
Fairy Tail : COLD HEART (ENG)

A reboot of Gray Fullbuster's story, Deliora's attack certainly took the lives of Gray's loved ones but also gave him an accidental gift that will make him the most powerful of mages. Gone was Natsu's so-called rival whose fights were rubbish and whose psychology was far from a boy who lost so much in life. No power of friendship and its power will have a completely logical cause in relation to its universe. English is not my first language and I don't have an editor so there will certainly be vocabulary or spelling mistakes. I wish you a good reading and I thank you for the edifying remarks in the comments if there are things to improve in my writing or my narration.

The3Entities · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

chapter 4 : Fairy Tail

As soon as he returned, Gray went straight to Ul's chalet where he rested, he was happy to be back home.

He then went to pay his respects at his parents' grave and then in front of Deliora's ice prison to honor his master's sacrifice.

He stayed there for a month where he trained and began studying the great ancient grimoire. The book was quite thick and divided into two parts which dealt with two magics.

The first part dealt with the magic of runes, glyphs and enchantments using ancient and particularly powerful symbols.

It was a version of Fried Justin's magic from the Laxus team but much more powerful and complex, the language used dates back to very ancient magics.

Gray started reading the book slowly to understand things for sure, Ul had always asked him to take his time to analyze every detail meticulously and that's what he was going to do.

Two months later, behind the chalet we could hear sounds of a fight and Gray was facing an Ice Knight who wielded an ice sword just like Gray who used a short sword made of ice.

The knight was obviously a creation of Gray with a conscience and on the back of his head, you could see a glyph flickering.

Gray had advanced in leaps and bounds in his learning of enchantment magic, he had created a glyph in which he could store memory, it was in fact a fusion between a glyph and his memory magic.

In the glyph on the back of the knight's head, Gray had imprinted the memories of the skills of the holy sword knight Alexei.

This ice knight in front of Gray was blessed with terrifying swordsmanship abilities and it was him that Gray was fighting against now.

They blocked and parried each other's attacks with the difference that Gray seemed to be having a lot of trouble, he was sweating a lot and we could see some slight scars on his body made by cuts from the ice swords in addition to the big scars he had from his injuries when Deliora attacked his village.

If he seemed in difficulty, it was not for nothing. On Gray's back, there were runes engraved in a circle shape that were actually a weight seal that applied a 400-pound load to Gray.

When he extracted the memory of the holy knights, he not only took the combat skills but also the effective physical training methods.

He could use physical enhancement magic like that used for elite Rusian soldiers and whose power depended on the level of understanding coupled with training, but it was still magic all the same.

However, Gray had wondered what he should do against an opponent who could cancel magic or against whom magic would be ineffective.

Improving basic physical prowess was key because Gray did not want to rely 100% on magic like Ul who had also composed difficult physical training before teaching him magic.

She used to tell him that a powerful mage was a mage who didn't have to show off his magic.

They fought until completely exhausted, Gray decided to stop the fight to go take a bath and eat something then meditate and fall asleep, the best part of his training.

Very quickly, the money given by Ivan was almost empty and it was now a matter of Gray finding a guild, earning enough to survive and figuring out how to bring his beloved master back to his side.

Magnolia was the closest major city and it was also home to the most popular guild in the entire kingdom, Fairy Tail.

It was said that Makarov the master of this guild was very powerful, old and with a lot of knowledge so the next day, he prepared some things before traveling to Magnolia.

His arrival there was quite quick since he knew how to fly thanks to his ice creations and he did not immediately look for the guild but the large store of weapons and magical objects.

This store called "the enchanted cave" was very famous and belonged to the most famous enchanter in the kingdom, Rufus Machine.

Gray entered the department store where he saw several salespeople near the merchandise according to categories.

He inquired a little and discovered that the enchanted cave was similar to a guild, that all the vendors were actually enchanters, blacksmiths and alchemists.

He asked to see Rufus for a rather special purchase and that made the employees laugh who took him to a workshop where Rufus was working as a simple worker because the man was simple by nature.

Surprised that it was going so well, Gray approached the muscular old man who was working but before he even said anything, Rufus sharply asked him to be quiet and wait patiently for him to finish his work. .

For Gray, the situation was ideal because he could finally fulfill his main objective here, copying Rufus' memories to benefit from his skills and that's what he did for about an hour before leaving, telling Rufus that He didn't want to disturb him any further because he was still hard at work.

He returned to the sellers where he bought a fairly old enchanted short sword of average quality and a sheath to store it, the enchantment of the sword allowed its user to be able to control it at a very short distance by Telekinesis and this gave him cost 130,000 jewels, it was still quite expensive and he had almost nothing left even if Ivan had been very generous.

Using intel, Gray was able to locate Fairy Tail in the city and began to make his way towards the guild, he was walking calmly enjoying an apple when he heard a girl's scream.



He was immediately hit by someone who even dropped his apple, he looked calmly at the person and saw a young boy the same age as him with pink hair, a white scarf with scales and a blue cat hanging on his shoulder, it was Natsu.

There was also a slightly younger girl behind with silver hair, it was Lisanna.


Gray: You're the one who pushed me, idiot.


Gray: Go back and learn to walk and run, you'll be doing everyone a favor.

Natsu: YOU...!

Lisanna: That's enough Natsu, he's right too. You pushed him...

"We're sorry..." She said bowing while forcing Natsu to do the same. When they raised their heads, Gray was in the exact same posture but in his boxers.

"KYAA!" » Lisanna shouted covering her face with her hands, surprising even Gray himself as Natsu got angry again.

Gray: Why is she screaming like that all of a sudden?

Natsu: You pervert! You must be sick to undress like that in front of people...

"What?! (Looks at his clothes on the floor) Shit!! Master, look what you did to me..." Gray complained as he got dressed again.

Natsu wanted to bark at him again but he stopped when he saw the scars on Gray's body, when he asked him why he had so many scars, Lisanna couldn't help but look out of curiosity and that 'surprised.

Gray got dressed and told them it wasn't important before speaking to Lisanna.

Gray: Sorry for my bad habit, I do this unconsciously very often because of my training. You seem like a nice girl and very intelligent, you should stop hanging out with this kind of delinquent...

Lisanna: Uh...?

 « Hey ! Are you calling me a delinquant ?! » Natsu said poignantly to Gray but in a quick maneuver from Gray , Natsu rolled in the void before falling while his head was down and his legs were up in the void.

It was a takedown technique from the holy knight of the fists whose technique consisted of using the weight and strength of the enemy against himself and Gray had just performed it on Natsu.

Gray: (to Natsu) Don't touch me.

Lisanna + Happy: NATSU!!

Gray: This cat talks?!!!

"Bastard, what did you just do?!" YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!!! » Natsu tried to attack with a flaming fist but Gray simply shifted his head to dodge it before countering with a blow to the lower abdomen.

"You...bastard..." Natsu said painfully before collapsing but Gray caught him and carried him on his shoulder.

Lisanna: STOP…

Happy: What do you want to do to him?!

Gray: I went a little hard with my last shot, I can't leave him like that in the street. Do you know a place where he can sleep peacefully?!

Lisanna and Happy looked at each other strangely, they didn't expect Gray to do that.

Happy: There's the guild!

Gray: The guild?! Which guild are you talking about?

Lisanna: We are Fairy Tail mages.

They showed off their guild tattoos and he noticed the same one on Natsu's shoulder.

Gray: I was just planning to go there. Please guide me there so we can seat your friend.

Happy: Haye!

They made their way to the guild and once there, when the others saw an unknown boy carrying the unconscious Natsu, there was commotion and worry.

Wakaba: NATSU?!

Macao: What happened to this kid again?!

Mirajane: LISANA! Are you doing well…

Gray: I'm sorry, I knocked him out!



Happy: He's so cool and he knocked out Natsu in one shot!

"In one shot!!!?" 

Wakaba: Aren't you supposed to be Natsu's friend?!

 « And I may know why you attacked one of ours ?! » Erza came over and looked Gray fiercely in the eyes.

Mirajane: Yeah, that's my line.

Erza: Shut up, goth girl.

Mirajane: She wants to fight the can?!

They started to fight, even forgetting about Gray who seriously wondered where he was until Makarov came to calm all the commotion.

Makarov: Who are you my child and why did you attack a member of my guild?

Lisanna: Master, he didn't attack Natsu...

Makarov: Uh?!

Lisanna: He was walking quietly down the street looking for the guild, it was Natsu who bumped into him and was aggressive without wanting to apologize. He only defended himself and after knocking out Natsu, he carried him to ask us to show him a safe place to leave him.


"He's a cool kid."

"I recognize Natsu and his brutality there"

Makarov: Thank you Lisanna. (looks at Gray) A member of my guild attacked you and you were kind. I ask you for forgiveness for my guild and also for Natsu, you will have compensation. What would you like ?! (sweats) Money?!

Gray: Actually, I would like to join the guild. I have no one and I need something to support myself. I met them when I came here for that…

Makarov: Would you like to join Fairy Tail?! What are your skills?! Are you a mage?

Gray: I can use body enhancement magic and I'm pretty good at fencing, for example. I also managed to easily beat one of your-(interrupted)

Makarov: It'll be fine, it'll be fine! You're welcome to the guild, another talented kid will be good. You will officially belong to the guild after receiving your tattoo and Macao will take care of it after evaluating you.

Macao: I'm the one who will take care of evaluating your level kid, I hope I won't be disappointed. I have the ideal mission for your evaluation by the way ahahahah

Gray: It's whenever you want, we'll get started when you're ready.

"Ahahahah, that's the spirit. » Macao said smiling just like Wakaba and the others.