
Chapter 114: Family Reunion

Chapter 114: Family Reunion

~Silva K. POV~

[October 22, X784]

It's been a week since the harvest festival and the town has been settled back into its regular rhythms. 

As I figured, the expulsion of Laxus has hit everyone in different ways. Until yesterday Natsu kept whining and moaning about it missing the chance to fight him.

I witnessed the scene being played in the back of my mind with few uncertainties I took my part in assisting in Laxus expulsion.

Should I have done something to prevent it if I could?

And the Master's no better. He's been talking about like he's going to take responsibility for his grandson's actions and vacate the Master's position.

Even after everyone did their best to persuade him Fried somehow managed to persuade Makarov with him shaving his head in apology for his former manners, but his short sentences stopped the Master short.

Speaking of Fried his apparently someone I can chill with but the other two while they have their guards lowered, kept their distance from me which is fair.

I mean I literally sent ants attacking them in the pants.

I regret nothing.


And with one thing or another the winner of the Miss Fairy Tail contest happened to be Erza with Lucy crying losing her rent money.

But otherwise, a normal time at the guild –

Before I could finish my line of thoughts Macao called me out about someone searching for me specifically, "Hey Silva there's someone who wants to make a personal request!"

Is it not too much trouble to have some oh?

Turning around wondering who requested me I was pleasantly surprised to see Simon with my eyes widening as I responded, "Okay Macao who's the client that – Oh? Hey, Simon, haven't seen you since the Fantasia."

Simon nodded as he asked me a question causing me to raise an eyebrow at his personal request, "From what I hear you are the only one who could help me in this request with your Magic Tool. I'm hoping if it's not too much trouble to request your assistance."


[The quest is generated!]


Side Quest: Family Reunion

Description: Simon Mikazuchi has requested [THE GAMER] to help search where his sister Kagura Mikazuchi was last located or knows her whereabouts are located.

Objective: Help Simon reunite with his sister Kagura.

Rewards: Lacrima of the Warrior, and Wado Ichimoji.

Failure: The Mikazuchi family disappointment.

[Accept: Y] or [Deny: N]


Mentally raising an eyebrow at this I took the job offered while talking to Simon about the request in a curious tone, "Interesting… not that I would deny Simon but out of curiosity's sake how come you ask for me about this request?"

What he replied next caught me by surprise as Simon calmly replied leaving me genuinely stumped by his response, "Actually I came to discuss this with Erza but then asked to recommend me to you. She has quite a high opinion of you managing very difficult requests. But if not she would use her own contacts to help the search."


Makes sense.

So that's how he went to me huh?

Have to say I'm a bit embarrassed Erza recommended this to me but what can I say she isn't wrong?

His so fortunate I happen to have two items that are extremely useful to search for someone very effectively.

But I can't show it here though, too many eyes for my liking.

Agreeing to his request or at least trying I responded to him in a hushed tone getting his attention towards me, "Very well then. I'll accept the request since Erza asked you to find me. Hopefully, I might have the solution but no promises, okay?"

Simon agreed as I led him away from the main guild building.


Returning to my apartment Simon raised his eyebrow in a curious tone gazing at my room with a curious tone, "Interesting place… why couldn't we done this back at your guild?"

Taking out from my <Requip > was Rongo Rongo and my newest addition the Millennium Ring replying to him in a serious tone, "Simple. I like to keep my Magic Tools away from prying eyes but these two would do the trick. Although I should go ahead and explain while you hold the Millennium Ring."

Doing as I requested holding the Millennium Ring as I opened Rongo Rongo of the world map of Fiore I went ahead and explained to Simon, "Okay first things first what you're holding is a Magic tool called the Millennium Ring will help you find whatever the user is seeking with the bongs acting like a compass. You simply need to desire seeking out your little sister and the bongs arrows will show us where with Rongo Rongo showing the map."

He looked at me skeptical about the power of the Millennium Ring before responding in hesitation about using it, "Are you positive?"

I merely leaned my back to the wall as I responded in a neutral tone about my method of finding his sister, "It works trust me on that much. Erza wouldn't have sent you to me if I couldn't but this is the only method I have I'm afraid… unless you don't want to find your sister?"

His stare hardened in my direction before sighing taking in a deep breath wanting to see his sister again.


The Millennium Ring responded glowing in a yellow light as Simon's eyes widened briefly seeing the bongs point towards a location on the map with me smiling, "See Simon old boy? And you had doubt in the power of my Ring. Now then where does it say…"

Gloating a bit impressed how effective my item worked I saw where it pointed at a place as I read out loud, "Huh? Seems like it points to Lupinus Town. And from looks of it a legal guild in fact."

Simon sees it as well as the Lupinus Town map showing the bongs pointing towards the guild building belonging to none other than the future top Guilds Mermaid Heel.

Smirking at this I seem to recall that Mermaid Heel is known as an all-female guild, with the entirety of its shown members being females.


[Side Quest <Family Reunion> Completed!]

[Lacrima of the Warrior added to your <Requip >!]

[Wado Ichimonji added to your <Requip >!]

Feeling content at this Simon does a semi-bow helping him find his sister's last known location in a humble tone, "Thank you very much, Silva!! With this, I'm one step closer to finding Kagura!! If there is anything you wish to ask of me in the future I won't hesitate showing me such a lead!!"

I merely chuckled with the big man and let him go so that we could discuss things more later once he found his little sis.

Hopefully, things will prove to be good for him.


~Kagura M. POV~


How long has it been searching for big bro…

It has been 16 years as long as I can remember ever since I was luckily saved in the events of the kidnapping that occurred in Rosemary Village so long ago by the very girl with red hair like scarlet, they scorned only to be saved by her.

Since then, I only relied on my choices making it this far.

Ever since the child hunt ended with me wandering around from place to place to find Simon I was founded by the Guild Mistress in Mermaid Heel eventually joining their guild once the Mistress found my laten Magic Potential.

She was shocked but helped me out.

Kind and caring although very sexist to men. When I explained my situation to her she was understanding and helped train me with other members honing my skills. With the hope of honing my skills, I would gain enough strength to start searching for him.

With my will, I will find him someday.



Practicing the sword style of the <Style of the Undrawn Long Sword> best suits me practicing the forms used to fight effectively.

Combine that with my <Gravity Magic> I can be quite the dangerous person. Dangerous but powerful.

Hopefully strong like the proclaimed Fairy Tail Wizards with my Guild Mistress saying she potential to best even Fairy Tail's Erza Scarlet skills in a few years but also rival the rising star newbie in the Guild with her.

I personally don't see much difference in my eyes. He has weak Magic Power thus is weak but somehow managed to land the finishing blow to the previous Wizard Saint and the latest news which I ignore.

Such things are a hindrance to my efforts in getting stronger. They may be obstacles in my way in my path to finding my brother.

"Hey Kagura-chan!!!"

Overhearing one of the guild members that a chubby woman with tan skin. Her attire contains Polynesian elements. She has black, curly hair, sporting a plain beige headband. She wears a necklace of animal teeth, a dark blue loincloth with a white finish that bears the crest of Mermaid Heel right at its center, and a short blue top, which leaves her large belly hanging out when at a larger weight. Her arms are adorned with brown fringed sleeves attached by maroon bands. She also wears sandals that tie around her ankles and slip onto her feet.

Her name is Risely Law someone near my age only older by 1 year yells at me while I reply in a neutral tone, "Risely you know I'm busy practicing? Did the Guild Mistress tell you to get me for something or a job that required my attention?"

She shook her head as she pointed to a man entering the Guild with sweat from running here in a surprised tone, "No! The guy you want to search for… your big bro that was separated from you is here!! He's called Simon Mikazuchi telling me only something you both would know… he said something about always giving you your favorite apples or tucking you to sleep with good blankets along with working in a tavern taking the trouble when you ate a customer's food…"

My eyes widened when I heard the news as I turned around to see my proclaimed brother…

He looks different but his voice…

By god his voice I wouldn't mistake it…

My eyes began to tear up listening to my big bro after such a long time apart as he spoke to me in a gentle tone, "Sorry for leaving you alone for such a long time Kagura-chan… I hope you won't beat up your older brother too much for missing you grow up."


Hugging him and recognizing him I couldn't help but hiccup slightly with me processing all of this occurring saying in incoherent words, "Y-You is really here… you're not leaving-g again right… I got stronger to be sure… are you really –"

Feeling a tap on my head rubbing me affectionally with a kindness that only my brother could give returning my hug, "I promise… this time I won't be leaving for a long while little sis. This time I'm here to stay."


After that, I broke down crying all day learning that my brother had finally returned. Reunited again to be a family once more…

I won't let him go.

Never and no one would separate us ever again.

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