cracking his neck indifferent tone, "Ahh… still I believe the warmup has come and gone boy. I will set you as an example for those wishing to defy me."

Remaining defiant Hades narrowed his eyes calculating Silva's moves carefully confused of his actions contrary to his previous feats, 'What is the boy doing now? From what I heard he will use underhanded tactics to win. His wits to win. His strength to win. Yet… he not even show his other weapons… what is he planning waiting for the calvary?'

Breathing in and out Silva responded finally taking Hades by surprise, "Took you long enough…"






Being suddenly attacked from above by a thunderbolt strike on his body Hades screamed getting electrified in the process, "AHHH!!"

Sizzling as his skin felt the brunt of electricity flowing through his body Silva called out to the man who appeared with a sly grin on his face, "…Laxus."

Standing in front of Hades was Laxus returned to Tenrou Island as he spoke to Silva in a stern tone, "So this is the guy who gramps Silva?!"

Hades was shocked seeing Laxus appearing nowhere in his calculations he expected this as his gaze towards Silva eyes widening in realization, 'No… he calculated and stalled for this brat to appear?!! But he was exiled according to our info how…?!!'

Unaware that Silva used his meta knowledge and knew where Laxus would come all he needed to do was let Hades use his Magic as a signal to make him appear right where he needed him to be for the moment.

Standing up regaining his fighting stance he replied to Laxus in a serious tone, "Yeah. He's the one. Glad to have ya around."

Hades glared at Silva calming down and falling right for his tricks commenting on Laxus, "You're Makarov's brat? Why are you here…"

Laxus eyeing the man that harmed his family member glared as he replied in a serious tone directed at him as a vein popped up on his face, "Just payin' my respects to the first guild master. I'm still a former Fairy Tail member at least. I was plannin' a stop at Mavis's tomb… But it was a surprise to find the second Master here too. While I'm at it why don't I dig up your grave too?"

Hades merely sighed seeing such a turn of events happening in a tired tone with Fairy Tail, "Sheesh. I never thought the brat would have such a conceited family."

Both S-Class Wizards eyed Hades waiting to see who would make the first move as Laxus suddenly attacked first raising his knee at Hade's chin and sending him flying in the process making the first hit.


Then in a swift motion, a roundhouse to Hades' side sent him flying further across the room.


Not relenting Laxus used his <Lightning Magic> to charge after him leaving a trail of electricity in his wake.


Next he delivered a powerful punch using his <Lightning Magic> on Hades' head smashing him to the ground with a loud sound echoing in the room.



Slamming another fist intending to connect only managed to hit the ground only for Hades to recover trying to escape above.


Suddenly he finds himself stuck on Silva's <Glyph > forcing him to lose his motion allowing Laxus a clear shot using his <Lightning Dragon's Roar> point blank range destroying everything in his path.



Being taken in by Laxus <Lightning Dragon's Roar> at point blank range letting the smoke clear as the two waited Laxus asked curiously surprising Silva his question, "So then clown… did you manage to pass?"

Surprised but grinned underneath his armor replied happily obtaining his title of S-Class Wizard of Fairy Tail, "Yeah. Passed with flying colors if only this shit didn't happen."

Laxus snorts but smiles congratulating him while keeping an eye on Hades, "In that case let me be the first to say congrats kid."



Soon surprised shock on Laxus's face as Hades portions of his armor were vaporized his main physical body remained unharmed regenerating replying to their coordination, "I'll give it a B-. Surprisingly enough both the hot and levelheaded people working together managed to get me hurt. Minus a grade for talking while the enemy is alive."

Laxus soon exclaimed surprised how Hades remained unharmed witnessing the regeneration of his body, "How?! That attack alone should be enough to deal you in old geezer…!!!"

Hades merely grinned as he continued to explain to them reaching for his eyepatch, "You both did well but this is where –"


"<Benizakura Flash>!!"


"<Explosion Fist>!!"

Suddenly a blinding flash of explosion engulfed Hades as a powerful sword strike appeared Erza and Mira both managed to arrive attacking Hades as he was monologuing.

Taking a knee down Mira and Erza's eyes widened seeing Laxus here as Silva greeted the two happily, "Hello you two! Took your time getting here didn't you?"

Silva eyed Erza's appearance wearing her Clear Heart Clothing as this outfit is primarily red with some gold, black, and white. The outfit consists of a white sarashi around the upper chest and a red hakama with a gold flame-like pattern at the bottom with black highlights, tied by white strings, and no shoes to cover her feet. Erza's hair is tied up in a high tail at the back by a green headband.

But the noticeable Jet Pack didn't escape her view discarding it into her <Requip > realizing how she and Mira both managed to come in time.


However, the four S-Classes widen as Hades begins to power up finally getting serious responding to their power, "You children are impressive. Makarov you old bastard! You raised some scary kids. No one's hit me this hard in 10 years. It would be simply an easy thing to wipe them out at this point… But I must pay them back for the entertainment you've given me!!"

Standing back up he unveiled his Magic Eye patch as Hades Magic Power began to rise shocking the S-Classes of Fairy Tail with his proud words, "The Devil's Eye opens!!!! I've saved this especially for you! The depths of Magic!!! You've entered a region far beyond your reaches of imagination!!!!"

Despite everyone except for Silva feeling the raw Magical Power Hades produces a sly smirk that appeared on his face hiding underneath his armor thought to himself, 'Since his going all in with his infinite Magic Power… it's only fair I do the same. I promised Mavis to only use it if I really needed it. And this is such a situation where it's time to use <Fairy Heart> against Hades <Devil Heart>…'

Yet a memory flashed in his head shaking off his idea regaining his confidence trusting his own skills keeping his promise in a confident tone, 'No… that's only to be used as a last resort. Besides I have one trump card of my own to show this old geezer. Time to show the old man what it really means to go farther beyond!!! Time to use <Mana Zone>!!'