
fairy tail, Dragon Takeover

A man reincarnates into fairy tail only to be rushed into slavery. How will he deal with the new world with his magic? Found image on google.

Juipt · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 12

It changed to something else due to it not working with the plot that i wrote; mb



Tiamat and I were fully rested and started the journey back to the guild. It was about a 4-5 day trip for merchants or normal people but if we moved at a steady pace for ourselves, we should arrive there in about 2-3 days. 

I felt weird. I felt my skin heat up from time to time. I knew I had to suppress the dragon soul soon.

Tiamat was also sore from the encounter. But she was still alive enough to complete the journey to the guild. She had some burn marks along her wings and body. They were not going to stay as scars but they probably stay there for a few days.

Tiamat flew in the air as I hopped from tree to tree, and sometimes ran on the ground. I knew we had to hurry back to the guild since we were suppose to do a guild mission with other guilds to remove a dark guild. 

But at the pace that we were going and the dragon soul that is trying to go rampant in my body, it might take us longer to reach the guild. This will result in us missing or not makin it in time for the fight. 

"Yo Tiamat." I said to the flying lizard in the sky, who upon hearing me turned their head. "Mind letting me fly so I can suppress the soul?"

"Yeah sure." Tiamat responded shortly as they grabbed me with their talons. Once I was safely grabbed, I let myself fall into my consciousness. 


I breathed in and out as I entered my consciousness. I felt as if I was flowing into a fire. It was hot and it coated my being.

The feeling stopped as I opened my eyes to see Tilia fighting with the magma dragon. Their clashes echoed as they fought.

"Welcome to the fight, Ernest. It would be great if we suppressed his spirit fast since if you haven't noticed, HE IS BURNING MY FOREST!" Tilia screamed as the magma dragon laid waste to the surroundings. Proving that this would not be a very easy fight.

I quickly formed wings as I took flight. "Yeah don't worry, we got this and your forest will be back to normal." I say to Tilia to calm her.

But I had to avoid a stray blast of magma. The form of the dragon melted into the ground.

"RAAAAAAA!" It voiced its fury as I and to fly around magma balls as if they were bullets. 'They had no reason to be that fast' I thought as the magma shot out as fast as bullets.

Deciding to finally take the attacking position, I launched a roar at the gaping holes that were the eyes of the dragon. 

"BOOM" The magma around the eye spewed as it reformed the socket. The attack having shown no trace of damage. 'Fuck, this thing might be stronger than I thought.' 

I had to once again fly around avoiding beams and blasts of magma that were aimed for me. It was increasing harder to avoid the magma.

But Tilia came in. "TAKE THIS!" She shouted with rage as she used her tail to slice off the dragons arm. 

The magma again spewed out to reform the limb but it took longer. Deciding to act on that I launched a fairy's clap which created multiple holes along the body of the dragon. Instead of reforming those holes, it reformed the limb then it began to reform the body.

"We need to do a lot of AOE damage to suppress it!" Tilia called out as she began to spin at a rapid pace.

Taking that as a sign, I copied the spell. 

"FAIRY DRAGON, TWISTER OF RAGE!" We shouted as our bodies became hurricanes that rushed towards the dragon.


I was on Tilia's back as we watched the destruction of the spells. The dragon was almost completely destroyed. 

But with a roar of fury, the magma dragon exploded. Spreading magma and destruction all around. A last ditch effort to destroy me and my consciousness.

Lucky we dodged the magma due to Tilia's experience in battle. The last ditch effort sent fire everywhere, this was causing the forest to slowly burn down. And judging from Tila's expression, she was pissed off.

"Fairy dragon, soft rain!" This spell caused a large to small AOE rain effect that heals and restores people and items. I casted this on a larger scale which covered most of the forest. The soft drizzle of rain brought the fire to a stop.

The soft rain graced my body. I felt cooler but sadly the effect didn't effect me as much as it would have effected others. This was one downside to the spell that I casted but the other side effects won't effect the environment. 

I felt my mana slowly drain, like water flowing down a stream. It was steady but slow. I know that it would reach about 50 or 60% of my total mana before it stops. I don't have a lot of mastery on supporting magic. I know I am dumb but I never thought of them as useful. I did learn 2 of the 4 support spells out of just wanting to know them.

But after this, I am 100% going to master the spells to the upmost potential. Tilia nods, knowing that I would train the spells. She had been responsibly for the forest. Little creatures such as deer, rabbits, snakes, etc now live in the forest due to her magic creating them. 

She told me that this was normal for take over magics that don't suppress or steal the powers. If the use comes to an agreement with the soul, they will gain more power but will have a roommate in their subconsciousness. 

A pretty good idea if you ask me. I felt myself slowly drift into the real world once more. I slowly opened my eyes as my ears took in the sound.

"This is bad, Ernest!" Tiamat's voice rang out after I opened my eyes. They widen as I see what was following us.


Just wanted to post a that Axew will be the pokemon for the fic but didn't want to make another waste of space chapter. So I decided on making a chapter and just tell you that the winner of the vote will be Axew. 

The first chapter will come out along side pjo one tmw.
