
Fairy Tail: Djinn Take Over [COMPLETED]

An otaku dies because he saves someone from the Legendary Truck-kun. He gets the wish come true of all the otakus out there.... I don't own fairy tail neither the cover...

TNT_Subho99 · Anime & Comics
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120 Chs

Attack on Capital (I)

A/N: The poll was really a close call but option A)God won the poll. The readers who voted for B)Human with skills don't mind it much. Everyone please at least give it a try when I start my new fanfic. That's all guys... Thanks for all the support. Now that's all for now... let's continue with the chapter.


Erza: Is that all you had?? Pretty pathetic if I have to say.

E.Erza's face turned red with rage and fury, she was never humiliated like this in all her life. Everyone pissed their pants when everyone faced her and now her own counterpart was humiliating her. What even scandalized her more was her counterpart was Fairy Tail's Guild Master, it was almost like that fate was mocking her.

E.Erza: When I will be done with you, you will be begging for mercy...

Erza: Then don't just stay there and attack me... Cana, Ultear do you want to fight the other two??

Cana: Yeah... even though they are pathetic, I want an opponent...

Ultear: Same with me...

Both Cana and Ultear disappeared and appeared beside Byro and Huges respectively and they grabbed them before they could even turn their heads and disappeared.

E.Erza: What the hell did you do with them??!!!

Erza: Nothing as of now... (Erza appeared in front of E.Erza in a blink of an eye) but soon will be on the ground.

E.Erza was caught off-guard by Erza's raw speed and was unable to back away or defend herself in time. Erza punched her counterpart hard in her stomach. E.Erza was blown away and collided with a tree. The punch was so strong that the tree got uprooted from the ground because of the force of impact and E.Erza was imbedded within the truck.

E.Erza opened her eyes and everything was completely blurred, she tried to get up but spat out a mouthful of blood and somehow stood up wobbly. E.Erza couldn't even stand straight after she stood up. She gritted her teeth, it was clear to her that she wasn't even a match for her counterpart. Erza was slowly walking towards her counterpart, which E.Erza noticed and her spear changed into Explosion form and attacked Erza.

Erza pulled out a sword and parried the blow, a huge explosion happened but Erza walked out of the smoke cloud unscathed and swiped her sword vertically over E.Erza. E.Erza saw the sword coming downwards and brought her spear to guard but the blow was so strong that a small crater formed beneath E.Erza and she dropped on her knees.

Erza: It is clear that you aren't a match for me... Do you have anything more to show me??

E.Erza knew that her counterpart was mocking her but there was nothing she could do against her. Her only option left was her strongest spear. E.Erza gritted her teeth and backed away from the small crater. She transformed her spear into its final form Ravelt. She immediately charged towards Erza using Ravelt Shocking Spear. Erza saw the attack coming and sidestepped dodging the attack and punched E.Erza hard on her face. A crunching sound filled the air and E.Erza dropped on the ground grabbing her now broken nose.

E.Erza was rolling on the ground in pain and forgot her spear, Erza picked up the spear and started to check it out. She started to thrusting the spear and transforming its form.

Erza: Vaccum Spear.

A strong vacuum erupted from the spear and obliterated everything in front of them. When Erza used the attack E.Erza was brought out of her pain and saw Erza using her spear. Pure terror and despair filled E.Erza's mind since her spear was responding to her opponent. When she saw how much the Vacuum Spear caused, she was again scared and mortified.

Erza: This is a nice Spear... but you are not strong enough to use it to full potential.

Erza grabbed the spear and laid it down beside E.Erza and started to walk away. E.Erza was shocked again to see her opponent's action.

E.Erza: Arent you going to kill me?? I lost to you utterly. Why aren't you taking my spear?

Erza: Honestly you aren't worth my time and I was slightly intrigued with your spear but that too isn't worth my time.

After saying this line Erza disappeared if anyone would hear what Erza said they would call her cruel but she didn't need to be nice to her counterpart who killed innocents just for fun. E.Erza laid there on the ground defeated and humiliated. She wasn't even worth killing, there was nothing more humiliating than that.

Erza was walking back to the guild when Cana and Ultear appeared beside her.

Cana: So how long did you take??

Erza: 3 blows.

Ultear: Tch... you are lucky. Mine was knocked out in just one punch.

Cana: Same with mine.

They opened the guild door and entered and saw that everyone was waiting for them and there was a tense atmosphere within the guild.

Axel: So how was the fight??

Ultear: That wasn't a fight... it was like I was bullying a toddler, same with Erza and Cana.

The whole guild was shocked to hear that, how strong were the members of Earthland's Fairy Tail?? All of them could only imagine.

Axel: So now that is done with... so Mira do you want to stay or come with us??

Mira was catching up with her small sister while Natsu was also sitting beside them and Wendy was talking with different guild members.

Mira: I think I will stay here.

Natsu: Where are you guys going??

Ur: The rest of our guild members are in the capitol. We are going to attack the capital.

Every other guild members were completely shocked when they heard that. But it was different with significant members of Edolas Fairy Tail like E.Lucy, E.Levy, E.Juvia.

E.Lucy: If you guys truly defeated Erza Knightwalker that easily attacking the capital won't be too hard for you. But let us support you.

E.Levy: Yes... let us come with you.

Irene: No... that place is going to change into a battlefield and for your own safety, you shouldn't come with us.

They didn't want to stay behind but they reluctantly nodded their heads.

Axel: Natsu, Wendy stay with them, both of you cant use Magic here so you guys cant help us.

Natsu wanted to refute but he remembered his own powerlessness then he reluctantly nodded.

Axel kissed Mira goodbye and left the guild building to head towards the Capitol.

Cana: So guys how are we going to do this??

Irene: I am not much of a stealth person.

Axel/Erza: Neither am I.

Ultear: I have stealth... I will free our guildmates while you guys wreak havoc to cause distraction.

Everyone: Works with me...

All of them rose in the air and flew towards the capital in blinding speed.