

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). An old path has closed and a new one takes its place with a new Player in the unknown world of Earthland a land filled with Magic. In this world were Magic is supreme and dangers of all kinds lie in every corner of this world to crazy cultist, powerful dark wizards, demons, immortal dark lords, and a overpowered Dragon that nullifies everything? How will Silva Knights handle such threats that he has come to call Earthland his new home with the experimented abilities of [THE GAMER] from the previous user.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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210 Chs

Chapter 157: Tenrou Island (1)

Chapter 157: Tenrou Island (1)

~Silva K. POV~

[December 15, X784]



Name: Silva Knight

Class: The Gamer

Race: Human

Title: Fairy Tail Wizard

Level: 70 Exp: 0/450%

HP: 7000/7000

MP: 7000/7000

STR: 161 (+45)

AGI: 158 (+55)

VIT: 146 (+55)

INT: 130 (+15)

SEN: 148 (+15)

LUCK: 150 (+15)

Stat Points: 25-> 91

Cash: 1,000,000J



I have been saving my bonus stats for just such an occasion as this for when I really them. And it seems like it's almost that time to use them all up.

Even paying for my rent and additional boosted armor sets cost me a pretty penny but enough to make it worth my while.

But I didn't use them up since I'm saving this for a special lizard unless the situation calls for their use.

The time has already come.

With everyone tense for their own reasons the day came for the qualification test for the S-Class Trial has already begun.

Everyone is already on set for Tenrou Island sweating because of the heat.

Mavis already said she won't help me in the S-Class Trials and will be witnessing everything unfolding just not as things will be what she expects.

I trained for the last couple of days pondering on what I should do when Acnologia finally arrives, and I've decided on a contingency plan.

Everyone is sweating a bit while Ur seems to be chilling around seeing I'm unbothered by the heat.

But everyone's eyes all have themselves eyeing each other with challenging glints except for Juvia flirting with me as I waved at her.

Apart from Juvia my eyes soon dart towards the island on site prepared for combat but excited about what the people here will do when all hell lets loose.


I'm feeling a bit generous today letting everyone run wild but with 9 people aiming for the top I wonder if Makarov has something prepared.

I'm up for a bit of change of who faces who or screwing someone's plans. But that's beside the point.

Loke soon announced the Tenrou Island ahead of us witnessing Mavis home, "Land ho! Look at the island is on site!"

Everyone soon eyed the island in question all prepared waiting for Makarov to announce the news as I used <Spectator > to view the scene ahead of us.

Even from afar, Tenrou Island stands alone in the middle of the sea, with no other isles visible in the surrounding area. It is a mildly small, rocky, and steep island covered by lush vegetation, both bright yellow and green in color.

One side of the island is shown to be rocky, possessing large formations jutting outwards from the ground, one near the shore, protruding above the sea, and the other near the center of the island, overlooking it; the latter has a pair of waterfalls falling from it in a small lake below.

Topping such second rocky formation stands the most distinctive element of the island: the Great Tenrou Tree, a gigantic tree with a gnarled, mildly curved trunk, ending in a number of large branches which sustain something that has been described as being similar to "an island on top of an island", being a large, flat section composed of earth and crowded by a multitude of normal-sized trees.

Such gargantuan plant possesses a multitude of similarly large, curved, and twisted roots, which right below the trunk sustain massive lumps of earth; something which creates some sort of covered area right below the tree itself.

"So, we've arrived!!"

"That's Tenrou Island!!"

"That's one weird-looking island!"

"There's an island above the island!"

Everyone was commenting on the island with Ur jabbing her shoulder to my side getting my attention, "So then mister hot shot any idea what's on the island with your Eye Magic?"

I merely shrugged keeping that info to myself not letting the other members eavesdrop in the conversation sheepishly, "Sorry but no spoilers. Don't want to give info to the enemy now, would we?"

Learning that my rivals were aiming for the top with me around they upped their game since I sensed them using my <Mana Zone> enhancing my sense of the area including sound as they came to spy on me.

The nerve of them!!

It's totally something I would do though in their shoes given my status and abilities.

They aren't underestimating me in the slightest.

I wouldn't expect it any other way.

She smirks understanding as that was when all of us focused our attention on Makarov beginning to explain the rules in a serious tone, "They say that Fairies once lived on this island. Also, this is the place where Fairy Tail's First Master, Mavis Vermillion now rests! Now I shall reveal the first test!"

Using my senses I picked up Wendy and Mest having their conversation as I cast my gaze at him feeling annoyed that he tried to read my memories as he caught me looking at him with suspicion forcing him to avert his eyes away from me.


[Use of <Memory Magic> has been cast on you!]

[<Indomitable Will> destroys the magic attempting to twist your mind!]

I intensified my glare at him causing him to sweat at my gaze and his heartbeat raising noticing his magic is not gonna do jack shit to me.

I noticed during the announcements that Makarov slipped up pronouncing Elfman's last name at the last second then continuing normally like nothing happened.

And when Mira gave me the info being 8 members a few days early meant they were already finalized but Mest wasn't around during that till a few days later joining the guild.

No one noticed but I did.

Fortunately, though for Mest I know who he was and can use that info to my advantage but for now, it's not my main concern since I allowed him to do as he pleases for my own benefit.

I could use the council's attempt in my favor to use informing the King to reform new Magic Council members for this blatant attempt to frame or find an excuse to close us up for good crippling the Kingdom's power and jeopardizing their Wizards.

Plus, isn't this technically treason they are undermining the King of this without his permission?

Oh, if only they followed such action, I wouldn't hesitate to make many of their lives miserable for trying to hurt my family.

Although I have bigger fish to fry than them.

Count their stars they aren't on my radar…


Focusing my attention on Makarov he continued to explain to the group what the first test was as everyone listened in great interest, "You see where that steam of smoke is rising from the shore? Your first order of business is to make your way. Once you get there, there will be 9 parts. You will only be allowed one path per part. And the paths will proceed like this."

Wait 9 path…?


Answering my question, a magic screen popped up out of nowhere in great detail of the galleries of paths we can take each marked for all to see.

A bare rocky bay is present along the shores of the island, where no trees are present, but many large roots are shown crowding the rocks overlooking a clearing, where eight galleries open, leading, through a cave system consisting of an identical number of caves, with four of them converging together in two pairs to create single pathways, to the inner part of the island, to a clearing, flanked by trees and palms, where a waterfall is present.

All the galleries were marked by a letter from "A" to "I", and back then was marked by the smoke coming from a pile of trunks ordinately disposed of in a square shape to generate a massive brazier.

The gallery marked by the letter "C" leads to a marine cave joining it with another route, with sandy ground, stalactites hanging from the ceiling and corals adorning the rocky sections.


The ceiling sports several holes, lighting up the place alongside the number of firefly-like beings floating in the area, which during the Exam had a large banner bearing the kanji for "Fight" hanging from two stalactites, and a wooden portcullis blocking the way to the joint gallery leading out; this would have been opened only after the loss of one of the two competing teams fighting in the cave.

The gallery marked by the letter "E" instead leads to a cave which, aside from stalactites, has a multitude of natural rocky pillars going from the ground to the ceiling. Blooming vegetation grows here, in the form of grass, bushes, corals, cactus-like plants, and lianas. Holes in the ceiling are present here as well.


Path "D" instead leads to an artificial, ancient-looking tunnel made of stone, covered in moss, and having roots from the trees above appear here and there from the ceiling. Stone statues reminiscent of totems are lined up on the walls. Gallery "A" leads to an open-air beach, with trees and bushes flanking it.


Another route is shown leading to a cave with large holes on the walls, similar to rough windows, and a number of stalagmites and stalactites adorning it; polka-dotted mushrooms, somehow reminiscent of amanita muscaria with inverted color schemes, are also present.

Then comes Path "I" the strangest one yet to location revealing houses and some ruins, seemingly the remains of a village, which implies a past, consistent human presence on the island.

Cracked sections of stone wall, column capitals, and stone architraves seem to be scattered here and there in a certain area, all decorated by a series of intricate, tribal-looking motifs; a stone road, although largely covered by grass, is also present among the ruins, which also include almost intact buildings, still retaining arched windows with decorated frames and stone carvings on the walls.

Some of such ruins, distinguished by large arches, are located along a rocky wall facing the sea and the coast, while a lighthouse-like structure, consisting of a tower flanked by some minor buildings near it, sits not far from the elevated platform of rock housing the Tenrou Tree.

If I had to guess then those ruins in Path "I" are, ruins of the Red Lizard Guild and the surrounding village, which were reduced to rubble during a guild war.

But the most interesting part of the "I" Path is the fact those who choose it will have a free pass like the "E" Path.


Everyone's expressions lost a few shades of color seeing the lineup as Makarov continued his explanation in a serious tone, "Only the teams who have successfully completed their paths will pass the first test! Of the 9 paths, the 'Battle' routes are where two teams will bump into each other. Only one team can pass through the end. Where it says 'Fierce Battle' you won't be able to advance unless you defeat an S-Class Wizard. Those are the toughest routes. The 'Peace and Quiet' path is one where there will be no battles. It's an automatic pass to the second test. The aims of the first test are fighting and luck!!!"


Everyone's expressions were shocked by the news that everything relied on LUCK here. And LUCK just so happened to be my main thing!

No one remembers that Bingo fiasco so…

Unless it's Lucy I have good odds in that category.

But still, the excitement is palpable in the air everyone trying their best to be the next S-Class Wizard.

Sad to say though that won't happen, and you want to know why that is?

Because I am here to ruin their day.

Signalizing the start and end of an era Makarov yelled to everyone that the S-Class Trials had just begun, "Now begin!!!! The tests start now!!!!"

Bring your game on everyone.