

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). An old path has closed and a new one takes its place with a new Player in the unknown world of Earthland a land filled with Magic. In this world were Magic is supreme and dangers of all kinds lie in every corner of this world to crazy cultist, powerful dark wizards, demons, immortal dark lords, and a overpowered Dragon that nullifies everything? How will Silva Knights handle such threats that he has come to call Earthland his new home with the experimented abilities of [THE GAMER] from the previous user.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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210 Chs

Chapter 103: Laxus’s POV

Chapter 103: Laxus's POV

~Laxus D. POV~

[October 7, X784]


That's best to describe the current state of the guild after that show of a performance they've been doing.

What makes matters worse is that everyone is laughing at our guild and these knuckleheads don't care they're ruining the guild name.

OUR guild name.

All they care about is doing their own shit not taking care of our guild's power and reputation…

Clearly, the old man lost it with the latest events unfolding here. Even Phantom Lord trash has the gull to enter our guild even inviting the guy who destroyed it within our ranks that's a disgrace!!!!

Every single one in the guild is filled with weaklings and crybabies who don't know how to take care of themselves or care about their own strengths!!

At the very least the newbie despite being a weakling is trying to become stronger than everyone in that measly guild they're in.

Those kinds of people don't deserve to be in Fairy Tail. Fairy Tail should be at the top as it should be without any trash filtering the place.


Their weakness sickens me to my stomach. No one tries to improve or get serious on the job.

They are all busy having fun and enjoy damaging our Guilds name in the process. They shouldn't deserve that right even in teams they were weaklings.

The weak should obey the strong…

If the weak want something they have to offer something to the strong in return. And yet small fries all around think they can do as they please…

To make matters worse guild members that are older get beaten and the younger members are too weak not focusing on improving themselves.

The only few I can count on my hand that try to improve that newbie that has been getting a lot of attention is that Silva bastard.

His someone ideal to have and works hard to become stronger when his still a weakling. But a weakling worth some say considering out of everyone in the guild he focuses on getting stronger.

Even managed to pull a win with Mira regaining her Magic Power again while no one could. That deserves some recognition finally moving on with her life.

Still, it bothers me that people are not giving Fairy Tail the respect we deserve being the strongest Wizard Guild in Fiore if only those fools would get their shit together.

Walking down the streets doing a job I couldn't help but be annoyed at listening to a tavern nearby called the King Bar overhearing a conversation discussing our guild causing me to frown at dissatisfaction.

I merely overhear their conversation about our guild while entering the establishment with a cold expression written all over my face.



"Take a look at this!!"


"Take a look at this!"

"Those idiots at Fairy Tail have no class!!!"

"It baffles me why they have any kind of reputation at all!!"

"Why would a guild have a swimming pool?"

"It doesn't make any sense!!!"

"Look at this guy! A real wimp!!!"


Stepping forward towards the scum that would dare mock my home I 'politely' asked in a neutral tone getting their immediate attention, "And what seems to be funny about MY guild you lowlife fools…"

Their eyes soon directed towards me as I saw the color drain from them immediately recognizing me for who I am for my power.

That's the kind of recognition that our guild needs not the trash stunts they pull bringing down our reputation as the top guild in Fiore.


"H-He's Laxus from Fairy Tail!!"


"What's he doing in a boondocks tavern like this?!"




"P-Please forgive us!!!!"


There that's more like it.

With them running between their legs I saw the newest Sorcerer Weekly magazine about our guild as I couldn't hold my snort of disgust for what the old man is doing annoyed by his antics disgracing the guild name, "Way to drag the Guild ass through the mud, old man!



Listening to the sounds of clapping from a large man whose face resembles that of a monkey, with very prominent ears. He has an Afro, which bears his guild stamp, paired with similar sideburns, and sports gold teeth with a goatee, along with a pair of wavy sunglasses. His body is round, with slim limbs, and seems to be covered in hair, as seen from his hairy hands and upper chest.

The idiot was clapping while having the gull of talking to me as if were equals in an arrogant tone not befitting him, "Heeeey!! Gyahahaha!!! That's a VIP for you! Can send people scurrying with just a glare!!! It makes me tingly inside! So, you're supposed to be Master Makarov's grandkid? You got into the guild, how? A favor from Granddaddy huh? How pathetic!"

Glaring at the man for even connecting me to my old man with the barkeep and everyone else afraid of this nobody introducing the name Zatô, "Don't worry Dallas! I could pick fights with anybody from that useless guild, and your bar wouldn't get a scratch."

Voicing out my open thoughts about the weakling in a neutral tone, "Zatô? Never heard of you."

This idiot clearly wants a fight then I'll give him one freebie before he experiences the massive difference between power and letting the idiot dribble on, "Yeah? Sure! I work in the shadows and keep my jobs private! I don't get pictures plastered all over magazines like some idiots!"

Being called an idiot and labeled with those weaklings I couldn't help but reply to the fool making me angry greatly ignoring the shivering barkeeper, "I see you feel like dying. Do you want some help?"




Releasing minor Magic Power of my Lightening Magic sparks showing around only for the fool to be overly arrogant of his display of Magic, "Gyahaaaa!!!! The one going outside will be you and you alone!!!"






Blasting me with his Magical Pressure that was strike one ignoring the people escaping placing my hand coursing with my Lightening Magic passing through the ground while the fool speaks his final breath, "Gyahahaha!! Like I said Fairy Tail is full of wimps!!! Maybe I'll just go out hunting for the big, jugged fairies or that bounty on that wimp – Hm?"





"… from the ground!!"



Finishing off the fool who wanted to throw down getting struck by my lightning only with the weaklings cry out in shock taking out the trash.

Truly this world is filled with idiots and weaklings alike.


I can't stand it any longer!!!

Gritting my teeth slowly standing up with veins popping out expressing my frustration no longer quelled with the old man's tactics any longer voicing out my thoughts, "I can't stand it! Just when did you decide to make our guild a laughingstock old man!!!"




Venting my frustration in the form of my lightening as I begin to leave this town I can no longer stand aside while the old man ruins the guild any longer!

Those weaklings are ruining the guild each passing day and that crap with Phantom Lord or any other guild bad-mouthing ours don't have the right to disrespect the strongest guild in Fiore.

Something must be done…

There aren't a lot of candidates for when the Guild finally passes over leaving me as the only possible person to oversee the guild when my old man hands over the rights to me.

I need to do something about it.

With the Fantasia Parade a week away I need to take care of the old man and make Fairy Tail great again.

Best to get the Thunder Tribe to make it happen. With Fried's Magic along with Evergreen's, we could stop the powerhouses of the Guild thus effectively making the weak members force to fight the strong and get stomped out.


Grinning at the thought of finally eliminating them Fairy Tail would become great again. Getting rid of the previous S-Class with the Thunder Tribe will guarantee the remaining powers by proving themselves taking care of everyone.

Still, it had to be that day when I made my stand huh?

Might as well be on the day on Fantasia where I announce myself be the new Guild Master of Fairy Tail that will be a great day.

No matter.

I will make Fairy Tail great again.

Eliminate the weak only the strong shall prevail within the Guild…


When Fairy Tail finally becomes mine I will be sure to make it great again with new people stronger people joining our ranks.

By then it will become the ideal Fairy Tail in the past with people respecting us and not treating us like dirt or disrespect.


There's no way anyone would stop me!

Not Natsu!

Not Gray!

Not even Erza!

No one can beat me even with Gildarts gone he would be too late!

No one can defeat me when everything is said and done with!

For I'm the strongest!!

I will make Fairy Tail great again!!