
Fairy Tail: Cherry Blossoms

An unfortunate incident befalls a young boy, but he is now given a chance to live a new life. ---- CURRENTLY BEING REVISED. NO NEW CHAPTERS. He does little to change the canon... He will not have a harem... He journeys to find himself... Please know that I'm new to writing and do this for fun. I'm a complete amateur. I stg... This is going to be the only system ff or novel I write. Writing a person's status is so tedious... Any authors feel the same? *I do not own Fairy Tail and its characters ...only my OC. *The Cover art is not mine.

HeyHiHell0 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 12: Pichu vs Cubellios

-=+=-(General POV)-=+=-

A man and a woman can be seen lazing around in the middle of a forest. The woman's face expressed boredom, however, the man looked extremely worried while he was typing and looking over multiple screens.

Lucy: "Why are am I here again?" she asks in annoyance

Hibiki: "Well we are the weakest of the group... so I decided to stay here and make a camp. My Archive Magic can make me gather information and talk to the rest if problems occur or the operation of rescuing Wendy was a success."

Lucy had a distraught look on her face due to being called weak. "Can we at least talk? It's boring just sitting here." she sounded aggrieved.

Hibiki: "Sorry, I've been worried due to not being able to contact anyone besides Kaden and Natsu." He then looked at her and smiled at her. He seemed to be twinkling.

"What would you like to talk about?" he asked playfully.

Lucy: "Well what's Kaden like? I've met him before all this, but I haven't talked to him much."

Hibiki: "Ah! You have fallen into his charms too?" he gives Lucy a teasing smirk. He didn't care because he admires Kaden. He has seen how he'd do nothing and still win a woman's heart.

Lucy: "What? No! I just want to know about him because he looked super strong earlier. He might be stronger than Erza!" a little flustered but her tone was serious.

Hibiki: "Well he is indeed really strong, and although he hasn't stayed in Blue Pegasus for that long. He was a person who we quickly admired. When we went to missions he'd sweep everything without a scratch!" he says in a matter of fact tone.

Lucy: "Really?! He has never gotten hurt?" she expressed doubt on her face.

Hibiki: "Well there was this one time when we were trying to subjugate a demon that was terrorizing a village..." he shivered in fear.

Lucy became instantly curious due to Hibiki trembling in fear. "What happened?"

Hibiki: "We were looking for the demon in the forest, and Eve was of course asking Kaden many questions. The demon snuck up and attacked us!"

Lucy: "That's when he got injured?"

Hibiki: "Nope! Kaden cut it down with his sword before it even laid a finger on us!" he said proudly.

Lucy: "What? Did another demon appear and doesn't he use Wind Magic?"

Hibiki: "Wrong again! The demon exploded! Also, Kaden is a master of using a sword too!"

Lucy: "The demon exploded?! How badly hurt was he?"

Hibiki: "His whole arm was blown off! However, it quickly healed back and the look on his face..." he shivered.

Lucy: "Healed?! How is that less scary than the look on his face!"

Hibiki: "Well he said it was because he has a strong self-healing magic.

His face looked like he was in ecstasy and that huge tent..." he mumbled the last part and Lucy couldn't hear it. His face was in despair as if he lost something.

Lucy: "Tent?... Wait did you just say he is a masochist?!" her mouth agape, she was in shock.

Hibiki didn't answer back and he was still mumbling something.

His pride was lost that day.

-=+=- (Pichu POV) -=+=-

Around me were very big trees. I was alone and before me stood a big purple snake. I wasn't afraid because I knew daddy would come to rescue me.

We were separated because of that bad guy. He attacked daddy while that red hair lady stood there in shock from seeing a man with blue hair and weird red markings on his face.

I can still find daddy because of [Bond], so I wasn't worried. Though this big snake is annoying.

I tried talking to it but it lunged at me for no reason. I got excited because now I would have to fight.

"Piiichuuu!" [Thunder Shock]! I closed my eyes, discharging the energy in my body to attack it. It did absolutely nothing! I felt grieved because I shocked myself too. Everything started spinning.

I didn't want to use [Thunder] because it would make me sleep, and daddy said I should only use it when I'm with him.

I noticed the big snake opening his mouth again and lunge at me. I panic a little and barely dodged to the side as its mouth snaps closed from where I used to stand.

An idea came and I used [Sweet Kiss]. Assaulting the big snake with a bunch of hearts. The big snake's eyes turned red and hit itself. I was extremely happy and started cheering.

Though it didn't last long and now the big snake was really angry. It was only slightly wounded and I instantly became distraught.

I didn't back down and immediately ran towards it. It tried to eat me again but I swiftly jumped up and landed on its head.


I tickled the big snake and it started laughing. It was an ugly laugh and it disturbed me to the point of wanting to stop.

I didn't stop, as I was scared that it would attack me if I did. I tickled it non-stop, and I noticed that the sounds of laughter stopped. It suddenly stopped moving, so I moved away and stared at it. The big snake was sleeping.

I was mad because it was my first fight alone. The opponent thought I was so weak that the battle was boring!

I wanted to beat the big snake up! [Play Rough].

I started biting, scratching, punching, and kicking. I wanted the snake to wake up and fight me.

My admiration for daddy was because he would take down his opponent as if they were bugs! How dare this big snake think I was weak!

Its scales were a little mushy and I could easily wound it. I was at first confused but I realized the reason was [Tickle]. It lowered the opponent's defense and physical attacks.

I was full of pride even though I didn't plan for it.

I left the snake that was wounded and asleep. Suddenly a big pillar of light could be seen when I looked up. It gave me a foreboding feeling.

I was scared because I could feel daddy close to it when I was using [Bond]. I decided to quickly run to him.

Before I could reach him that big snake appeared in front of me again. I was shocked because it had wings and it was flying! It was extremely angry as it let out its hisses.


[Thunder Shock], but it missed. The big snake easily dodged it, It hurled its long tail to attack me, and I quickly ran away. The ground around me was cracked and I lost my footing and tripped. I was too dizzy to move again.

I kept releasing [Thunder Shock], as I missed every single move. I was scared and extremely dizzy.

The big snake went in for a bite. I couldn't move, as I was paralyzed from fear. My moves didn't land and I was tired from using them.

The big snake's mouth became bigger in my eyes, and suddenly my vision went black.


Anyone who saw the scene would think it was horrifying. A big snake that had black purple wings similar to a bat's and its long body was stretched to the ground.

In its mouth was the cute yellow mouse's head. The small yellow body dangled and swayed, as the snake lifted its head to the sky. Poison was secreting from its fangs, and there was no resistance.

The snake was confused as it didn't taste any blood. The body suddenly turned into blue particles.


-=+=- [To be Continued...]-=+=-