
Fairy Tail: Cherry Blossoms

An unfortunate incident befalls a young boy, but he is now given a chance to live a new life. ---- CURRENTLY BEING REVISED. NO NEW CHAPTERS. He does little to change the canon... He will not have a harem... He journeys to find himself... Please know that I'm new to writing and do this for fun. I'm a complete amateur. I stg... This is going to be the only system ff or novel I write. Writing a person's status is so tedious... Any authors feel the same? *I do not own Fairy Tail and its characters ...only my OC. *The Cover art is not mine.

HeyHiHell0 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Announcement: Undergone Revision

I haven't uploaded a chapter for months. The reason is that... I look back and see details that aren't up to my satisfaction. I rushed it, and now I regret not adding more chapters that explained certain things or adding a few more details. I've learned and now I so badly want to fix it. I don't know how long it will take me to revise my FF.

In the beginning, when I wrote the prologue there wasn't a backstory for the MC or anything. Nothing was planned. I'm actually surprised and grateful many of you support my FF and like it! For that, I'd like to say, Thank you very much! I was just writing pure wish fulfillment and I winged it. This was my very first FF I've written and I learned a lot!

Some of the things the MC did, didn't make any sense. Also, some things were left out.


- On Ch.2... [Ding! Binding completed! Nice to meet you host! You have 1 notification! Please claim x1 Beginners Pack!]

"You have 1 notification!" Can you guess what this means? Usually, it's "Ding!..." followed by learned something or quest...

I was supposed to add something here but left it out because I brain fried while writing the chapter and his stats. I thought I would explain during the 7-year time skip transition, but that was too far into the novel and it would be dumb.

Anyway... I'm not going to point out all the things that went wrong. I just hope you understand why I want to revise it so badly. I said the arc is for Kaden's development, but I missed out on all that development when he was a kid.

Things you will look forward to when I finish my revision...

- No more side chapters.

- No more flashbacks. I'm going to incorporate the backstory of the MC , the flashbacks will be compressed into one chapter. ONE! You won't get tired of it! Well... there will be hints dotted around, but it's not much since his story is explained pretty early.

-Status Window at the end of every chapter something new happens.

- Character Development, expect more slice of life.

- A sorta new plot...

- Fixed grammar?. . I'll try.

- Longer? & New Chapters!

I know it might be a bit boring rereading the FF again when it's revised. Since you might know what's to come. However, there's a reason for this. Some important details will be added and I really hope the reader can catch them. Also, it's going to be a totally new story... kinda. I'm not going to stay with plot anymore though. The background as you read, will be the same kinda...

Some parts will be the same and some will be changed and added to. I planned to make longer chapters, but I needed time. So my plan was to finish up to some arcs to work as a buffer.

Know that this FF has a tragedy tag, so expect-. . that's a spoiler. I might not let the story go into that sort of stuff. Emphasis on might. . . but if it does I'm hoping you understand. People might complain... I just want to tell an interesting story.

There will be changes to my uploads. I plan to write out the whole arc and everything before and after it. What I mean is. . . I want to write it out and not upload it until it's finished. Now you may ask, "Why?!" I think it'd be smoother this way and it's just something I want to try.

Smoother, as in I can edit and fix grammar mistakes, and add on if I think there needs to be more or something is missing without having the reader's lovable comments disappear. It also makes it easier to remind me of minor details I had written and won't be repeated again in the next or few chapters after. If it works, it works. If it doesn't. . . I don't want to go into that. Just know that it'd be daily uploads and when it stops all of a sudden is the point where it could be a month or more to see more chapters. In the end it's just going to be a mass release that's better... quality?

Finally I'd love to announce that... IT'S going to be out NOT SOON and will be under a new title. Why? Well I'd love to just look back on my work, and so... the readers can say how terrible this novel was compared to the REMASTERED version... or vice versa.

This isn't dropped! I'm just trying to make it better. Here is part of the revised version of the prologue.


The sky was covered by grey clouds, the wind whistled about, the leaves rustled, and the green grass swayed. There stood a young man that looked about 16-17 years old with average features. In front of a grave laid an artificial cherry blossom branch. There was no one but him there, he stood alone. He couldn't muster any tears for this person, for he has mourned enough times that it has run dry.

patter... patter... patter...

Water started pouring down and onto the young boy. It was raining but he still stood there before the grave. His eyes looked empty, dull as if the light was taken away from them. The depressing atmosphere never went away. The young boy looked up into the sky, as the rain soaked his entire being. He wasn't crying but the rain made it look like it; though, he was grieving inside, as he couldn't move on from the person buried 6ft. under.

rumble... rumble... rumble...

The clouds got noisier and noisier, as there was something brewing.

rumble... rumble... rumble...

The young boy felt there was something amiss, but it was too late.

BOOM!... thud!

Revised (Know that I haven't done any grammar checks. Sorry...):

A young man stood tall, but his head was lowered. He was in the presence of a couple graves. No one knew how long he stood there, nor did anybody care. His attire was drenched, and it swayed from the vicious wind. Drops of water fell from the gray sky; his ears filled with the sound of water hitting the ground.

Pitter Patter… Pitter Patter…

The man's face was pale, and his black hair was disheveled. His eyes were red and puffy, and one could tell he cried. The blue irises were dull and lost their luster. His hands balled into a fist.

He fell to his knees and started screaming at the sky. His voice was drowned out by the unyielding rain. His eyes trembled, as if wanting to release more tears, but they couldn't. Fists continuously slammed into the muddy ground; his entire being was shaking.

His bottled emotions poured out like a broken faucet. The tight grip and aching feeling in his chest, the pain consuming his hands, couldn't distinguish his rage. He didn't want to accept reality. He wanted to deny everything that happened. So he cursed the unfairness of this world in his head.

The gray clouds were rumbling, and it gradually grew louder. The young man's attention was defocused. He continued venting out, as anger and despair consumed him. He didn't know how long it had been; however, the weather only got worse. He stood up with a hunched back; his hands that were covered in old scars were bloodied.

His glassy eyes looked up. The last thing he saw was a bright light that engulfed his vision.

Boom!... Thud!...

The young man's charred body collapsed to the ground.