
Chapter 156: Everyone's Own Progress

Chapter 156: Everyone's Own Progress

~Silva K. POV~

[December 11, X784]


3 days have come and gone in an instant learning of the dangers to come. I have been placing my focus on training the new skills I obtained over the course of that time.

Spirit Arts and Spiria Cultivation.

Both are progressing well but nowhere near to face Acnologia.

Thus, I reverted to the classic I have tried to practice.

<Mana Zone>.

Something from the Black Clover world it's an advanced mana control technique that allows the user to manipulate the mana in the surrounding area.


Hopefully, I will have an edge against Grimoire Hearts when I fully master this skill. Nowhere near useful in combat but makes for a great surprise that not even Hades himself will ever see coming.

Otherwise, Ur is busy preparing for her own goals helping me out. Currently, I'm trying to practice forming the Zone around me by manipulating the Mana around me.

Focusing on creating a zone suited for me.

My eyes catch Mavis appearing trying to make small talk gesturing to my training with a curious glint in her eyes, "Hey Silva I see your doing something unique and crazy again as always old chum."

I couldn't help but smile at her appearance as I responded in a kind tone to my closest friends in this world, "Yeah. Same old shtick. So wise Loli sensei what wise words of wisdom will come out from the little mama smurf's mouth?"

She expresses a tick at my nickname called a smurf responding to it much to her frustration not figuring it out, "I don't know why but I feel like you're mocking me calling me by mama smurf? You really like being punished mister masochist huh?"


Emotional damage!

I felt a jab at that one in my emotions. Really going for the low blows today huh?

I mean just because I let Erza beat my ass during my time training not complaining once doesn't make me a glutton for punishment.

Moving on from her mockery of me she took interest in me forming a dome curiosity entering her mind voicing out what I was doing, "Interesting… you seem to be creating a barrier? No runes floating around doesn't look like your trying to keep someone out… are you creating a Jutsu Shiki perhaps?"

Shaking my head to her thoughts I explained to her what I was trying to create causing her to raise an eyebrow at my explanation, "Not quite but not wrong either. What I'm doing is creating an advanced Mana technique called Mana Zone. In quick summary, essentially Mana Zone is a skill that allows a mage to manipulate the mana in an area around themselves. Thus, the mage can gather and utilize more magic than they would be able to normally."

Uh oh.

She seems to be in her cute but annoying scientist informant mode.

Mavis hums at my explanation getting the grasp immediately of the benefits of creating such a skill in excitement of the possibilities, "Amazing!! If that's the case then hypothetically speaking… Offensively, this mana can be funneled into spells to increase their size, number, and range. It can also be used to launch attacks in any direction and from any direction within the zone. Spells can be created all around a target to keep them from escaping, within an enemy's spell to destroy it, or behind a target to catch them by surprise!"


Floating past to the side rambling another use of <Mana Zone> in excitement creating illusion demonstrations in the process of formulating her mode, "Defensively, the mana can be used to sharpen Magic Sense as well as to augment with Reinforcement Magic spells, allowing for the prediction of enemies' attacks, as well as allowing the user to move and stand in mid-air. Quite the intriguing possibility!!"


And now…

She's right in front of my face in her geek mode.

Mavis frantically makes more guesses to which she's correct in making what <Mana Zone> is capable of in an excited frantic tone, "If they are surrounded by hostile magic, mages can use Mana Zone to create a space of condensed and thickened mana that protects themselves and their allies."

I couldn't help but smile guessing everything right again.

Such a shame she hasn't enjoyed much because of that stupid curse.

I must become even stronger.

Strong enough for me to remove her curse or at the very least help her pass on.

It's the least I could do for her to help me this much on my journey from the start.

I probably wouldn't have even created or found my own Magic if it wasn't for her guidance and I would most likely only use Mana-based skills for the rest of my life if she hasn't interfered with my life.

[<Mana Manipulation> LEVEL UP!]



My eyes widen seeing the results of my practice finally pan out as Mavis eyes my created <Mana Zone> in amazement, "Amazing!! So this is what you wanted to create huh? The so-called <Mana Zone>!! Just being inside fills me with so much Magical Power!! Hmph! Pow! Wazah!"

Demonstrating it she began to punch into nothing feeling the boost I'm temporarily giving her while within my <Mana Zone>.

That was when I received multiple notifications causing my eyes almost to bulge out in surprise at the perks immediately, I activated my skill.

But the perks…

By uncle jimbo…!!


[Through continuous expansion of mana, a skill to create a zone that the caster has complete control over was generated allowing the user to bring out their zone instantly.]

[Skill: <Mana Zone> has been learned]

[Perks within your <Mana Zone> has been activated!]

[Usage of MP Bar within your <Mana Zone> has been suspended allowing usage of the environment Mana to be fueled for your spells!]

[All stats buff increase by 25%!]

[Enemy stats debuff by 25%!]

[All Skills are boosted by 25%!]

[All enemy Skills debuffed by 25%!]

Skill List now!


<Mana Zone> (Active/Passive) Lv. 1/100 Exp: 0.0%

MP Cost: 1000 MP to activate. To keep it up 10 MP per/sec.

Description: This skill is an advanced mana control technique that allows the user to manipulate the mana in the surrounding area. This skill allows a mage to manipulate the mana in an area around themselves. Thus, the mage can gather and utilize more magic than they would be able to normally.

This skill can be funneled into spells to increase their size, number, and range. It can also be used to launch attacks in any direction and from any direction within the zone. Spells can be created all around a target to keep them from escaping, within an enemy's spell to destroy it, or behind a target to catch them by surprise.

-All stats buff increase by 25%.

-Enemy stats debuff by 25%.

-All Skills are boosted by 25%.

-All enemy Skills debuffed by 25%.

-Once activated MP usage for other spells within <Mana Zone> doesn't cost the caster, Mana.

-For every 25, 50, 75, and MAX level increase the percentage by 25%.


Smirking at this I can add another spell to make this powerful boosting the effects. Oh, man, I can't wait to see the looks on Hades' face dealing with this.


~Third POV~

Unaware to his knowledge Silva was being spied on by the competition from other members of Fairy Tail witnessing his new skill <Mana Zone>


In the distance, Gemini changed into its Celestial Spirit form informing Lucy and Cana of the news causing Lucy to ask curiously about their actions, "So… Cana not be rude here but why exactly are we spying on him?"

Cana eyed Lucy raising an eyebrow exclaiming to her about their purpose of spying on Silva in the first place in a serious tone, "Really? I mean out of all the members who could become S-Class we all know it's the training manic trickster."

Lucy sluggishly agrees with Cana's words witnessing firsthand how Silva could change the tides alone if he wanted to respond in agreement, "Hahaha… yeah when you say it out loud then yeah he pretty much has the biggest chance out of everyone…"


Feeling a pat over their shoulders Gildarts showed up smirking happily flexing his muscles to impress them, "That's why you have the Ace of Fairy Tail training you both up. I can't help Cana in her trials but nothing says I can prepare her for the training ahead with my experience and wisdom."

The two girls looked at each other before nodding in agreement needing any edge they could take.



Returning to her human form Lisanna partnered with using her Take Over Magic <Animal Soul> from a safe distance, "Hey Juvia I managed to spy on the competition! I don't know this Silva guy, but my big sis says he's likely to win so we need to learn all we can right!"

Juvia agreed with Lisanna's words responding with heated determination in her delusions, "Of course! If I win this then I can win his heart!"

Lisanna just chuckles at Juvia's determination to win despite being delusional about how winning the S-Class Trial would win his heart.

Lisanna scratched her head nervously thinking their chances weren't good...



Elfman mutters to himself lowering his spy binoculars in a determined tone, "Damn… Silva is getting stronger for the Trials. I think…"

Elfman looks down on his hand clenching it knowing what he has to do in a serious tone getting assistance, "I think it's time to tame the 'King of Monsters' The Beast. Silva's putting his all and Mira got out of her shell to improve for Lisanna's sake… I'll ask if she can help me reign my inner demons. I won't be a loser forever…!"

That was when Mira's voice interjected with a kind smile on her face, "I agree Elfman."

Elfman eyes widen surprised to see Mira here shocked, "Big sis!"

She laughs at his confusion going near expressing a kind smile helping her family, "We owe a lot to him for reuniting our family. At the very least for the remaining days, I'll help you channel the inner dog in you to your command. After all, we're family we stick together."

Determined Elfman curtly nodded lowering his head and thanking Mira for her assistance, "I... Yeah! I'll do anything I can to surpass my own limits! Big sis, please help me break past my limits to become an even stronger brother for Lisanna to rely upon."

Mira softly smiles agreeing to prepare Elfman for the challenges ahead.


Bickslow witnessing the competition with his magic confirmed to Fried of the news in a serious tone, "Heh! Looks like we have some serious competition, Fried. Itching to get some payback on Silva from before?"



Practicing his swordsmanship and Magic he closed his eyes before opening them followed by his response, "Affirmative Bickslow. But we must not underestimate the others in the process. Silva is a strong obstacle but so are the others. Never underestimate the enemy right Bickslow?"

He merely grinned sticking his tongue out and striking a pose happily, "Hehe! Hell, yeah, baby!!"


Levy used her Solid Script 'TELESCOPE' with Gajeel listening intently with the words 'ENHANCER' above enhancing his senses and listening to Silva's explanation.

Levy pouts but smirks seeing a new term she could use happily at the news, "Sounds like a new term for me to use. Didn't take you for the spying type here Gajeel?"

Gajeel pouted at her words but the light blush of embarrassment was noticeable on his face as he expressed happily, "Tch. Your words don't mean much but I'll have you know I'm a great spy little girl. But this <Mana Zone> he could use it so… do you think we could take a page out of his book?"

Levy smiles at Gajeel's words nodding revealing her glasses and being confident in her proud tone, "Yup. I had a look at his Mana Method Manuel helping him decipher it. I don't where he found it but I'm thankful to not use my own Magic freely use it while keeping my Magic Power in reserve. He's not the only one to figure out how to use it now."

Gajeel looked surprised by the news but grinned seeing a chance to get stronger.




Flying carefully off the scene Happy spied on Silva holding his fish on the side, "Aye! It seems like Silva is training very hard Natsu."


Encased inside his own fire concentrating Natsu grinned wickedly focusing on increasing his own firepower, "So what? Will beat them hands down and if he's working on a secret technique then I'll do the same my way!!"


Burning intensely the fire briefly changed blue before returning to normal as Natsu clinches his fist gazing at it trembling in excitement, "No way I'll be left behind. Silva hones his skill by practicing the basics so why don't I retrain the very fundamentals of my Fire Magic like Igneel said? Focus on heating it to the max and contain it..."


If Silva saw the Mana Method runes floating around Natsu fire infused as fuel he would've been shocked that he managed to instinctually use it by witnessing Silva use it multiple times recreating his own creating the 'True' form of his magic...


Many others spied feeling threatened but motivated at the chance for the trials ahead unaware of where the future was heading…

Till the day have finally arrived.

Next chapter