
Chapter 164: Tenrou Island (8)

Chapter 164: Tenrou Island (8)

~Silva K. POV~

Checking Mira and Lisanna healing them of their wounds and handing them my potions making for a quick recovery I persisted concerned of their well-being mentally speaking, "You sure you both are okay? You both managed to get out of that encounter with that thug."

Mira merely chuckled replying placing Azuma in the same leagues as any ordinary thug down the street, "Hahaha… you compare one of Grimoire Heart's biggest hitters as a normal thug. That's got to be funny."


She usually doesn't laugh at my jokes or attempts and…

What is this sense of joy coming from her?

This must be a trick.

I mean there's no way Mira my archnemesis in pranks would fall for me.

Must be the head damage or too many explosions messing with her.

Yeah, that must be it.

Mentally brushing it off Lisanna manages to return to our senses together coughing getting our attention from our daydreaming, "Ahem!! While I don't mind you both flirting with each other there's still the notion of the big bads here!!"


Nodding my head clearing my voice and understanding the situation I replied to Lisanna in a serious tone getting their attention, "Right. We should deal with the intruders first since you both are healed you should stick together while I search for the others."

Mira surprisingly objected much to my surprise holding their shirt and trying to reason with me, "Wait! How about we all go together? We have much better odds in a group than being separated."

Nodding at her reasoning I replied denying joining up for what I have in mind next to be solo during this one in a determined tone, "While the idea sounds pleasing Mira you got your strength again. Plus, I can take care of myself fine besides I don't know the state of others as I prefer to work alone. Take care you two."

Before trying to input her words to stop me Lisanna that sweet Cinnabon child held her off agreeing to my plan, "Wait!! Mira, we should do as he says for now. Plus, Mister Knights is strong enough on his own we need to find the others."

Mira reluctantly agreed as we split our ways.

Talk about convenient timing.



The sweet, sweet sounds of my Replica's grinding my levels are music to my ears.

As much as I would like this chaos to continue beating the mobs it would be soon enough that I deal with Hades for good before anyone could do any harm to it and the ship.

His ship literally contains all the Lost Magic he collected over the years. One's I'm sure that it would please some mages fancy to ancient lost magic just for the ripping.



Quickly changing into Incursio's armor rushing forward invisible to others it was time I finished off the boss before the final boss came wrecking my day.





Stopping in front of the ship of Grimoire Hearts canceling my invisibility allowing others to see me as the rain began to set in brandishing my battle spear with my Replica's busy taking care of the trash.

Pacing forward ahead of the knowing danger I couldn't help but feel…


Perhaps somewhere inside my heart Hades the proclaimed 2nd Master of Fairy Tail here's hoping he would give me a challenge.

But I should prepare for any attacks just in case.

The time for this quest is nearly over.

Let's a fucking go!


~Third POV~


Rain began to set on Tenrou Island as the fight between Meredy, Gray, and Lancer all came to a halt listening to the steps of a pair coming towards them.

Signs of wounds were shown between the three as Ur and Ultear came in front center as Meredy raised her arms with her using her <Maguity Sense> conjuring daggers to attack the target pain, "Ultear get away from that woman –"

Before she could do anything Meredy froze listening to the words coming out of Ultear's mouth forcing her to freeze on the spot, "Meredy it's enough… Zeref will never accomplish our dreams… I ruined everything… I ruined your life… your town…"

Tears streaming down Meredy was confused till it clicked in her head the reason why she was forced into an orphan shaking in disbelief, "N-No… it can't be…. But you… You promised a way to help my village-e…"

Ultear could only look down in shame not eyeing Meredy but then another party interjected laughing at the scene, "HAHAHAH!!! This is hilarious to think Ultear would defect!!!"

All eyes soon landed on Zancrow's figure wounded but very much alive gathering his <Fire God Slayer Magic> at the palm of his hand truthfully agreeing to Ultear's claims, "What's wrong squirt you think someone else destroyed your little shit home? Nah… it was all of us that did it looking for the keys!!"

Meredy eyes turned blank in disbelief at Zancrow's words what he did next shocked the members as he unleashed his Magic at Meredy in glee, "This is the end short stack! Here I'll even finish the job where Ultear dropped off after all… and Grimoire Heart has no need for weaklings!!! <Fire God's Bellows>!!!"




Taking the hit Ultear hugged Meredy wanting to atone...

But nothing happened to them confusion expressed between the two.

Meredy however eyes widen in shock as Ultear turned around sharing the same expression both opened their eyes surprised to see Lancer shielding them both tanking the full brunt of the attack burning to ash in progress causing Gray and Ur eyes to widen.

Confused Meredy responded confused by their actions uttering a word, "Why…"

Ultear composed realized immediately what the person in front of them was responding equally shocked, "No… you're one of his clones. His Replica yet they all share the same personality yet why…"

Answering them using what remaining HP Lancer had responded below with the ice simply enough for them to read, 'Is there any reason for a man to help those in their time of need for when they need help the most.'


Destroyed as the black fire consumed Lancer finished his objective into particles Zancrow laughed at this, "Hahaha –"



Slamming his weapon Lavis down while burning down used his Veda <Freeze the Sky> to instantly create an ice spear piercing through Zancrow's body instantaneously from behind taking them as Lance used his remaining time to take Zancrow with him.

Gray gazed at Zancrow's body and spat at it in disdain with anger clear in his eyes, "Tch. That bastard had it coming for harming my sensei's kid. And as for you…"


Calming down seeing Meredy scared at his gaze Ur smacked Gray in the head with her <Ice Make> in a scolding tone, "Gray Fullbuster!! Learn to be more respectful and kinder! You're scaring my poor daughter friend! Try to be polite young man!!"

Gray exclaimed in surprised shock at his master's words, "EHHHHHHH?!!!"


Smacking him again Ur scolded Gray with their friendly student-master relationship turning into a motherly one, "Don't ehhh me here Gray! Now what did I say about being polite Fullbuster!"

He stiffed and immediately tried to be polite as Meredy calmly responded hugging Ultear seeing her try to save her life as vengeance ended as it came in the spur of the moment, "Ultear… are you and your mom…"

No longer furthering her claims Ultear nodded explaining in a calm tone after her emotions regained control, "Very strong? Yes, she does that… I don't want to be on the receiving end of her scolding…"

As the two continued to look at the duo Gray determined to defeat Hades in a determined tone, "Regardless… Ur, I'm heading over to the rest of where the other members are. I think you three should leave so as to not get attacked by anyone from the Guild. Will stop Grimoire Hearts leader."

Listening to his words Ultear interjected in a downcasted tone getting Gray's attention, "You can't beat Hades. His someone too powerful to handle alone or in your group."

Gray listened to her words panting tired responded in the same determined tone, "You're probably right but… you don't know a thing about Fairy Tail. I trust our members, and Hades is going to pay for harming the old man."

Walking away to where the group was located Ur helped Ultear and Meredy stand responding to them in a happy tone, "Still while you have your place in your Master Ultear. I trust my students to take care of them with others. Come now, we need you two to leave before others target you. I'm not about to lose my family again."

Ultear merely turned around scoffing but a small smile expressed on her face as Meredy followed them with the best chance of leaving.



Raining down Hades voiced out loud to Silva heading to the front of his ship in a stern tone eyeing Silva, "All of the Seven Kin and even Bluenote were defeated! I suppose I should compliment Makarov's people. But this is depressing that I should have to concede to face a foot soldier myself. The curtain falls as a devil dances with a fairy. Now, shall we play? You third of the generation of Fairy Tail!!!"

Standing as the rain pours Hades begins to turn around telling Silva to come after him confident in his skills against one member, "Come… children of Makarov."


Returning inside Silva clicked his tongue annoyed by Hades' arrogant manner jumping up into the air intending to land, "Tch. Talk about an arrogant bastard huh? Well… he did invite me he should be prepared to face the consequence of his actions."


Jumping into the air high enough with his strength soon landed on the ship.


Hades turned around seeing Silva was stern as he eyed Hades's appearance looked like an old man, with a slick back, long white hair a thick white mustache, and a long curly beard. Over his right eye, was an eyepatch despite his old age his body was well-toned. He wore a dark red shirt tucked into khaki pants and black armored greaves and gauntlets.


Both stared at each other as Hades first began a conversation Silva stopped in place hearing him out, "Silva. In case you didn't know, I am Hades, the leader of Grimoire Heart. I didn't expect Makarov to have a growing monster exceeding anything humans have ever seen before. Perhaps soon you'll even surpass Gildarts given time…"

Silva responded in a calm tone with each of them slowly circling each other as they continued conversing, "You seem hospitable compared to your kin? Granted 2 won't be coming back after today. Should've taught them some manners."

Hades stroked his beard responding in a neutral tone with his eyes showing a hint of curiosity towards the man before him, "Perhaps given Azuma's dead remains thrown into the sea. Besides that, your are much more level-headed than most of your Guild. I merely thought you would recklessly charge in, much like those in your guild tend to do."

Silva merely chuckled lightly at the thought of Hades' words replying shrugging his shoulders, "I try to be different."

Hades scoffs at his reply but then questions him, prompting him to explain the origin of Magic further, "Let me ask you this Silva. Did you know magic was originally born into darkness as a power that was oppressed and feared? Looking past that, I delved deep into roots, and that is where I found… Zeref. From there I saw the true essence of magic."

Casually already knowing the answer in a neutral tone his response surprised Hades, "You mean chaos?" 

Hades eyes widen in surprise slowly laughing how easily Silva managed to hit the nail on the coffin, "You… I see. I never expected one of Makarov's kids to be so accepting of understanding what's needed for Ultimate Magic World."

Silva merely muttered what he meant loud enough for Hades to hear, "The Ultimate Magic World? Oh, god I hope it's not one of those genocidal paths…"

Hades merely smirked seeing how Silva knew what was needed as he exclaims in further detail what was needed standing in place allowing Hades to continue speaking, "A world where only mages can thrive. A world… ruled by chaos and darkness! Color me impressed young man that you would have this understanding of the concept of chaos."

Silva mentally sighed to himself figuring it out, 'Should've known… sigh…'

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