

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). An old path has closed and a new one takes its place with a new Player in the unknown world of Earthland a land filled with Magic. In this world were Magic is supreme and dangers of all kinds lie in every corner of this world to crazy cultist, powerful dark wizards, demons, immortal dark lords, and a overpowered Dragon that nullifies everything? How will Silva Knights handle such threats that he has come to call Earthland his new home with the experimented abilities of [THE GAMER] from the previous user.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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210 Chs

Chapter 162: Tenrou Island (6)

Chapter 162: Tenrou Island (6)

~Third POV~


"Damn it…"


Under the intensive force of Gravity Magic Bluenote Deputy Commander of the Grimoire Hearts demands from Natsu, Happy, Lucy, Cana, Carla, and Wendy who were caught under his Magic in an emotionless tone, "I'll ask again… where is Mavis Gravesite? It's been rumored that area is where I can locate one of Fairy Tail's Great Magic… Fairy Glitter!"

Bluenote is a tall, muscular middle-aged man with extremely long dark hair, which is gathered on the back of his head, leaving his forehead exposed, and tied in a clothed ponytail, reaching down below his waist, adorned by thin, dark strips crossing its whole length, and having his hair sprout from its end in a large tuft.

Bluenote wears a light-colored, sleeveless cloth, reaching down to his knees both on the front and, larger, on the back, which is open on the sides, but held closed around the waist by a light sash. On the front, the part of the cloth covering Bluenote's legs is adorned by a large, stylized dark-colored sun, and its lower chest has a pair of dark wings, with their stylized feathers extending sideways, over it.

Grunting in pain Natsu after finishing his fight with Zancrow and Lucy with Cana fought against Kain Hikaru winning their fights and eventually meeting up with Wendy and Carla helping each other out before getting ambushed by Bluenote.

Natsu grunts gritting his teeth refusing to give into Bluenote's demands, "Ahh!! How… about… a… fuck you…"




Yelling concern of Natsu in pain Bluenote responded to the Fire Dragon Slayer in a disappointed tone, "That's the wrong answer –"


Avoiding a sword slash strike easily revealing to be Saber with Arifar unaffected by Bluenote's Gravity Magic thanks to the Shen Gong Wu Jetbootsu angering Bluenote, "You? You aren't affected by my Gravity –"


Before Bluenote could finish another person intervened in the fight surprising everyone the Magic Power produced alarming Bluenote to defend his magic crushed, "YOU BASTARD!!! HOW DARE YOU HARM MY DAUGHTER!!!!"



Unleashing his Magic <Crush > full power on Bluenote eyes widen in shock taking the hit and feeling his skull almost crack as Cana replied in surprise tears welling up at her in a pained tone, "D-Da… dad…"

Gildarts hearing the pained tone saw Saber giving them each a Medium Salve healing any wounds as he responded in a thankful tone, driving his attention to Bluenote, "Thanks, kid. I'll owe you one… but first, all of you get out and leave this to me. Any who harm you or my daughter will face a fate worse than death…"

Listening to the steel of his tone they all nodded leaving the fight to Gildarts cracking his knuckles veins popping out of his head angerly responding to Bluenote, "Bluenote Stinger former Lieutenant Colonel in the Gohra Army turned Dark Mage of Grimoire Hearts… you chose a poor day to attack my kid that alone is a guaranteed death sentence from me…"

Bluenote scoffs at Gildarts but smirks at the idea of killing off Fairy Tail's Ace for good in a confident tone, "You the womanizer have a kid? I'll promise to turn your corpse to the next of kin. You may be Fairy Tail's Ace Gildarts… their strongest yet I'm superior to you… I've fought in wars."


Both unleashing their Magic Power as they get closer Gildarts responded topping Bluenote's achievements in a serious tone, "Oh, yeah huh? You may have fought wars… but I'm the guy that everyone brings ruins to everything I touch the kind of guy you don't want to fuck with… a catastrophe you can't overcome."

Bluenote smugly responded each raising their fist with their Magic Power, "Try me."


Their fists collided resulting in a shockwave resulting in their fight beginning.


Standing on the ground struggling to stand up as Elfman was having his arm on the ground struggling to get up with labored breaths speaking out, "Making people without Magic go away… and building a world of wizards only? Don't make me laugh!! Wizards only make up the 10th of the world! The other 90% don't have any magic!"

Elfman was standing up to the other enemy a member of Grimoire Hearts Rustyrose as he tried to defend Evergreen equally wounded by him by Rustyrose Magic <Arc of Embodiment>.

Rustyrose responds keeping a calm expression on his face at the Fairy Tail Member Elfman replying simply to him in a confident tone, "Correct. And that 90% of them will not be able to live in the Great Magic World."

Elfman roars out as he tries to stand up to Rustyrose in outrage at the madness, "And you think people will let you do that?!!"

Rustyrose snorts at Elfman's response as he arrogantly replies to him not caring about the normal people, "But who needs them? After all magicless people are like a candle that will not light. They are unnecessary."

Rustyrose waited to hear Elfman's response of his own towards the person who would be cruel to kill off 90% of the human population of the world, "This world is built on people who… help each other!!!!"

Opening his arms at Elfman's response with an arrogant smile on his face he responded in an uncaring tone, "Help each other? You mean the guild…? That's your ego talking. All your work for the riches the powerless can bestow on you."

Evergreen who listened to the whole conversation the entire time as Elfman roars out at Rustyrose unaware to the three of them a small hole open, up waiting for a chance, "No!! We both need each other!! We use our strength to help them, and regular folks respond with rewards."

Stumbling up some more Elfman finally stands up responding to the magicless people at the Rustyrose as the hole opens even more, "And that in exchange of trust becomes a plus for the whole world! And a guild is born! Don't you go laughing at guilds! Don't throw mud at those who struggle with all their might to make a living!!!!"

Rustyrose merely smirked at this as he showed his belief in his cause following Hades' teachings since childhood, "It's only natural… that it's beyond your capacity to understand. You come nowhere close to the depths of the source of magic. So, you can't know the true fear of Zeref… When Zeref shows his true –"


Before he could ever finish a sudden intent of murderous intention from Silva's <Bloodlust > washed over him eyes darting towards the source as he found Silva with Elfman and Evergreen smiling at seeing a friend relieved, "Silva!"

Silva smiled at them using his item Blank Card on Rustyrose effectively taking his Magic while glaring at the man in a cold tone, "You guys done fucked up now. This fight will now end… Elfman. Evergreen. I got this Natsu and Wendy need your help here."


Tossing them Medium Salves and Mana Bottle into their hands trusting his friend left as his animal instincts screamed at him to follow in a deep voice, "Alright Silva… but you better win this and not lose to this fucker you hear me!!! That wouldn't be manly you get it!!!!"

Silva smirked understanding as Rustyrose froze in momentarily fear as Evergreen and Elfman trusted in his friends' words as Silva gained a new skill the proclaimed invincible Magic viewing the process in front of him.

[Blank Card has been used on Rustyrose!]

[Choose what skill you wish to gain from Rustyrose:

-Arc of Embodiment

-Art Skill…]


[You have chosen the skill <Arc of Embodiment>!]

[Skill: <Arc of Embodiment> has been copied!]


<Arc of Embodiment> (Active) Lv. 1/100 Exp: 0.0%

MP Cost: Varies

Description: <Arc of Embodiment> is a Caster-Type Ancient Spell and Lost Magic utilizing imagination. Arc of Embodiment is a form of Lost Magic that allows the caster to materialize, and subsequently use to their every whim, anything they can imagine. Any of their creations give them great versatility both in and out of combat.

They can range anywhere from everyday objects and weapons to more complex creations, even living ones, or even simple images of whatever may be on the user's mind. These creations are also given special properties that goes according to what they are. It has been stated that there are several limits and conditions to this Magic, one of which is that the Magic cannot conjure living creatures, with souls.


Finishing reading the skill Rustyrose tried to regain his composure finally meeting Silva himself in an arrogant tone, "Ha… hahahaha!!! Aw man, you really gave me a scared there!! So, you're the one known as Silva the Trickster Knight. For you see I have the invincible Magic –"

Interjecting Rustyrose immediately Silva responded in a cold tone, "<Storm of Blades>."





Testing out his new <Arc of Embodiment> along with announcing his attack <Storm of Blades> from a devil of Black Clover Silva conjured multiple blades all around Rustyrose noticing the danger he was in, he immediately reacted with his own Magic, "<Golden Shield>!!"



Defending himself on all sides from the blades intended to pierce him Rustyrose was now alerted of the attacks as Silva responded using <Arc of Embodiment>, "<Cruel Sun>."


Intensive heat suddenly alarmed Rustyrose feeling the effects of a massive fireball aimed at him as he tried to flee, "<Pegasus Wings>!"




Trying to escape being burned Silva used his <Pyrokinesis > to control the ball of fire within Rustyrose sights calling out, "<Dispel >."


Rustyrose eyes widen seeing his conjuration undone but not before summoning a creature to assist him in a worried tone, "Shit! I call upon the <Sacred Guardian Beast: Belfast the Hurricane>!!"


Coming into existence the creature Belfast that Rustyrose created a giant, black creature, similar to a Wyvern, from their imagination tanking the <Cruel Sun> as Silva exclaimed, "<Arcane Dragon's Roar>."


Conjuring a figure resembling Acnologia's head with the ability to destroy using <Mana Method> creating an identical life version of it destroying Rustyrose Belfast causing him to sweat in worry.

Silva took the time to comment on the <Arc of Embodiment> skill fascinated by the possibilities exclaiming excitedly, "Fuck man this magic is OP. Despite some minor restrictions, this Magic is awesome that could consider the caster invincible… if they had the imagination to back it up... or Acnologia's bullshit this would certainly be peak fiction."

Rustyrose began to create beads of sweat as he exclaimed in shock at how he managed to obtain his invincible Magic, "How!!! That's my Lost Magic there's no way someone like you would be able to obtain it that easily?!!"

Silva had enough time playing around testing his Magic <Arc of Embodiment> his eyes solely gazing responding in a serious tone, "It was an educational experience Rustyrose but I'm afraid this will be your end. But do know that your Magic won't go to waste…"

Silva by placing a hand sign that extends the index and pinky fingers outward while leaving the rest folded a purple energy is formed thanks to <Arc of Embodiment> ready to be unleashed as he responded fueling the attack, "Goodbye Rustyrose you will not be missed… <Hollow Technique: Purple>."

When Silva changed the hand sign by switching to a pinching motion using the pointer and thumb while also extending the middle finger it was unleashed.


A purple ball of energy brings the concept of motion and reversal into reality to produce an imaginary mass that rushes forth and erases everything in its path headed towards Rusty trying to defend, "Ah!!! <Golden –"< p>


Colliding with the <Hollow Technique: Purple> Rustyrose simply been erased as Silva causes beads of sweat to trickle down his face commenting to himself in slight concern, "Okay… note to self… never use that unless necessary."

Turning around and walking away Silva left to help others close by before finally heading towards Hades next…


His eyes became alerted quickly shifting to the explosions in the distance reequipping into his Incursio Armor his thoughts filled with concern sensing the Magic where the explosions occurred, 'Wait… that's Mira Magic Power going down! Hold on a bit longer the backup is coming!'


Rushing forward at full speed Silva began to race forward hurriedly to Mira's direction.